💔❤️‍🔥Lesson Learned 💫💖💕

To experience bliss from within one must ✨️ face the fire 🔥, pain, broken 💔 heart & challenges.
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6 months, 2 weeks ago

Taking Care

During teen learn that one must help around the house.
Did I wanted to do no, only desire to play and avoid responsibility. Mother couldn't take care of 4 children by herself.

So had to learn to divide the work with Sister by using Rock, paper and scissors games as a way who get to pick the chores first and who ever loses will have to work that another didn't pick.

Did I learn to enjoy the house work back then no I didn't. As time when by started to enjoy making bed in hotels that father runs it.

When started to work learn how to organize office desk, organize files and organize store rooms. All was taught in fancy office not at home however all these skill came in handy in taking care of the home.

As time when by love watching documentary learn how to clean and let go of own personal things not hold on too it that cause my heart to get overwhelmed.

Became a mother learn to take care of a small angel baby. And had to learn how to take care of self at the same.

Never knew that one needed to take care of self also was living in an illusion that other will take care of me when I get old, witness seeing how elderly was being treated fear that outcome started to make change and want to take better care of self.

Taking care of self and other started to be fun for me cause I had to learn to see it as an exercise which will benefit my body in future and old age. However ppl constantly use word "it's hard work" when it come to taking care of self, house and our own needs.

Notice sickness come to those who neglect they own work and depend on housekeeper. When housekeeper go on holiday everyone panic and complain why?

Then learn all women have raise they men to be helpless and can't lift they finger to do even small task like: cracking they own eggs, cut they own fruits, and always have and excuses to pardon themselves from doing labor work themselves.

I notice housekeeper only get sick once a year and owner that don't want to do house work monthly get sick.

It's like living in real live horror movie except nobody notice all this. Am I the only one see this ??

Taking care of self should be fun:
Brush teeth
Wash face
Wash body
Wash hair
Wash our own underclothes
Make our bed
Clean our room
Wash our clothes
Dry our clothes
Iron our clothes
Cook our own meal
Grow our own food
Build our own home
Then once all organize it should be smooth flow and all work done before lunch. And lots of free time to do other stuff.
Why did we see taking care of self is hardwork that is really confusing to me.

Did our desire to be free and only play became so big that taking care of our need became hard and not fun.

I tell myself when ever other avoid or beg that someone else take care of them. I notice when do female role end or female responsibility end. Is there rules somewhere hidden that female have to only serve and be mother to all men.

What if one day I stop caring and only care for self need and enjoying taking care of self and neglect taking care of other grown adult needs would they have to rise up and do it themselves and listen to they complain ?

Should I learn to listen to they complain and let it sink in until I become numb of they complain and ignore and can't hear it anymore that they have to take care of themselves and they health start to become better cause they had to learn how to move and not be lazy.

Should taking care of self become fun that one start to help each other without being ask or request and want to help out on they own. Would we start to enjoy life more when everything is view as fun and good for our health.

6 months, 2 weeks ago

If you came with a warning label, what would it say?

8 months, 3 weeks ago

Exclusive vs Inclusive

Relationships and love are something many struggle with and constantly face conflict. How our trust is broken with our partner is based on how exclusive we are or how inclusive we are towards building a relationship.

Those who choose to be Inclusive meaning their body is open to everyone, not valuing themselves and spreading distrust in each individual person they meet. Slowly they are moving towards low self-esteem, lack of confidence, and not being valuable, cause of their own choice of being too inclusive to everyone no matter how honest they are to themselves and to the other person even if it's mutual. Inclusive are not into making a commitment only time past, want to enjoy the freedom of being irresponsible, not yet ready to grow up to be mature. Yet their own habits cause them to go into stress, unhappiness, addiction to smoking, addiction to drinking, and addiction to drugs because all those inclusive habits lead them towards being addicted to temporary joy which doesn't last long.

On the other hand, those who choose to be Exclusive meaning want to make a commitment and invest their time in just one person and their bodies are only open to the person they are really interested in. When your heart is committed to just one person and willing to be open and vulnerable with feeling safe and there is no fear of being caught or fear of cheating or fear of deceiving or fear of being used etc. When there is no fear and only Love is present then this union of a love relationship with honesty allows both to be elevated to a higher level of consciousness. Awaken the hormones of pure love, bliss, peace, compassion, kindness, unlimited joy, long-lasting contentment, and many more. Being Exclusive takes time, knowing the person, relying on the person during hard times, both committed to making investments of their time to be together no matter what obstacles come their way, and Respecting each other body by waiting when both are ready for the touch and being vulnerable in each other company, Both can trust each other with no doubt visiting in the minds. Such a union will always elevate each other and the people who are around them. They are free from drugs, free from addictions, free from attachment, free from controlling, free from depression, free from anxiety, free from wanting more, free from fear as they both will empower each other to face their fear with mindfulness.

What kind of Relationship do you want Exclusive or Inclusive?

9 months ago


I am learning that when I share a snack with my son I feel both are enjoying the snack.
However when I notice people share their pictures on their social media = what are they sharing?
I started to observe advertisements, News reporters and individual people sharing their personal pictures is it same.
I see no difference I observed my own behavior in the past why did I share my picture on social media = I came to the conclusion that I was trying to copy other people just to fit in with them so I would not feel left out of what they are trending become part of the group of people to feel belong. When I slowly stopped posting did people check on me = nobody did ?? So why was I posting to begin with ??‍♀️??‍♀️? silly me.
Then I have a question why do happy couples still have the desire to share their single picture on social media are they not getting attention from their own partner that is why they need to get attention from the public. Is everyone feeling insecure, and that is why they are sharing their own picture in public?

Sharing means caring ... so how does sharing their personal picture mean caring.
Doesn't it seem like advertising what they are doing with their time, where they are at, and what they are eating? Is everyone advertising themselves? Is everyone being their own news reporter about their own life to the public which one day can be used against them when crime happens or having proof of where they are and what they are doing?

What are your thoughts? will you be inspired to share your privacy with the public or keep it private? will you have less desire to share on social media and focus your attention on something you love doing? Keep in touch with others by being present and enjoying the present moment without the need to share with the whole world.

What does sharing mean to you all?

9 months ago


Why was women burn in the past ? Not cause they were witches or have power, it was cause many women who are attractive and men desire to have them which they couldn't so they burn them out of anger and pain.

Human doesn't like to be reminded of pain or anger cause of being refuse. Many men who were refuse by women whom they felt attracted towards. Burning them was the only way to feel powerful and not low self-esteem.

Killing or burning was the only way to remove the person from they site and not to be reminded of how someone have refuse them.

Personal view base on observations of understanding of human mind ✨️

9 months ago


Have you ever been Banned I have many times and this time the Banned is one full month. Turn out Telegram will take report of any individual seriously and will make sure the person will have no permission to text in any group. This is putting power in public hands if anyone dislikes you they can just report you and ban you from participating in groups.

It's like pushing the person into isolation just cause you have hurt my emotions and I shall report you so you can't share your post or ideas or lesson you learn with anyone anymore. I will not give you a chance to make some changes in other people's lives or influence others with your truthfulness.

I have a choice to get upset or see the bright side.
I tell myself I am getting vacation for one month while I have one month of vacation not allowed to share with anyone what I learned I can still share in the channel that I owned and groups I created. Sometimes negative thoughts do come saying what if the owner of the telegram banned you from the telegram itself then all that you share in the group and in the channel will be gone for good or will be deserted and all that I have shared will be gone like as if I didn't exist at all. This does make me feel a bit sad and wants to cry and yet I tell myself what if I am dead everything I share will also disappear as well so why cry or feel sad. Telegram owners will have the power of the channel and can keep it active or deactivate that is again their choice as well. However, I trust in the Divine in everyone so the Divine in them will 100% keep the channel active so others can still benefit from it.

One heart still says to always have backup plans just in case want to pass on the lesson to the next generation in Books.

Plus Point:
Can still share in the group that I am Admin. Am grateful that I am allowed to express and share my lesson freely in all those groups that have promoted me to be Admin, without you all I would feel and think "Am I useless" "Am I not needed anymore"

Negative thoughts like to visit when it knows that what the owner love is gone it will come to visit me to cause me pain with lots of whisper saying lots of things. It's like uninvited friend come to stay and doesn't want to leave. It just left cause it doesn't like to be expose.

How will you handle the situation when you are banned ?

9 months, 1 week ago

Today I learn that I was living in pain cause of my own habits of being an obedient person. When I obey others I cause myself pain. I noticed my son wasn't an obedient child he is a free thinker and did what he wanted to do being free I noticed why he didn't feel guilty when he wanted to do what he wanted and didn't feel fear at all nor did he get upset easily when being told to not do something when he still do it.

He is free from control. I didn't enjoy life when being in control so I was sure that I'd be a parent who didn't control him infect give him choices about what he needed to do first before he could do as he wished. I want to honor and respect his inner child which allow me to heal my own inner child as well.

I ask a question to my own inner child why doesn't my son feel uncomfortable, guilty, upset, or bad when one of the family members tells him not to go to his friend's house early in the morning. I got an answer that I was tamed to be an obedient child which is why at this adult age I constantly feel pain when I don't listen to others or obey others was constantly bombarded with hurtful words. I isolated myself from everyone cause I didn't feel safe in anyone's company cause I would be blamed for their emotions state, made fun of when being different, didn't know how to stand up for myself would allow others to say what they wanted to say and would just keep quiet. I would just move away from the person and keep a low profile to protect myself from an attack of words that come my way.

I felt so safe in my own company that I noticed others don't feel safe in their own company cause their inner voice must be really mean to them cause their words towards others are not kind at all. I didn't understand many things when I was around people whose words and actions didn't match. I understand other things very clearly when I am on my own.

Was being an obedient child cause me to want to kill myself, to begin with? I was putting other people's feelings above my own and thinking that for them to be happy all I needed to do was end my life since I was the cause of the pain that they constantly reminded me of. The power of the words "no" or "don't do this" to stop another person from doing what they wanted is like controlling and taming the person.

Is this the outcome of one person's desire to control others, causing the person to go into those feelings and then push the person down for having those feelings to begin with that later thorns started to rise up inside the person's heart.

Speaking your truth wasn't allowed, and Speaking my feelings wasn't allowed caused me to choose to be obedient toward the outside voice rather than being obedient to the inner voice which would be a different outcome altogether.

I was trapped in the world of outer voice command and broke free from it by starting to obey the inner voice command instead. Feeling guilt, bad, upset, anger, sadness, bitterness, and resentment all disappear just by obeying the inner voice of the heart. The mind that constantly talks to me in negative I would ask questions to see if my mind was right or wrong it was slowly changing from negative self-talk to positive self-talk.

Yesterday full day I didn't do anything, if anyone came to tell me you didn't do anything I was ready to be so honest that I wanted to see what they said or did to me luckily I was safe nobody questioned my actions or behavior. Speaking my truth is my safe space and comfort zone now even though am still living with people who constantly want me to obey them or want to control me I just speak my truth and they leave me alone cause I don't obey them. I feel free even in the place I used to not feel safe. I can feel the day that I will be able to walk out of this place having joy, and peace and the beginning of a new journey to a new place where I will get to be myself freely and there will be only freedom for me.

9 months, 2 weeks ago

How to Awaken the Love Within for Self and Others Easily

Allowing yourself to experience Pain without depending on medication to heal that pain.

When you use alcohol or drugs to suppress your pain you are stopping Love from coming your way.

Outside substances are just temporary relief from pain and the body experiences rotting pain that will slowly increase with time when not attended to by healing the wound that caused it by speaking the truth.

Releasing the pain is by talking it out alone if one fears being judged or when nobody is willing to listen to your pain.

Turn your pain into a Poem, Story, or art, or authentically share your pain by being vulnerable.

Personal Experience:
I allowed myself to be vulnerable with strangers some were kind enough to give me a safe space to share openly without judgment, and some took advantage of my vulnerability which taught me how to be brave and still be kind to them.

Trusting The Inner Voice of my Heart allowed me to be brave, bold, and courageous to face all challenges when interacting with another human being. We are not in a jungle to face animals now we are living in the human world where all the animals are locked up in cages so that we feel safe and still we are not safe cause fear has taken over our minds and constantly manipulates us to kill someone, take revenge on someone, hate someone, make a judgment on someone, ignore someone just to make one feel safe.

In the end, nobody is safe cause of their own doing by feeding and trusting the fear within their mind of assumptions. To awaken the love is to surrender to the fear by allowing to feel the pain, if one needs to cry go ahead and cry it out, if one needs to scream do it.

To Awaken the Love within is by releasing the pain and cleaning one own mind from the assumption by asking questions. If one doesn't get the true answer just observe people's actions and words to match if not you got your answer. When you learn from your pain you will automatically understand why people behave in such a way and why are ignoring other people's pain cause they have become so dependent on suppressing their own pain and ignoring it.

Those who ignore their own pain can't help those who are in pain. Only those who aren't afraid, to be honest, will be able to help others easily even while they are in pain themselves. Kindness only comes from those who have experienced extreme pain cause pain wouldn't allow them to be unkind to others cause pain is not a fun experience.

Everyone is being a mirror right now to you, would you be mean, unkind, rude, and hurtful to them cause what you give out will come back. Or are you brave enough to be kind, understanding, and patient with them even though knowing that they are easily provoked and tend to get defensive cause they are trapped in the mind of assumptions instead of trusting your words and listening to your words without adding their own assumption into it?

Are you willing to become a doctor when interacting with other human beings and really caring for them?
When someone says that you are the cause of my pain how would you respond would you get defensive or would you ask them "How did I hurt you I want to learn and if I couldn't be your way wouldn't it be better that you avoid me so you don't get hurt at all" will you be able to be brave enough to speak your truth and still be kind to them at the same time?

9 months, 2 weeks ago


Why do humans get scared to ask questions to clear their doubts and just go automatically into making an assumption?

Why do humans rely on making assumptions more than asking questions to find out the truth behind a person's point of view?

Is it more easy to just go into assumption rather than wanting to connect with another human being?

Is this what it looks like when one doesn't have the desire to connect and just live in the world of making their own assumption?

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