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Intel slava is a Russian News aggregator who covers Conflicts/Geopolitics and urgent news from around the world.

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Last updated 3 days, 6 hours ago

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3 days, 17 hours ago
5 days, 18 hours ago
1 week, 2 days ago
1 week, 3 days ago


🎙 ​​Taylor Swift - London Boy

We can go driving in, on my scooter
Uh, you know, just round London
Alright, yeah

I love my hometown as much as Motown, I love SoCal
And you know I love Springsteen, faded blue jeans, Tennessee whiskey
But something happened, I heard him laughing
I saw the dimples first and then I heard the accent
They say home is where the heart is
But that's not where mine lives

You know I love a London boy
I enjoy walking Camden Market in the afternoon
He likes my American smile, like a child when our eyes meet
Darling, I fancy you
Took me back to Highgate, met all of his best mates
So I guess all the rumors are true
You know I love a London boy
Boy, I fancy you (Ooh)

And now I love high tea, stories from Uni, and the West End
You can find me in the pub, we are watching rugby with his school friends
Show me a gray sky, a rainy cab ride
Babes, don't threaten me with a good time
They say home is where the heart is
But God, I love the English

You know I love a London boy, I enjoy nights in Brixton
Shoreditch in the afternoon
He likes my American smile, like a child when our eyes meet
Darling, I fancy you
Took me back to Highgate, met all of his best mates
So I guess all the rumors are true
You know I love a London boy
Boy, I fancy you

So please show me Hackney
Doesn't have to be Louis V up on Bond Street
Just wanna be with you
Wanna be with you
Stick with me, I'm your queen
Like a Tennessee Stella McCartney, on the Heath
Just wanna be with you (Wanna be with you)
Wanna be with you (Oh)

You know I love a London boy, I enjoy walking SoHo
Drinking in the afternoon (Yeah)
He likes my American smile, like a child when our eyes meet
Darling, I fancy you (You)
Took me back to Highgate, met all of his best mates
So I guess all the rumors are true (Yeah)
You know I love a London boy (Oh)
Boy (Oh), I fancy you (I fancy you, ooh)

So please show me Hackney
Doesn't have to be Louis V up on Bond Street
Just wanna be with you
I, I, I fancy you
Oh whoa, oh, I
Stick with me, I'm your queen
Like a Tennessee Stella McCartney, on the Heath
Just wanna be with you (Ooh)
Wanna be with you
I fancy you (Yeah), I fancy you
Oh whoa, ah

📢 @spec_english

2 weeks ago

🗣️Men inglizcha GAPIRA OLMAYMAN!
Agar siz mana shu bahona bilan, ingliz tilida gapirishdan qochayotgan bo'lsangiz, bu KATTA XATO! ****

To'g'ri, ko'pchilik o'quvchilar ingliz tilida yaxshi gapira olishmaydi. Juda oddiy so'zlar bilan gapirashadi.

Lekin doim shuni o'ylab xavotirlanaversangiz, o'qituvchingiz yoki do'stlaringiz bilan speaking practice qilishdan qochaversangiz, siz HECH QACHON ingliz tilida RAVON gapira olmaysiz.

Bu gaplarim balkim ko'nglizga og'ir botar, ammo haqiqat shundaki ingliz tilida oddiy va sodda bo'lsada gapirmasdan turib, mukammal gapirishni o'rganib bo'lmaydi.

Speakingni yaxshilash uchun avval ingliz tilini zo'r o'rganishingizni kutib tura olmaysiz.

Speakingda oddiy gapirmasdan turib, birdaniga zo'r gapirib keta olmaysiz. ☝️

Speakingda MUNTAZAM MASHG'ULOT mukammallikdan ustun! 👊

📢 @spec_english

2 weeks ago

3️⃣4️⃣5️⃣ imtihoniga 0 dan tayyorlaning!

🔥 Individual IELTS - 390 ming so‘m evaziga!!! Eshitganmisiz?

➡️ IELTS 0 dan boshlab, individual online darslar – faqat 390 ming so‘m! ⚡️ Bu imkoniyatni qo'ldan boy bermang! 💕

💙 Men – Musayeva Parizoda, O‘zbekiston Davlat Jahon tillari universitetini tamomlaganman va hozirda Webster universiteti magistrantiman. Sizga IELTS tayyorgarligi uchun eng yuqori sifatli individual kursni taklif etaman! 🩶

💡 "Til o‘rganish – yangi imkoniyatlar eshigini ochishdir!" IELTS ni 0 dan o‘rganing va qisqa vaqt ichida maqsadingizga erishing! 🫰

Nima kutyapsiz?
😎 Individual yondashuv – siz uchun maxsus tayyorlangan dars rejasi
😎 Interaktiv va qiziqarli darslar – o‘rganish jarayoni hech qachon zerikarli bo‘lmaydi!
😎 Doimiy feedback – har bir bosqichda professional fikr-mulohaza va yordam
😎 Shaxsiy yozish va gapirish darslari – kuchli va zaif tomonlaringizni rivojlantirishga yordam berish

Joylar soni cheklangan – atigi 5 ta! Shoshiling, bu imkoniyatni qo‘ldan boy bermang!

💖 Hozir yozing va IELTSga erishish yo‘lida birinchi qadamni tashlang!

💥 Guruh darslarimiz ham mavjud – xohlovchilar uchun!

✍️ Murojaat uchun: @Parizoda_MaN1

4 weeks, 1 day ago

? Siz kutgan kitob

? 1️⃣. Garri Potter va Falsafiy tosh (1-kitob)
? 2️⃣. Garri Potter va Maxfiy xujra (2-kitob)
? 3️⃣. Garri Potter va Azkaban maxbusi (3-kitob)
? 4️⃣. Garri Potter va Otashli jom (4-kitob)
? 5️⃣. Garri Potter va Qaqnus ordeni (5-kitob)
? 6️⃣. Garri Potter va Chalazot shaxzoda (6-kitob)
? 7️⃣. Garri Potter va ajal tuhfalari (7-kitob)
? 8️⃣. Garri Potter va la'natlangan bola 1 (8-kitob)
? 9️⃣. Garri Potter va la'natlangan bola 2 (8-kitob)

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Last updated 2 months, 3 weeks ago

Intel slava is a Russian News aggregator who covers Conflicts/Geopolitics and urgent news from around the world.

For paid promotions and feedback contact us at @CEOofBelarus

Last updated 3 days, 6 hours ago

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