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1 month, 4 weeks ago


Bringing our children into a natural world - with Nickita Starck

Joining us on the AJ Roberts Show today is the wonderful Nickita Starck. Nickita started her birth journey in 2008 when she gave birth to her first daughter. After a very traumatic birth she started a

AJ Roberts Official Channel
1 month, 4 weeks ago
Today is the day to join …

Today is the day to join my #meditation masterclass.

I’ll give you all the tools you need to become your greatest self and turn the lens inwards.

How to clear your field and protect yourself.
How to activate your third eye.
The metaphysics behind meditation.
Bring in abundance and happiness.
Free copy of my guided meditation album.

Fri 31 May 7.30pm UK online. All recorded for future use.

Book your seat 👇

2 months ago

Climate change is real
King Charles is my hero
Vaccines save all lives, literally all of them.
Buzz aldren actually went to the moon as many times as the hashtag WheresKate has been shared.

Football is not rigged
Boxing is not rigged
NFL is not rigged

Politics is absolutely not an illusion of choice

Big pharma are your best friends, you should send them a thank you card from moonpig.

Your local MP has no idea why all your British local businesses are shutting and being replaced with kebab shops, nail bars, Turkish barbers (most are from elsewhere), and vape shops.

They are not run by foreigners who are just poisoning our children and making everyone fat.

There are not 22k Albanian /
Kosovans in UK running the biggest external child trafficking ring.

The social services, police, NHS, councils do not work together to make children go missing in the system and get trafficked by controlled foreign gangs in the UK…. It’s great here.

Our military is not one of the most heavily vaccinated, and Masonic militaries in the world.

Our media always tell the truth daily.

Our sports stars and social media influencers are all heart and never accept payments to endorse poisonous products onto our children….. Prime is liquid gold for our kids bro!

And……. Remember….. Stay at home…. Protect the NHS…. SAVE LIVES!

Follow ➡️ @ajrobertsshow

2 months ago
AJ Roberts Official Channel
2 months ago
AJ Roberts Official Channel
2 months ago
AJ Roberts Official Channel
4 months, 2 weeks ago

Another important update from retired British Policeman, Mark Sexton. Please share far and wide. To all of the COVID vaccine injured. Please watch this video. Fraud is identified and as a result you were tricked and lied to in order to take an unsafe vaccine. Had you been given informed consent, as it states in law, it is likely you would not have taken it. You suffered an unnecessary and avoidable injury as a direct result of the Fraud and the other already identified criminal acts. There were proven safe and effective treatments that worked, they were deliberately withheld by government policy and further evidence of the crimes committed against you.
Please also see my previous video about the law and informed consent dated 14/3/24.
I believe without the Fraud being committed you would not have been injured. Those injuries are an assault against your person and criminal under The offences against the person act 1861.
For this very reason watch the video and I suggest you make contact with The Metropolitan Police stating you want to make a criminal complaint of assault and to add your details to crime number 01/62447/24.

4 months, 2 weeks ago

Dear all

Please find a link file for an almost complete document regarding a critical case linking to an international child abuse ring involving our Government and links to international fraud causing most of the problems around the world.

A video explaining the document will follow shortly and a fully complete document at some time soon.

There are genuine concerns about this childin this case and the links they have to a systematic problem of child abuse withn the care, health and educational services.

This a fantastic opportunity to stop the whole thing in its tracks and there are signs that it is starting to happen, but we need to keep the momentum going.

Please read the document and if necessary watch the video and as you soon you agree with the concerns raised, please carry out the instructions as shown by making the relevant phone calls. I can't emphasise how important this is for our children's future.

There is information to suggest that there may be a cyber attack being considered to stop this information being secured as they are incredibly worried about this and so they should be.

Where possible please save the document to an external hard drive and share the document far and wide.

Thank you very much. Gary

4 months, 2 weeks ago


The more events I see in this movie, the more I see the plan of the White Hats and the military operation we are in.

In many instances, they are not physically reducing buildings to rubble or shutting down MSM publicly, nor are they prohibiting big pharma from selling their drugs or physically removing the Fed before your eyes.

It's more like they are causing more and more people to leave Babylon, and it can not survive without us. This matrix is only propped up by the people being programmed and buying into it all.

So, groups of people leave because the medical community let them down and now pursue alternative medicine.

The banking system and stock market let them down, so they invested in precious metals, and countries joined BRICS and left the petro dollar and the Fed. This will involve the complete crash of Bitcoin too.

Growing numbers don't pay into the voluntary tax system. More and more are disenchanted with the food that's genetically modified, so that's another group to leave and grow their own food.

Then Fox News supporters start to follow Tucker and leave MSM. Now, Cuomo from CNN is speaking since he was fired just as Tucker was, so now CNN viewership will decline even more. The same is happening to news channels across the world.

The justice system we see is corrupt, so many have pursued alternative legal strategies and realise this system cannot continue.

Parents are home schooling kids because of the woke agenda. More people than ever in the U.S. and other countries are convinced that the election was rigged and we can't trust any three letter agencies anywhere anymore, so they support paper ballots and three letter agency whistle-blowers within those agencies bringing them down.

Immigration has come to the doorstep of those friendly cities, and now they are singing a different tune.

Humanity, in general, is leaving this Babylonian system like one might abandon a city. Once we don't buy what they are selling anymore, nature will take its course, and it will implode on itself as it is in the process of doing already in a controlled manner.

Can you now see we have been guided through this whole process behind the scenes and have become way more powerful because of us, the people who are awake and have awakened others for the last 3 years.

A death by a thousand cuts, and you are all part of it.

Stay on mission friends! Nothing can stop what’s coming. 💫😎

4 months, 2 weeks ago

If you are doing battle with utilties, council tax, ULEZ etc, this resource will provde you with answers which work. Everything on this anonymous blog works. It dispells the fear mongering and gives proven remedies. Onwards warriors. Let's bring them all down!


Formerly Awakend-UK. Researcher of truth covering spituality, the Great Awakening, and truther news with a British focus. The United Kingdom is a corporation so the British Isles should be called G…

If you are doing battle with utilties, council tax, ULEZ etc, this resource will provde you with answers which work. …
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