
Wahrheit. Liebe. Kunst. Schreiben.
Truth. Love. Art. Writings.

For unconditional energy balance
Für den bedingungslosen Energieausgleich:

Danke von Herzen 💜
Thank you 💜

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Last updated 2 months, 3 weeks ago

Offizieller Kanal von Eva Herman - Nur diese beiden Kanäle sind ein Projekt von uns:

sowie bei Odysee unter

Last updated 3 weeks, 4 days ago
Krissy Rieger Offizieller Kanal für YouTube-Videos Krypto-Streams, Kontoverwaltung und Investmentprogramme.

Last updated 1 month, 3 weeks ago

6 days, 13 hours ago

A little message for you 💜
Don't be afraid to use your voice. You have your own beliefs, your own views, and your own knowledge.
Stand up for it and use your voice. Others don't have to like it, but that's how you stay, you and stand rock solid behind you.
Your authenticity speaks volumes and will always lead you on the right path.
Others will also see and feel this, and thus you will attract exactly the people who should be with you.
Don't be afraid if others then move away. This is for your good.


6 days, 14 hours ago

Your inner self is as multifaceted as a mosaic, and thus you.
You may think you're simple or even inconsequential, boring, like everyone else.
You're completely wrong.
You are very special.
You're not from here, dear starlet.
You know that you have different abilities that only you can use the way you use them.
No one can do that like you.
No one is like you.
Never forget who you really are and trust yourself, your abilities, and yours.
You are needed here and you can change everything here.
Please also don't forget that there are many of us.
You are not aLLone. 💜


6 days, 17 hours ago

If you're already hanging, does it always have to be upside down?

You could also just chill out in the hammock and enjoy the moment...

1 week, 6 days ago

Wir sind wieder bei 444 ihr Lieben.😇💜🪽
Das scheint so die Zahl die Zahl zu sein. Wie schön!
Jedesmal wenn ich es bemerke, teile ich das. Das kommt echt öfter vor in letzter Zeit.😅☺️

Heute flog eine Feder zu mir runter, als ich draußen war. 🪽😇
Danke liebe Engel und Vögel.

Habt einen wunderschönen Abend.

We are back at 444 dear ones. 😇💜🪽
That seems to be the number, the number. How beautiful!
Every time I notice it, I share it.
That really happens more often lately. 😅☺️
Today a feather flew down to me when I was outside. 🪽😇
Thank you dear angels and birds.

Have a wonderful evening.


1 week, 6 days ago

All your experiences, no matter how painful they were, have made you the beautiful person you are today...

Be proud of yourself in every way...
Every challenge, every tear and every lesson has shaped you and made you stronger...

Your experiences, good or bad, are the building blocks of your unique story...

Remind yourself that it's not the setbacks that define you, but the way you get back up and move on...

You are a wonderful person who has grown from all these moments...

Be proud of yourself... 🦋🫶🏻😘 @AnimaLibera13

1 week, 6 days ago

Manchmal scheint es schlimmer als es ist.
Manchmal spielt der Kopf uns Streiche und wenn wir uns darauf einlassen, wird es nur schlimmer für uns, weil wir daran glauben.
Achte immer darauf das du es ändern kannst. Reaktionen liegen in deiner Hand.
Du kannst es ändern. Und wenn du es Mal nicht ändern kannst, was bringt es dir dann dich damit fertig zu machen?

Sometimes it seems worse than it is.
Sometimes the head plays tricks on us and if we get involved, it only gets worse for us because we believe in it.
Always make sure that you can change it. Reactions are in your hands.
You can change it. And if you can't change it, what's the point of getting used to it?


3 months ago

That's how strong, and much stronger they really are. The dear angels. 🪽*
When it comes down to it, they are always at your side and fight like lions at your side. They also have a very gentle nature and calm you down, hug you, are there for you.
This picture speaks more than a thousand words. That's why I'll leave it at that. Only yesterday they performed miracles again.
This post goes out to gratitude for their wonderful deeds.
I love you.
You are quite magical, my dear angels. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.


3 months ago

Healthy love exists. Don't forget that.

It's not like on TV... with a lot of drama that supposedly has to be like this, deceit, lies, hard, heavy...

Real, healthy love is unconditional, that's where it starts. It has no preconditions such as appearance or money.

It is a soul connection, infinite at times. It's work, but it's worth it. It is growing and thriving together.

It is natural and genuine, and contributes to your well-being, and does not drain you.


3 months ago

Lasst euch nicht beirren. Da draußen geht viel ab und sie Zielen auf euch. Aber euer Schutz ist stärker, ihr seid stärker. Vergesst das nicht.
Nehmt euch Zeit falls euer Körper und Geist das anzeigen, und ruht euch aus bei einer Tasse Tee vielleicht...😌

Alles Liebe. 🌻

Don't let yourselves be deterred. There's a lot going on out there and they're targeting you. But your protection is stronger, you are stronger. Don't forget that. Take your time if your body and mind indicate it, and rest with a cup of tea perhaps... 😌

All the best. 🌻

3 months, 1 week ago

Und so ist es...!!!
Danke von Herzen 💜☺️


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Das ist Markus Krall!
Trading Coach, Investor & Marketing Experte. Für großartige Krypto-Deals und Investitionsmöglichkeiten.

Last updated 2 months, 3 weeks ago

Offizieller Kanal von Eva Herman - Nur diese beiden Kanäle sind ein Projekt von uns:

sowie bei Odysee unter

Last updated 3 weeks, 4 days ago
Krissy Rieger Offizieller Kanal für YouTube-Videos Krypto-Streams, Kontoverwaltung und Investmentprogramme.

Last updated 1 month, 3 weeks ago