Such is Articulation

From a man to thee.

Child of: @su_ch_is_life
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Spin, Attack, Raid friends and Build on your way to an Empire.
Collect Coins and Stars for Airdrop! @robincoin_bot

Last updated 1 month, 2 weeks ago

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*Important Note* :



2 months ago

የሸንበቆሽ ምስጢር

ድምፅሽ ይሰማ ዘንድ፣
እንዲያርፍ ስል ከፅድ፣
ሳይበገር በእስር፣
ሳይበግር ውስጥሽን፤
ሰበርኩ ቤትሽን።

/ምዕራፍ ፩/
ስጦታቸው ለኔ፣
መቆያ ሆኖኛል፤
እኔን ቢያግቱኝም፣
ሐር ከነጥለት፣
ወይም ለዝማሬ፣
ዋሽንት ይሰጡኛል።

ጊዜ ያለስራ፣
በዝቶ አለኝና፣
ጨርቃቸውን ዳስሼ፣
ገላዬ ላይ ለብሼ፣
በጣቶቼ ጥምር፣
ትንፋሼን ገትቼ፣
ዋሸንቱን ስጫወት፣
ጊዜ ይጓዝልኛል፣
ነፍሴ ይቀልልኛል፤
የጣራው ግድግዳ፣
ቀለምም ይፈካል፣
መርዛማው አየርም፣
ለጊዜው ይጥማል።

/ምዕራፍ ፪/
ዛሬ ግን ሳማትር፣
ዛሬ ያለዘወትር፣
ስጦታቸው ለኔ፣
ነበርሽ አንቺ በእስር፤
የተመሳሌቴ ጥግ
የስቃዬ ግብር
ነገር ግን
ነገር ግን
ስጦታዬ የለሽም
አለሽ በድብርትም
ያለ ጥለት ወይ ሐር፣
ያለዋሽንት ቅኝት፣
በብረት ባለ ድር።

/ምዕራፍ ፫/
ምላሼ ነው የኔ፣
ስራቸውን ልሰብር፣
ልከዳ ድብርቴን፣
ልበጥስ ጣራሽን፣
ላቃና ክንፍሽን፣
ከፈትኩ በርሽን፤
ምድርን ቆፍሬ፣
ከሸንበቆ እና ስር፣
አበጀሁ ጎጆሽን፣
አቃናው ኑሮሽን።

መች አውቄ ነበር፣
መች አውቄ ነበር፣
የዜማ ፍቅሬን፣
አስተውለው ቃኝተው፣
አጭተው ጎጆሽን፣
ዋሽንት ሊለግሱኝ፣
አዲሱን ቤትሽን፤
መሰወራቸውን ፣
ንፁህ ቅላፄሽን፤
ከእስር አውጥቼ፣
ሸኘውሽ ወደሞት፤
በሀዘን በፀፀት፣
ከምነፋው ዋሽንት፣
ከቅኝቴ ከስር፣
ሲስል እሰማለው፣
የማልጠግበው ዜማሸ፣
በስስ ሲመሰክር፣
የሸንበቆሽ ሚስጥር።

3 months, 3 weeks ago

This one is a bit long, but I've made it to include everything in my mind. Please, be free to share your thoughts.

Happy reading y'all

3 months, 3 weeks ago

I will address Inherited Power at another time, but for now, let's focus on Acquired Power. I have now changed my mind that not all power is coercive, so I'll rephrase to "All powerful positions are coercive". This is a necessary difference because mere power is temporary and volatile while a powerful position is more permanent and needs to be maintained.

In the race of obtaining power, every competitor starts powerless of the very thing they're attempting to be powerful at. But this does not necessarily create an equal playing field, as individuals may have different advantages—some possess more wealth, others more time, others more energy, and some greater willpower (which is very underrated btw). These assets vary, but in terms of the specific domain where people seek to gain power, everyone begins from a point of powerlessness.

Remember our first premise? An individual's journey of becoming powerful is signified by willful change through something hard. Every effort you make (planning, investing, sacrificing rest) is met with an opposing force (laziness, lack of experience, fatigue). To succeed, you must tip the balance in your favor. You must resist every reaction to your action. You're, in literary terms, going against a wave.

This tells me that acquiring power requires an individual to exert effort and force against every resistance they face. No exceptions. No excuses. Every hurdle needs to be jumped and every wall needs to be broken. If someone wants to acquire power they need to be assertive, sometimes even aggressive. Before you even have power, you need to have the potential to apply force. Applying force is a form of coercion.

Point me in the direction of someone powerful who does not have rules, and I'll gladly enter your ideal world. The second premise creates the need for rules, and also rewards or punishments for those who respect or break them. At the very least, power needs structure. At its core, power means the "the strongest influence". And so your influence and the order you enforce are strictly bonded. You need to force, manipulate and threaten the unruly and the chaotic. If you want to be Mother Theresa (who was a manipulator btw), your position will not be maintained.

Coercion isn't an objectively bad thing. It's a means to an end. It's a tool. It's a dangerous tool that needs to be utilized carefully; but it's a tool regardless. And a necessary one at that.

Part II

#power | #observation

5 months ago

I just want to take this moment to thank everyone who has subscribed to this channel. It's filled with text walls and the ramblings of an often wrong man. But your engagement is genuinely inspiring. You're people I'd want to hang out with bc we'll have phenomenal conversations. Y'all are cool and great articulators. Thank you for appreciating what I have to say, and for that, I greatly appreciate you back ?

5 months ago
5 months ago
7 months ago

ለድብርት ተፃፈ

ይድረስ ይህም ድርሰት
ስሸሸው ላገኘኝ
የአባቶቼ ውሰት

7 months, 2 weeks ago

የእነ ላሊበላን፣ የእነ ፋሲለደስ፣ የነ ደበረፅዮን፣
ትውፊትን አክብረው፣
ዘመን አልፏል ሳይሉ፣ ዘመን የፃፉበት፣
ዘመን ነው አድዋ፣
ትውፊት ነው አድዋ።

ዘመንህ ቢከብድ፣
ታልቅነት ቢቀር፣ ከአባቶችህ ምናብ፣ ከአያቶችህ ህይወት፣
አድዋን ተመልከት፣
ከቀዬ ጥል አልፈው፣ ሀገር ያቀኑበት።

7 months, 2 weeks ago

*: "What would I do without you?"

: "Search within yourself the will to survive."

: "I don't think I have it in me."

: "I think you do. I'm just a limb: not your movement. If I were to be cut off, you would crawl."*

#extract | #script

8 months, 3 weeks ago

Children Who Are Taught To Be Kind (their growth visualized in pseudo poetry) Scenario One I'm kind, so they'll be kind to me ... I'm kind, but why aren't they kind to me ... Oh... the world is not good ... I will not be kind, because they aren't kind to…

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Spin, Attack, Raid friends and Build on your way to an Empire.
Collect Coins and Stars for Airdrop! @robincoin_bot

Last updated 1 month, 2 weeks ago

My official channel for any news & announcements.

*Important Note* :