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Ibn Abbas (radiyAllahu ‘anhu) said:
Mention your brother when he is absent in the way you would love to be mentioned by him! Forgive him as you would love to be forgiven by him!
[as-Samt of Ibn Abi ad-Dunya (rahimahullah), 114]
But my brothers, who claim to have Iman, have forgotten me.
"A brother recounts his initial time in prison: 'The first week passed quite quickly as one never knew what to expect. From the second week, it looked completely different. Every day the same. Alone in a narrow cell. Separated from the family, the brothers, the loved ones. One starts to become depressed. I think every prisoner had this phase at the beginning, but what's important is to fight against the Shaytan until one conquers it. Slowly, I understood that from now on, I had to get used to this situation, whether I wanted to or not. A month had already passed, and I wondered if anyone out there thought of me. If my brothers had planned when they would visit me, if they had already dropped a letter in the mailbox. I even calculated how long it would roughly take until I received it.
Time passed and passed. There was nothing. After a while, I saw that there was mail for me. That moment... I can't describe it. Words cannot describe that moment. Had Abu X or Abu Y written, or maybe Abu Z? I opened the letter and saw that it was from my (biological) brothers. They didn't write much, but that didn't matter to me. There's actually someone who hasn't forgotten me, someone out there who thinks of me and wants to cheer me up. I would like to describe this joy in my heart. But has anyone ever described something perfect?
A few days later, it became clear to me that my biological brothers, who are not Muslims, hadn't forgotten me. But my brothers, who claim to have Iman, have forgotten me. Can this be true? Weren't they the ones who constantly spoke about Tawhid? Who claimed to be loyal to the Muslims? Is this the Manhaj according to the methodology of the Prophet?
In some countries, noble Muwahidun free the prisoners, and is it too much to ask for 1-2 lines from them to write to me? Questions upon questions...
Suddenly, I remembered a conversation between two inmates. They spoke about how besides their wives and children, no one else wrote to them - not even their own parents. One said to the other, 'Brother, look, everyone will forget you. It will be as if you never existed.'
Once again, I recognized the Ni'amah of Islam. I had certainty that I wouldn't be forgotten because our Aqidah is clear. We are firm towards the unbelievers but merciful to the believers. I believed in Allah azza wa jall, who wouldn't forget me, and His faithful servants, or so I thought. Because Allah says, the believers are indeed brothers.
So where were my brothers now?
'May Allah cause everyone who has forgotten the prisoners, to be forgotten.' Know that the Du'a of an oppressed person goes directly to Allah azza wa jall. May Allah not forget us - just as we have forgotten them.'"
- Copied
???????? The US has received intelligence that Iranian leaders were surprised by the Hamas attack on Israel, casting doubt on rumors of Iranian involvement.
This was reported by the New York Times, citing officials.
According to intelligence reports, key Iranian officials were unaware of the impending attack.
The United States, Israel and key regional allies found no evidence that Iran directly helped plan the attack, according to U.S. officials and another Middle East official.
Taxi booking exchange:
“Hello, I am in a Niqab, don’t be scared please.”
“Hello, let the kuffar get scared”
"No matter how many problems we have, the only goal for all Muslims is to save Jerusalem. Therefore, the war in Chechnya does not distract us from the responsibility of Jerusalem.”
Shamil Abu Idris, may Allah accept him.
"Sending blessings upon the Prophet ﷺ is among the greatest causes for expiation of sins and relief from worries. As found in Al-Musnad, from the narration of Abu Talha, the Messenger of Allah ﷺ said: 'Whoever sends one blessing upon me, Allah sends ten blessings upon him, removes ten sins from him, and raises him ten levels.'"
? Al-Maghribiya
By Sheikh Abdulaziz Al-Tarifi.
Imam Raghib (رحمه الله) said:
“Every community whose men are deprived of gheerah will also be deprived of the chastity of the women of that community.”
? "Az-Zari'a", 347
“Mama wanted us to be people of strength and resilience in our Īmān. She wanted us to know that the Kuffār and us were different, not just subtly, but emphatically. She wanted us to be defined by this difference and for us to strongly proclaim it and claim it with pride. She took measures that other people deemed as extreme, just to root our identity in our hearts and to cement the hatred of Shirk and the Mushrikīn in it.
A very minor example, but one that was insanely effective and difficult upon us as children, was the case with holiday candy (like that given out for Halloween or Christmas) that we would receive from school. Mama told us that the food and candy that we received in celebration of these Shirki holidays were not befitting for a Muslim to eat nor was it Halāl, as that would be acceptance of and taking part in their festivals. When we would come home from school, she would ask us if we got any candy. We would answer truthfully that we had. After that, she would open the trashcan and have each one of us dump our candy one by one into it, with our own hands. This was something very difficult for us and it would tug at our hearts, as children love sweets and can’t resist the urge to eat them as soon as possible. Mama knew that, which is why she made us do it with our own hands. She would lovingly encourage us, saying “Go on child, you know Allāh hates these holidays, so how could we show acceptance by eating their celebratory foods?” And we would muster up our Īmān and strength and dump it as fast as possible, ignoring the pain in our hearts, grimacing internally, and turning our faces away. The feeling afterward was indescribable, we felt like angels, with Īmān firm as mountains.
Allāh سبحانه وتعالى says:
لَن تَنَالُوا۟ ٱلْبِرَّ حَتَّىٰ تُنفِقُوا۟ مِمَّا تُحِبُّونَ ۚ وَمَا تُنفِقُوا۟ مِن شَىْءٍۢ فَإِنَّ ٱللَّهَ بِهِ عَلِيمٌۭ
Never will you attain piety until you spend [in the way of Allāh] from that which you love. And whatever you spend - indeed, Allāh is Knowing of it.
Although we weren’t spending what we loved in Allah’s cause, it gave us satisfaction to know that we were getting rid of something that we loved in Allah’s cause.
Allāh also says:
وَيُطْعِمُونَ ٱلطَّعَامَ عَلَىٰ حُبِّهِۦ
And they give food in spite of love for it…
Again, although we weren’t feeding the poor, orphans, or the captives, we definitely knew we were giving food away despite our love for it. After this, she would praise us and tell us how proud she was of us. She would ask us how we felt, and we would respond honestly, saying we felt happy that Allāh was happy with us, but we still missed the candy. She didn’t let us feel that way for long however, as most of the time she had cooked us one of our favorite meals that day, and then she would later go out and buy us double the amount of candy to put our hearts at ease.
However, first, she wanted us to experience the difficulty of sacrificing for Allāh, and to overcome the hesitancy WITHOUT being promised any return or reward (the replacement candy in this case). After we had done it on our own accord, out of love for Allāh and fear of Him, then she would reward us unexpectedly.
Small gestures like these really serve to teach big lessons to little children that they can implement for more important matters later in life. Yes, it may sound like a silly little example of the deep and noble concept of Sacrificing for Allāh, but you have to teach children on a level they understand and a level that affects them personally. For a child, giving up your home and wealth for Allāh’s sake doesn’t sound like such a big deal, but throwing your perfectly good, favorite candies in the bin definitely is. Mama knew that, and she didn’t want us to have any reserves in instantly giving up things that Allāh سبحانه وتعالى didn’t like.
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Last updated 1 month, 1 week ago