The Clean Living Project Channel

Everything said in this channel is for entertainment purposes only and not to be taken as medical advice. I am not a professional. I don't know anything. Talk to your doctor, trust the science, and all that. ☺️

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3 weeks, 4 days ago
This isn’t just randomly happening.

This isn’t just randomly happening.

Most of us are waking up to the fact that we’re being poisoned. The more we wake up, the worse we realize it is.

It’s in our food, water, air, the clothes we wear, and the products we use. We’re being bombarded. The regulatory bodies we trusted to protect us have, quite literally, sold us out.

The good news is, once we realize this, we can take matters into our own hands. It will be work at first, they haven’t made it easy.

But this is one of the things I am most passionate about, and I’m here to help as much as I can. We’re all helping each other by sharing what we’ve learned and what’s helped us. And we WILL win.

We stayed comfortable and put it off for as long as we could, but the warning signs are in our faces now. It’s time for us to fight for our lives and the lives and health of our children and future generations. ?

3 weeks, 4 days ago
3 weeks, 6 days ago
Cures for cancer exist. But your …

Cures for cancer exist. But your doctor won’t tell you about them, will make you feel crazy for seeking them on your own, and anyone who tries to tell you about them or help you with them can get in trouble.

News sources are now working overtime to caution you about how, even though Elle was able to completely cure herself with alternative methods after having a lumpectomy, she just got lucky. Don’t try this at home.

From the article - “Cancer Research UK advises patients that alternative therapies “might be harmful and cause side effects” and that some ‘are just money-making schemes.’”

That’s rich.

We KNOW radiation and chemo cause horrific side effects, sometimes included death, and cancer is a billion dollar INDUSTRY.

These are drug dealers to the nth degree, and this is a turf war. They don’t want you better or what’s best for you. They want you as a customer.

1 month ago

The craziest thing to realize is that we hold the key to our own shackles.

Yes censorship and brainwashing tactics are still being used heavily, but the last 7+ years have proved the information is still accessible to those who go looking for it.

There's something Q posted multiple times that I've been thinking a lot about lately - "the choice to know will be yours."

Many are still waiting around for the "authorities" to be our mommy and daddy and tell us what to do. This is the paradigm we're here to conquer.

We're still waiting on a cure for cancer. Guess what? They already exist. In fact, cures for just about every human illness and ailment already exist. And you can have them if you only choose to look. But many will only accept potentially life saving information if it's given to them by their doctor.

People turned on Trump for Operation Warp Speed not understanding the solid reasoning behind it (which is a whole other topic). And they completely overlooked the fact that he also told us about Ivermectin and other curatives and protected our rights to CHOOSE for ourselves. They want to blame him for harm that may have come to grown adults who made their own choices because he didn't act like their daddy and tell them what to do.

We have to take accountability for ourselves. That's the whole point. Even if we're lied to, the responsibility to verify before we accept those lies is still on us.

I'm thrilled that with RFK Jr joining forces with Trump topics like vaccines, Big Pharma and Big Food are now at the forefront of American conversations. But I have mixed feelings about this next administration coming in and acting like our daddy, banning everything that's harmful and enabling people to stay in the childlike state of waiting for someone else to fix everything for them.

Not that I wouldn't welcome some disclosure and help to come from the top, of course I would. But our focus needs to remain on course correcting our own dangerous need to rely on others so we aren't doomed to repeat history.

The power to change things has always been ours, but we have been conditioned to fear our own freedom and sovereignty. While it's helpful to have leaders who support transparency, the real awakening is breaking free from needing them, too.

1 month, 1 week ago
Let's think about optics for a …

Let's think about optics for a minute and how you actually reach people.

In recent years, it's been primarily folks on the right sounding the alarm on topics like Big Pharma, vaccine skepticism, Big Food (glyphosate, seed oils, GMO), poisoned products, chronic illnesses in children, etc.

Imagine the optics if these things were exposed by Trump.

Now imagine them exposed by RFK Jr.

And then throw in the assassinations of his family members and what pulling that thread will unravel and reveal. Then think about what that would have looked like exposed by Trump, versus the impact of it being exposed by Robert.

Our nation is healing. ?

1 month, 1 week ago

If you only have 3 minutes to watch Tucker Carlson’s show today, this is the 3 minutes you need to see.

The pharma treadmill is making everyone sick, and you won’t believe how bad it is until you see these stats:

• Autism rates in kids are 1 in 36 nationally, compared to 1 in 1500 in the not-so-distant past.

• In California, it's even worse: Autism rates are 1 in 22.

• 74% of American adults are overweight or obese.

• Close to 50% of children are overweight or obese.

• 50% of American adults have prediabetes or type 2 diabetes.

• 30% of teens now have prediabetes.

• Infertility is increasing by 1% per year.

• Sperm counts are decreasing by 1% per year since the 1970s.

• Young adult cancers are up 79%.

What's causing all this? It's simple: “Our TOXIC food system and our TOXIC environment.”

@CaseyMeansMD explains:

“The thing that people need to understand is that all of these conditions are caused or driven by the exact same thing, which is metabolic dysfunction. This core foundational issue of how our bodies on the cellular level function, which is driven by our toxic food system and our toxic environment.

“These subtle, insidious forces that are creating slow progressive illness, starting now in fetal life, that allow patients to be profitable and on the pharma treadmill for their entire lives. They make us sick, but they don't kill us. And then we are drugged for life.”

1 month, 1 week ago

I mentioned this on my show last night but I thought I’d also drop it on here. CBD and Mor is doing a Buy One Get One 50% off right now that also works with my promo code (Kate15) of an extra 15% off!

So if you were thinking of trying it or you tried it and loved it and know you’ll eventually want to reorder, now is the time! ?
Promo code: Kate15

1 month, 3 weeks ago


2 months, 1 week ago

Hypothetically, if I brought back The Clean Living Project, what topics would you want me to cover? What are you interested in learning more about or what would you like help with when it comes to your health? ?

4 months, 2 weeks ago

Getting started in 15 minutes! Please join me. ?♥️

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