
Traveller of the night - TofN
I'll try my best, to write my best.
Even though it's a page dedicated to poems, shayari and prose but cats, flowers and memes may appear randomly.

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2 weeks, 2 days ago

The lamps that were blown out by the wind knew how crucial the air was for them to continue burning,
But people saw wind blew out the lamps and this was the talk of town.


2 weeks, 2 days ago

बुझे जितने चिराग हवा के झोंके से,
वो जानते हैं कितना जरूरी है उसका होना जलने में।
पर लोगों ने देखा था हवा से चिराग बुझते हुए,
बस उसी की खबर फैली थी बाजार भर में ।


2 weeks, 2 days ago

Sounds like a lot like me

3 months, 2 weeks ago

It takes a special kind of stupid to be me,
A human full of flaws.
So say..
I'm on top.
Pinnecale of creation?
Smartest creature in existence?
Oh really !!
Nah nah nahhh
I'm a specimen of special kind,
It takes many levels to be this refined,
Do I ?
Look I do.
Am I ?
I am for sure.
Takes a special kind of stupid to be me.
And I know .. you're human too, and I wish, none are like me. ❤️


3 months, 3 weeks ago

Oh hermits wake up,
The jungle is being cut down !!
Trees trampled, unrooted by the force of machines, by the operators of the same human-kind.

No kindness in those eyes, no remorse for the fallen nests.
Birds crying next to broken eggs and dead hatchlings.

Oh hermits wake up,
The jungle is being cut down !!
Animals shot, impaled with arrows.
Some are butchered and fed to the operator, hunter and other men....

Oh hermit, please wake up !!
Take up the rocks and axe in your hand..
At least stand there and raise your voice, maybe the gods show mercy to your cause.

3 months, 4 weeks ago
4 months ago

Cause if a child can say tasty to define his love for ice cream, doesn't mean those who can say delicious adore it more than that child

4 months ago

One more thing, the purpose of understanding love should be to love but not to define

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