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1 year, 8 months ago
1 year, 8 months ago

Action needed in all Muslim majority areas:

  1. Neighbourhood watch and co-operating with police.

  2. Reporting all drug related activity, like drop offs, grow houses, pimping, and violence.

  3. Form local groups that communicate on Whatsapp that update on local activity and essential action.

  4. Strong action against HMO residents and landlords that have criminal and anti-social behaviour, and have con artist beggars removed by law enforcement.

1 year, 8 months ago


Dedicating Rewards to the Deceased - £9.99 : Madani Bookstore, Madani Bookstore - Your Source for Sunni Islamic Literature

Madani Bookstore Dedicating Rewards to the Deceased - Dedicating Rewards to the Deceased : New, 'Reciting the Qur'an & Other Good Deeds' [A5] Paperback - 81 pages, by Shaykh Muhmmad Fawaz an-Nimr, Translation by Mahdi Lock,. A Foreword Publication.   Now…

1 year, 8 months ago

Also, some cult leaders have misinformed their followers I deny Tasawwuf, or the rank of the Awliya, or I deny certain precepts simply because I call out their cultic practices and Ghuluw. My Sufi positions are the same as Imam Abdul Wahab Sha'rani, Ibn Hajar Makki and the like. These cult leaders will never face me in public but only spread false information to unwary followers and the same cult leaders never actually face pseudo "Salafis" in debate. To finally re-iterate: The positions we take must be established from the Qur'an, Sunnah, Ijma, and the 4 Sunni Madhabs. This work 'Shawahid al-Haqq' is a must read for both Sufis and "Salafis".

1 year, 8 months ago

Question: Is 'Jannati Darwaza' and 'Namaz e Ghawthiya' essential beliefs of Ahl alSunnah?

Answer: These things are not from 'Daruriyat Ahl alSunnah'. The essential beliefs of Ahl alSunnah are laid out by Imam Tahawi in his classic work and by others in similar works.

1 year, 8 months ago


  1. When visiting graves it is impermissible to kneel down and kiss them (this is according to Ala Hazrat due to sadd aldharai'), it is Haram by Ijma' to do sajdah and Shirk with the intention of Worship. Tawaf, and other forms of excessiveness are also Haram.

  2. Tawiz in Arabic is only permitted from the Quran and Sunnah or general dua but Tawiz in other languages must be avoided (Hashiya Ibn Abidin.) Ala Hazrat even prohibits Tawiz with unknown names like 'Badduh'. For safeguarding against magicians posing as exorcists avoid anything not found in the Sunnah. Avoid practises like ‘Hazari’ where the Amil claims that he speaks to the soul of a Wali via a person is a false claim and it has no basis. Similarly, anyone claiming to know the unseen via astrology, horoscope or palmistry is a liar and must be avoided. This should not be confused with ‘Ilm alAwfaaq” which was validated by Imam Ghazali and similar knowledge none of which the modern claimants have.

  3. Public speakers must avoid citing Mawdu' hadith. Ibn Hajar Makki says stick to the main hadith works, and Sidi Ahmad Zarruq says the same.

  4. Giving Bayah to a Sufi guide is not Fard or Wajib and 'Sufi' cults shouldn't use this to recruit unwary youth.

  5. Imam Ibn Hajar Makki and Imam Sharani condemn uniforms in Tariqah as a Bidah, thus peer pressure should not be placed on people to wear uniforms.

  6. People who falsely make up relics, or falsely claim to be Sayyid, or make up visions and dreams must desist as Allah Most High will punish them for misguiding people. This tends to be done to earn respect without actually earning respect.

  7. While Daff, Nasheed, Raqs, Hadrah, and tribal dancing is permitted (as per many fatawa based on the Hadith) the grey area of other instruments must be stopped (as per Sayyid Alawi's fatwa) and the mixing of men and women is Haram in all 4 Madhabs.

  8. The conditions of any Sufi Claimantwill be checked in light of Imam Sharani's Mawazin. This does not apply to the authentic Sufi who makes no claims of the ‘Rijal alGhayb’.

1 year, 8 months ago

Question: Is Jummah prayer fard in countries with no Muslim ruler like in the West? As some people advocate no Jummah claiming the conditions are not met according to the Hanafi fiqh.

Answer: The Jummah is fard and must be prayed. If one condition is not met according to the Hanafi fiqh we still fulfill the fard of Jummah based on the conditions of the other madhahib. Not establishing Jummah is harmful to the Muslim public in many ways as some of them will not pray at home. Those who abandon Jummah then will leave the Eid prayer as it has similar conditions. Performing the Jummah in non-Muslim majority countries stregnthens Islam and its public display and those who refuse to establish Jummah are isolationists opposing the congregation of Muslims and thus unwise to not establish Jummah.

1 year, 8 months ago
Masjid Qamrul Islam Presents The greatest …

Masjid Qamrul Islam Presents The greatest sureties with Shaykh Asrar Rashid

Join us for a unique event in which important issues related to Islamic creed, atheism and contemporary issues will be addressed in light of Shaykh Ramadhan al Buti’s masterpiece

? Saturday 6th May 2023
? 6.45pm
? Masjid Qamrul Islam
?Birmingham B10 9JP

1 year, 8 months ago

Shallow foreign policy

Fox News

Biden offers $500K grant for English teachers in Pakistan that focus on transgender youth

The Biden administration is set to spend up to $500,000 on a program in Pakistan that includes "intensive professional development courses for Pakistani transgender youth."

Shallow foreign policy
1 year, 8 months ago
[#يصدر\_قريبا](?q=%23%D9%8A%D8%B5%D8%AF%D8%B1_%D9%82%D8%B1%D9%8A%D8%A8%D8%A7)ً و [#يطبع\_لأول\_مرة](?q=%23%D9%8A%D8%B7%D8%A8%D8%B9_%D9%84%D8%A3%D9%88%D9%84_%D9%85%D8%B1%D8%A9) بحمد الله تعالى

#يصدر_قريباً و #يطبع_لأول_مرة بحمد الله تعالى
عن #دار_الإمام_يوسف_النبهاني

« البدور الجلية في شرح نظم السنوسية »

تأليف : المحدِّث الأكبر الشيخ محمد بدر الدين الحسني رحمه الله ( ت ١٣٥٤هـ )

تحقيق : عبد الرحمن بن دياب طيبة

عكَفَ النَّاسُ على عقائد الإمام السنوسيِّ ، قراءةً وحفظاً ونظماً وشرحاً ، حتى أضحى مَن بعده عالةً على كتبه ، وكانت العقيدةُ الصُّغرى المسمَّاة بـ« أم البراهين » . . هي واسطةَ عِقْدِ مؤلَّفات الإمام .

وممَّن نظَمَ « العقيدة الصغرى » الإمام العارف محمد بن أحمد الونكريُّ السُّودانيُّ ، فيسَّر بذلك حفظَها في اثنين وسبعين ومئة بيتٍ ، وقد شرَحَ هذا النَّظمَ البديع إمامُ عصره ، وزاهد أوانه ، محدِّث البلاد الشَّاميَّة سيِّدي محمَّد بدر الدِّين الحسنيِّ ، بشرحٍ حوى تحريرات العلماء ، استفاد مادَّته من شروح « السنوسية » وحواشيها المعتمدة ، وقد أنتج جَنانه وخطَّ يراعه هذا الشرح المبارك وهو ابن ثلاثَ عشْرةَ سنةً ، وهذا مِن مظاهر نبوغه المبكِّر ، رضي الله عنه وأعاد علينا من بركاته .

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