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1 year, 2 months ago


1 year, 2 months ago


1 year, 2 months ago


The judge in the case considered the bail matter argued for by Mathew Hague [Frontline Law] and the opposition to bail argued by the Police.

The Police earlier today sought a search warrant to access information stored on a cloud service, and it's believed that the reason bail is granted from 1:00pm tomorrow, is to allow the Police to complete that task. 1TB [Terrabyte] of information is expected to be recovered from the storage device/s.

Bail conditions will include being unable to use electronic devices capable of accessing the Internet.

The charge relating to accessing government data without permission carries a maximum sentence of 7 years.

Barry Young will reappear on the 18th of January, 2024, where he is expected to enter a plea.

1 year, 2 months ago



AustraliaOne Party - John Wilson's Finest Hour (15 November 2023)

15 November 2023 Join John Wilson and Riccardo Bosi as they discuss military law, sovereignty and Australia's future. Also, John's word of warning of the gate keepers. Stay up to date here: Rumble - h

1 year, 2 months ago

From 2yrs ago...

AustraliaOne Party - Winning this spiritual war: Advice from an old communist


AustraliaOne Party - Winning this spiritual war: Advice from an old communist

John Wilson former President of Trades Hall Canberra explains how the Communists are terrified of waking up the Christians

From 2yrs ago...
1 year, 3 months ago



New Zealand Loyal - Environment Policy

Liz Gunn delivers the party's environment policy. Recorded right before the election, this is now our first post-election policy announcement as we build to 2026. https://nzloyal.org.nz Links: The Arm

1 year, 3 months ago


Hey Loyalists,

What an incredible journey we have been on the last few months, turbulent times full of ups and downs.
All of you that came together and answered the call to action and delivered flyers put out billboards, made it to road side pop ups, you people are absolute heroes and should be proud of what we accomplished together.

The election results are disappointing and, as we know, are rigged, but that is not going to stop us from pushing forward.

Where to go from here.
The Telegram network has been a backbone to the first loyal campaign, and through this platform, we have been able to unite as one people and coordinate together on a scale not seen before under this level of government censorship. So, we will continue to utilize this censorship free platform and grow our community larger.

Now that campaigning mode is over, we are forming into a true freedom movement of like-minded individuals who are seeking the true kiwi dream and a life of freedom.

Keeping the loyal momentum and helping to wake up the rest of the people is a high priority, starting regular coffee groups or meeting other loyalists at the park make a circle and share stories, experiences and knowledge and grow together as a community is the direction we should take.

A special thanks to our wonderful Telegram admin team that continues to help answer questions and protect these groups from the nasty trolls and spammers to provide the space where we can grow this movement. We will also continue to give you updates on anything coming out from Liz and her team. This journey has only just begun, and the best is yet to come.. ✨️

1 year, 3 months ago
1 year, 3 months ago

Throughout the campaign the false narrative of "wasted vote" and "strategic voting" was pushed hard by those who wanted to nudge voters to NZF.
There now exists a situation we're for freedom voters the above narratives are actually true.
The NZF candidate is via the party list already a member of parliament so to vote for her truly is wasted if you want to maximize representation of your values and as such it would be strategically prudent to vote for our New Zealand loyal candidate Kim Turner .
This is the only time I have seen where both narratives are ? correct.

1 year, 3 months ago

Under that situation, if New Zealand then shifts to becoming a ‘Constitutional Republic’, how would that best be achieved?

These are very big issues for input from our Loyal Kiwi People, alongside all the other big policy issues that we highlighted during the election campaign. We will be reaching out to the People on all of these things. 

During the campaign, Liz discussed her vision of turning TVNZ into a true national broadcaster and having a place each night for ‘Town Hall Discussions’ with the People, across key issues. 
Town Hall Discussions

Even though we are not yet inside the Beehive, we will still do these ‘Town Hall Discussions’. We’re aiming to do this through online public discussions with Liz and different groups of candidates, where we can have live open discussions with the People. Respect will be key to these discussions, so there will be no space for the sickening nastiness of the online troll world wherein certain Kiwis have unmasked their unfortunate ugliness in these last weeks. There is no room for personal attack any more in the world we are moving towards. We can learn once again, to discuss issues we all care about without any personal insult. That is adult. That is dignified and intelligent. All else is simply ego gone amuck. 

There will also be continuing local face-to-face public meetings with the candidates and others, just as we did during the campaign. So we will be working hard on all these things. 

But most importantly, this NZ Loyal People’s Movement is yours. So what are your ideas for going forward? This whole Movement succeeds only because of, and with, each of you. We need your input at your local action groups, and we need you to help those groups to grow and expand.

We are huge believers in growing as nature does, from the ground up, not from the top down which can so often turn into dictatorship and manipulation and all the other drawbacks that come from overweening control from so-called leaders. The real truth is that we are all leaders. To be a Loyal leader in your area is easy: simply help by continuing to take daily actions that grow this People’s Movement.

Throughout the election campaign, one of our key messages was decentralisation of power.  Shifting the power out of the Beehive back to the People in your local areas.  It’s crucial we have this as our key goal so that the corruption within the centralised, rotten core, is no longer possible.

Local People Power

We can still shift things in that direction even without being in the Beehive, through local ‘People Power’. Get as involved as possible in your local councils, your school boards, and any other local organisations, with your Loyal hearts on fire. Challenge them on what they are doing and who they are working for. Push them to adopt NZ Loyal policies instead of Agenda 2030 policies or WEF policies.  Even better, get yourself elected onto these decision making groups. 

Form yourself into NZ Loyal local self-empowerment groups where you work together to become more self-sufficient locally.  That might be in creating food self-sufficiency groups working directly with your local farmers or creating health options outside of the established medical system. Contribute to bringing your local communities into working together and looking after each other as much as possible and share your good ideas with your fellow Loyal Kiwis. The more self-empowered that the NZ People and Communities are, the stronger and safer they are. Get innovative and clever with these things. That’s the Kiwi way!

Keep doing the amazing things you’ve all been doing, and we’ll get some good processes in place where we can keep talking and discussing with you about all this on a regular basis.

Remember, we are forever Loyal to You, not to Them.

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