The Faith Of the Fathers

A father in the faith, following the Father of the faith, learning from the fathers of the faith and raising children to father other children in the faith.
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1 week ago

"Big News!"

Mike Lindell met with President Trump today at the White House.... stay tuned for progress on several fronts, including election reform and Tina Peters!

1 week, 1 day ago

“Our enemy isn't nearly as concerned about our popularity as he is with our level of purity. I don't think he looks at anyone’s celebrity social media status and “shudders” with fear…but I do believe he greatly fears undivided devotion and purity of heart.” —Jeremy Riddle

Indeed. Satan offered Jesus popularity in place of dominion (See Luke 4:6-7). Satan doesn't mind popular “christians” whose real god is money, fame, or pleasure. Satan only fears Christians who take up their cross and follow Jesus.

1 week, 2 days ago

This is is so wicked👇

8 months ago

“You were dead in your offenses and sins! That was the road you used to travel, keeping in step with this world’s “present age”; in step, too, with the ruler of the power of the air, the spirit that is, even now, at work among people whose lives consist of disobeying God.”
Ephesians 2:2 NTFE
(emphasis mine)

The Apostle Paul says that it is a spirit that is at work among people who disobey God. Is it only a spirit at work in our sins? Is our sin the devil’s fault? Of course not. If that were the case, it wouldn't be “our” sin! But evil spirits ARE, in Biblical fact, at work in our disobedience. Get rid of the evil spirits, and you will have much more victory over the sinful appetites in your flesh.

8 months ago

Sarah’s story

Sarah was up late because her babysitter was negligent. At only three years of age, Sarah didn't know enough to put herself to bed. The babysitter was watching a movie filled with horror and violence. Sarah took it all in. Mentally exhausted from her busy toddler day, Sarah had virtually no defenses against the stream of horror from the television. She finally fell asleep on the floor as the shouts and screams faded into the background of her mind. Eventually, Sarah was placed on a couch and continued to sleep until the early morning hours when she woke up screaming from a nightmare. Now, several times a week, Sarah wakes up screaming. She is afraid of the dark, fearful of sudden noises, and scared of strangers. Sarah is generally fearful. You could say that a general disposition of fear always accompanies her. She has lived with this fear ever since that night.

Whose fault is it that Sarah is afraid? Is Sarah’s flesh the culprit? Should Sarah have been stronger to resist the fear? Should Sarah have been wiser than to watch the television? Should Sarah be expected to distinguish between television and reality? Why is Sarah struggling? Whose fault is it? What is causing it? We can say that it was the baby sister’s fault that the little girl was traumatized, but can the babysitter now remove the trauma? It seems that whatever was coming through the television somehow got in the child, and the responsible adult is ill-equipped to remove it.

Now, I ask you, is it right to blame Sarah’s fear on her flesh? What is the source of the fear driving Sarah’s behavior? Why is it so hard for some people to recognize or admit that a spirit of fear is active inside Sarah?

Spirits/demons are real. Jesus gave us power and authority to drive out evil spirits. When the Church becomes obedient to Jesus’ command to cast out devils, the landscape of the American Church will radically change for the better.

“It is for freedom that Christ has set us free.” Galatians 5:1

8 months ago

I am very pleased to announce the release of a new album of new and old scripture choruses and original melodies to inspire and encourage your journey with Jesus!

Give a listen and share it with a friend!

8 months, 1 week ago

Adoption & Authority

When children are adopted, there are special considerations to be made. The first thing to remember, once again, is that the spirit world works according to human authority rules. When adoption is official on earth, it is official in heaven. And from the time it is official, the new parents have the right to assert their authority over the child.
But the fact that the child is under new authority does not automatically cancel whatever rights the enemy may have had over the child. And the circumstances that led the biological parents to give up their rights to the child often mean enemy spirits have rights over the youngster. *A child conceived through rape, adultery, or violence, for example, or carried in the womb in a situation of abuse, unwantedness, mixed emotions, contemplation of abortion, or abandonment is sure to be demonized.

—Charles Kraft “I give you authority”
page 213

*The same thing can be said for marriage. When you live together but without legally getting married, you are not married. The enemy has the legal right to harass you because you are in unwarranted territory according to God’s law.

**The circumstances of our birth, whether we are adopted or not, are a major player in our need for deliverance. Everyone needs a measure of deliverance because sin has touched us all. When you consider not just your sin but the sins committed against you by parents, peers, teachers, pastors, priests, neighbors, etc., you will begin to see your need for deliverance.

Nothing really changes. Humans have always been the same. In Jesus’ ministry, He preached the Gospel, healed the sick, and cast out demons wherever He went. We can do no less because the need is no less great.

8 months, 1 week ago

If Jesus cast out demons, who are we to think we can disciple people without doing the same?

8 months, 1 week ago

Demons are like cancer or termites, a force beneath the surface that steals life and destroys infrastructure. If demons go unaddressed, they slowly but surely subvert the life and effectiveness of their hosts. Many Christians are deconstructed and backslidden today because demons were left unaddressed, and they multiplied and spread their corruption until the faith of their host was shipwrecked.

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