Telegram stands for freedom and privacy and has many easy to use features.
Last updated 1 month, 1 week ago
Sharing my thoughts, discussing my projects, and traveling the world.
Contact: @borz
Last updated 1 month, 1 week ago
Official Graph Messenger (Telegraph) Channel
Download from Google Play Store:
Last updated 7 months ago
⚡️ 2025-yilning 1-yarmida bo‘lib o‘tadigan chet tili imtihonlari✅ Chet tilini bilish darajasini aniqlash test sinovlari yanvar, fevral, mart, aprel va may oylarida o‘tkaziladi.
??? Test sinovi uchun talabgorlar sayti orqali onlayn tarzda ro‘yxatga olinadi.
? Ro‘yxatdan o‘tishda talabgorlar o‘zlariga qulay bo‘lgan hududni tanlagan holda mazkur hududda test sinovlarida ishtirok etishlari mumkin.
? Test sinovlari qaysi tillardan o‘tkazilishi, ro‘yxatga olish muddatlari va test sinovi o‘tkaziladigan sanalar yuqoridagi rasmda keltirilgan.
Assalomu alaykum, azizlar!
Guruhda har qanday mazmundagi reklamalar tarqatmang!
Qanaqadir xolis niyatingiz bo'lsa o'zingiz amalga oshiring, boshqalarni undamang!
Har qanday reklama tashlagan umrbodga bloklanadi!!!
A rule I live by.
No matter how good your today is/was, it will pass.
No matter how bad your today is/was, it will pass.
Just accept it and continue living knowing that it anyways will be different tomorrow.
But keep in mind , You also need to be in control of your actions.If you do not have a control over what you do , you will live the day with ,, the same shit , the same diaper ".
Patrice Evra: "One of the Most Saddest days, I didn't CRY, I was in SHOCK.." ?*?**⬇️*
"The reason why is because two weeks before his Retirement, SAF brought me into his office and told me: 'Patrice look at those people, they think I'm going to retire, I'm going to stay at the club for another Ten years, but we need to win More Champions Leagues'!"
"Ferguson told me: 'Patrice, Cristiano Ronaldo, Agreed 99 per cent to come back and Gareth Bale [too].' He needed £200m and the club REFUSED to give him that." ?
"And now, they spent a BILLION on whatever!"
"It was 2013, just before he retired, so that is why I remember when I got out of his office, I was like, 'Cristiano is back, Gareth Bale, we're back in business' after winning the title and everything."
DAMN. ??
"London" o’quv markazining barcha guruhlarida oylik to'lov 10-oktabrdan kechiktirilmagan holda to’lanishi kerak!
? 10-oktabrdan keyin to’lov qilmagan o'quvchilar mashg`ulotlarga kiritilmaydi!
"London" o'quv markazi jamoasi markazimiz asoschisi Sarvarxon Po'latovning opalari vafoti bilan chuqur hamdardlik izhor etadi!
Marhumaning oxiratlari obod bo'lsin!
Inna lillahi va inna ilayhi rojiun!
Ertaga boshlanadigan yangi guruhlar:
Starter-1 (Mr. Husniddin Khalid) 08.00 "Apple Room"
Multilevel (Mr. Sarvar)
09.30 "Apple Room"
Barcha yaqinlaringizga ushbu xabarni tarqating!
Had a football match with the team today ?
The guy next to me is my cousin, plays in our national team U-17. As you suppose, he is a goalkeeper ?
My fundamental principle is that a boy/man must know 3 things perfectly:
Always try to do them; and #inner_peace
Telegram stands for freedom and privacy and has many easy to use features.
Last updated 1 month, 1 week ago
Sharing my thoughts, discussing my projects, and traveling the world.
Contact: @borz
Last updated 1 month, 1 week ago
Official Graph Messenger (Telegraph) Channel
Download from Google Play Store:
Last updated 7 months ago