Gilad Atzmon thoughts and music

To be a jazz musician is to reinvent yourself often enough. To be a thinker is to make others believe that you do the same..
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1 year, 3 months ago

In 18 months of war in Ukraine between 2 modern armies we saw less civilians die than in 3 weeks of IDF’s attempt to reduce Gaza into dust.

Russia and Russians were subject to some of the most severe sanctions even before the Russian army launched its attack on Eastern Ukraine and I wonder when is the right time to start to confiscate Israeli wealth around the world. When is the right time for international cooperation to withdraw from Israel.

I ask myself these questions because in the case of Russia like Iran it is the Western sanctions that made these countries independent technologically, financially and spiritually. What kind of measures would be effective on the Israeli case? Your views are of course welcome…

1 year, 3 months ago

The IDF just estimated that it needs 1 YEAR to accomplish its objectives in Gaza. In June 1967 Israel defeated 3 modern armies in 6 days, performing the most spectacular blitzkrieg manoeuvres. But nowadays, the IDF with its F35s, American most sophisticated bombs and Merkava IV tanks, can’t defeat a relatively small militia equipped with paragliders and motorbikes. Why you ask? 1. It is the Palestinian will, determination, and resilience that shapes this brutal theatre. 2. In 1967 it was the kibbutzniks who fought in the planes, in the tanks and on the ground. They were the most determined soldiers Israel has ever had. On 7 October the Kibbutzniks were actually the victims. They were betrayed by Netanyahu’s regime and by the army that wasn’t there. Many of them died in the Gaza ring, apparently more than a few by friendly fire.

In 2023 the Israeli military front line soldiers and military elite are settlers, militant Yeshiva graduates and right wing enthusiasts. they are not built for a 6 Days War. They prefer to wipe out the city for as long as it takes regardless of the consequences, before their soldiers step a foot in. They play it ‘safe’ …

If Israel insisted to prove to the Arabs how determined and brave the IDF is, it actually achieved the complete opposite.

1 year, 3 months ago

According to Israeli defence commentators, the IDF has accomplished about 25% of its military objectives in Gaza (not a lot considering the insane carnage and death it already inflicted on the people). Meanwhile antisemitism in the west is up by 400-800%, Israel is facing increasing pressure from Hezbollah, Syria and Yemen. The peace with Jordan is shaky and the Palestinians that make 70% of Jordan’s population are expressing a will to cross the border en mass on a march to Jerusalem. Needless to mention how unpopular Israel is in the West Bank. And the question I ask this evening is whether there is a single decision maker in Israel who attempts to review all these dramatic events and think of an exit strategy. Something that may lead to reconciliation, harmony, peace. Something that sound like a Palestinian right of return?

1 year, 3 months ago

One month after the event that shocked the world. Israel and the west have made every possible mistake. The Hamas also got some things wrong.

  1. Israel destroyed half of Gaza with a green light from Washington, it killed more than 10 thousand civilians in the name of ‘Jewish suffering’, ‘power of deterrence’, ‘New Middle East’ but it sacrificed Jewish future in the region. Unlike many Israelis, I am not convinced that there is a day after for Israel..

  2. Israel desperately attempted to portray Hamas as Isis to find out that except Sunak and Biden no one, out of Israel bought into it. 1.9 billion Muslims see Hamas as the voice of their liberation. No one in the west dared marching in solidarity with Isis but the solidarity with Gaza brought tens of millions to the streets in the past month and the movement is growing by the minute.

  3. America and Britain that have been catastrophically mistaken on every major decision in the last decade have been pushing the world into a global conflict abyss. It is actually Iran & Co as well as Putin who struggle at the moment to maintain what is left out of the hope for harmony and a prospect of peace.

  4. Hamas on its part made a crucial mistake. It believed Israel cared for its hostages and for its own people in general. The 7 October event revealed that the Hannibal Directive spirit is deeply rooted in the Israeli collective psychic both militarily, spiritually and of course psychologically. On 7 October Israeli top commanders ordered to kill Hamas combatants as a primary military objective. As a results many hostages were killed by IDF friendly fire. It was clear by then that if Israel was careless about its own people it wouldn’t stop itself flattening Gaza. As it seems, Israel doesn’t care much about the hostages. The Israeli hostages’ families are in a desperate situation. They know that by flattening Gaza, Netanyahu has jeopardised the safety of their beloved. If the Hamas thought that it posed a winning card capturing hundreds of Israelis, it has now grasped that this is not the case.

  5. America that could have bought back some of its lost credibility by restraining Israel, pushing for immediate ceasefire has, basically, lost its foothold in the region forever. And this is probably the only good news so far …

1 year, 4 months ago

I have listened to the IDF spokesperson this afternoon. He gave the pretext for the eradication of Gaza’s hospitals network. He also urged Palestinians to flee for their life. We basically witness a broad daylight genocide with the USA giving a green light and providing the means.

The spokesman kept repeating the IDF call for the Gazans to move to the south of Gaza. Israel he said, created a ‘humanitarian corridor’ for the Palestinians to use. And I thought to myself, Israel has a lot to learn from Russia. When the Russian military put civilian population in east Ukraine at risk, it secured a humanitarian corridor TO Russia.

If israel cared for human’s life as it pretend to, Israel would have done the same! It would have opened a humanitarian corridor to the Gaza Ring (Otef Aza) settlement for Palestinians to seek refuge. The reasoning is obvious:

  1. The Gaza Ring settlements are empty now and will remain empty in the foreseen future.

  2. If anyone can rebuild the Gaza Ring and make it into a habitable place, it is the true people of the land, the Palestinians…

  3. If israel wanted to build a true bridge towards harmony and trust, inviting the Palestinians back to their land is the elementary step to go for!!!

1 year, 4 months ago

Gaza vs. Masada..

7 October was hardly a ‘survival threat’ to israel. It was indeed, a humiliating military crisis and of course a tragic event resulting in significant lost of human life. Israel could do a variety of things:

  1. it could self reflect, trying to grasp what brought that Palestinian anger and determination understanding that changing path seeking harmony is the only and possible way forward.

  2. it could identify the culprits behind the Hamas’ raid and target them as Israel did in the past, but Israel decided instead

  3. to genocide the people of Gaza in the name of ‘Israel’s survival’ and ‘power of deterrence.’

The outcome is obvious. Israel made this war into its ‘survival war’, maybe even its last war. It declared a total war on Gaza but quickly learned that Gaza isn’t just an open air prison and home to 2.4 million besieged people. Gaza has morphed into the ideology of liberation that unites 1.5 billion Muslims. As if this is not enough, many millions around the world are marching in solidarity with Palestine including every non Jewish student union in American Ivy League universities. For them Gaza is the spirit of liberation wherever they are.

My favourite defence commentators and military analysts, the ones who predicted very early on an Ukrainian decisive military defeat, are now convinced that israel can’t survive this war. Not because it lacks the will to kill en mass or the means to do so, but because the Arabs who watch Al Jazeera and Al Mayadeen see that Gaza looks as if it was nuked. They are not going to forgive, furthermore, they also know that such an insane mass killing entity shouldn’t be allowed in the neighborhood.

The story of Masada and biblical Samson are two prominent Hebraic suicidal narrative that have evolved into the pillars of Zionist Israeli culture. The actions of Israel now must be realised in the light of those Narratives. When I look at Israeli social media posts I detect the melancholia amongst those who grasp the above but I also see the zeal amongst the Samson Option enthusiast..

Yet there is something that even the most hawkish Israeli right wing can deny. In their bunkers in besieged Gaza, it is the Hamas combatants who revoke the memory and spirit of Masada unlike the Israelis who drop American bombs on hospitals and vastly populated neighbourhoods from air conditioned American f-35s, 15s and 16s.

My message to Israel and its supporters is that it is never too late for a moral awakening…

1 year, 5 months ago
If I understand it correctly, not …

If I understand it correctly, not one woman logged a complaint about Brand … the caricature (pistol-less) British police in its desperate attempt to appease the BBC calls victims file a report…the BBC quotes Det Supt Andy Furphy, from the Met's Central Specialist Crime Command who said: "We continue to encourage anyone who believes they may have been a victim of a sexual offence, no matter how long ago it was, to contact us.”

1 year, 5 months ago

In Britain 2023 one is innocent particularly if ‘proven’ guilty (by the BSBC and Guardian) …

1 year, 5 months ago

A metaphysical insight into the Russell Brand saga.

Lacan tells us that Don Juan is a woman. The polyamorous character constantly needed reassurances by means of being the desire of the other.

In its desperate attempt to justify its reckless onslaught campaign against Russell Brand, the BBC is telling us a story about Brand admitting exposing himself to a woman in LA 20 years ago (needless to mention at this point, that not one woman has logged a complaint against Brand neither in the UK nor in LA).

Bearing in mind Lacan’s insight, Brand was an ‘effeminate’ character in his early career. He tended to expose his intimate parts in a fashion that reminds some women who expose their most beautiful part seeking to be an object of desire.

Yet, it becomes clear that it is when Brand was a ‘woman’ when the BBC, CH 4 and the Guardian treated him as a God figure …

It is when Brand realised that he is actually an adult male who bears some responsibility to world affairs and even admits his past wrong doings, when those organization make him the number one public enemy… I let you ponder over that …

1 year, 5 months ago

In the USSR the KGB was taking care of eliminating dissent. In Britain this task is taken care of by our ‘free’ media, the BBC and the Guardians of Judea, those who invented the sick promiscuous celebrity culture that introduced us to the likes of Russel Brand. But then Brand broke away, he didn’t adhere to neocons wars, Covid, the so called ‘the science’. He had to be destroyed. It wasn’t the secret service or the police that took him out, it is our weaponized treacherous monolithic media. As far as I can tell, Britain is no longer an habitat for free thinking people. It is very sad to witness, but I have seen it coming for years and produced all the warnings. In philosophical terms this transition is defined as the drift from Athens to Jerusalem…

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