White West

Documenting the animalistic nature of Nons, in contrast to the Humanistic White man.

The West was built by Whites and for Whites alone.
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2 years, 5 months ago
Excluding USA, all gained independence within …

Excluding USA, all gained independence within the last 100 years.

2 years, 5 months ago
Say Her Name

Say Her Name

Update: It has been confirmed that one of the victims murdered during the #Memphis mass shooting spree by suspect Ezekiel Kelly is a nurse named Allison Parker. She was shot dead in front of her daughter during a carjacking.

These people are beasts and not one bit human

2 years, 5 months ago
***??******??*** David Rothschild of the notorious …

???? David Rothschild of the notorious Rothschild banking family welcomed news of the Queen's death as a chance for Scotland to declare independence and join the EU, and make Harry and Meghan Markle co-monarchs.

? @European_Insider | ? Retweet

2 years, 5 months ago

It’s very illuminating to see so many black people on Twitter and other social media platforms celebrating the death of the Queen and claiming that they want to dance on her grave.
When Queen Elizabeth II was born in 1926 London was almost completely white, it was a homogenous city that represented the indigenous people of the British Isles. By 2022, the year of her death White Britons were a minority in London, the city had been claimed by migrants and its character, culture and the daily life of its residents had totally changed, becoming foreign in many ways.
Queen Elizabeth never made any protestations against these changes, in fact, on multiple occasions, she welcomed them and even told White Britons to embrace them.
Yet now, in the aftermath of her passing, the people she watched colonise London, the people she welcomed into Britain, the people who she smiled upon and told White Britons to accept, many of them are celebrating her death, condemning her and wishing the vilest things upon both her and her family.
I think there’s a lesson to be learned somewhere here…

2 years, 5 months ago

Tucker Carlson: "Queen Elizabeth II was the last living link to a truly Great Britain."

"To this day, Britain claims to have 'won' both of the 20th Century's world wars, but together they destroyed that nation forever. After 'victory' came humiliation."

The last living link to a world we could only dream of.

2 years, 5 months ago

What happened to Australia's world renown and thriving industry?

They took Australian money, gave it to South East Asia for free, to industrialize those nations so that they could compete globally with our industries for pennies on the dollar, until today where all manufacturing in Australia has ceased and been moved overseas to this region.

Now we depend on inferior Asian goods and have become their vassal state of sorts, that is now being colonized by hordes of Asians.

The cities of Sydney and Melbourne are already becoming close to majority nonwhite.

Everything according to plan to replace and destroy Australia and it's people, the White people.

2 years, 5 months ago
White West
2 years, 5 months ago
Queen Elizabeth II presided over dismantling …

Queen Elizabeth II presided over dismantling of the British Empire, welcomed citizens from all corners of the world and praised 'multicultural Britain', but clearly that wasn't enough for these people, they are all ready to dance on her grave.

2 years, 5 months ago
**Illinois non-detainable offenses beginning Jan 1, …

Illinois non-detainable offenses beginning Jan 1, 2023 (Safe-T Act).

They want to make sure that violent Nons remain on the streets, to continue to harm Whites.

2 years, 5 months ago
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