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Last updated 2 месяца, 1 неделя назад
📍Green River, Utah
Currently dealing with over abundance. Pickles, tomato sauce, squash incoming! Plus too many eggs to handle!
Mitra Day:
-Father Orion
Today we celebrate Mitra Day on the Aryan wheel of the year. Mitra is the original Vedic name for Mithra (Persian) aka Mithras (Greco-Roman) aka Maitreya (Buddhist) and is one of the titles of the Kalki/Christos returned in this age. Mitra represents the ancient Aryan Sun God, and May Day was seen by the ancients as the traditional first day of Summer, who marked the change of the seasons on the cross quarter days instead of the Solstices and the Equinoxes. This day was celebrated by many ancient Aryan pagan cultures with the dance of the Maypole, which was originally a fertility dance, the pole being a phallic symbol and the dancers symbolizing youth and vigor.
Unfortunately this day was appropriated by the communist scum after the Haymarket labor riot. It's fitting that we Practicing Aryans recognize the Sun God on May Day because of this, it's a reclaiming of the Pagan holiday from the Anarcho-Communists, to glorify the arrival of the Kalki and our tradition of the threefold savior arriving to make a course correction in this age.
This Judeo-Communist appropriation of the May 1st holiday is actually what pressured various governments to enact Labor Day holidays, to placate the striking workers influenced by Communist rabble rousers. Ofc the Judeo-Capitalists were indeed exploiting their workers, making them work long hours, for low pay, in harsh conditions. The Haymarket affair was justified and they workers were simply advocating for an 8 hour work day. Interestingly enough Hitler started his Labor Day in 1933, and was the first to institute the nationwide 8 hour work day in 1934, but when he passed the labor code, he also banned all labor unions, and striking because they were being lead and instigated by Communist, and had also become obsolete with Hitler's state Socialist reforms.
Being a Socialist vs being a Communist is often used as a false equivalency by cuckservatives, and Hitler proved this by both granting the 8 hour work day while banning Communist labor unions. Workers rights were of the utmost importance in the Reich and all of the issues caused by the Jewish Capitalists were remedied, thus there were no need for unions. Owners of corporations that weren't nationalized were routinely audited to make sure their workers were not being exploited. Hitler outlawed strikes, but created a board of labour trustees, that would regulate labor contracts and maintain peace amongst the workers. So it was really about keeping the peace instead of oppressing the workers as is a common trope amongst historically illiterate antifa scum and cuckservatives alike.
In July of 1934, Hitler established an hours-of-work code, that made an eight hour workday and a 48 hour workweek, the law in Germany. Hitler was forced to revise that code on January 1st 1939 due to the imminent threat or war, raising the minimum of hours worked per week from 48 hours to 60 hours, but the 8 hour workday didn’t change. In mid 1939, with Germany just three months away from war, Germans with manufacturing jobs only worked an average of 47 hours per week.
So today, help us reclaim this Holy Day (Holiday) from the Maledictan scum who attempt to corrupt everything. Today is the day of the light of truth destroying the darkness of lies and psycho-spiritual manipulation. We must celebrate the fertility of our new age, our new religion, our new subrace of Aryans, and our new understanding. But let us also remember the dangers of Dumbocracy and Communism, which is nothing more than the manipulation of the ignorant masses the vile Maledictans.
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