One Mind Together

Beautiful, Positively charged Quantum Meditations. Power your Universe with the 5D Love Frequency xxx
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4 months ago

The Mix before the Storm. Zero point awareness. Stay safe 🙏 ❤️ x


TheQuantumPortal - Twitch

Dive deep into the depths of Electronic Music, Stunning geometric visuals and enlightening quantum knowledge, synchronized ilive @ZEROPOINT!

The Mix before the Storm. Zero point awareness. Stay safe ***🙏*** ***❤️*** x
5 months ago
***💖******🎙******💖*** Please Share ***💖******🎙******💖***

💖🎙💖 Please Share 💖🎙💖

5 months, 1 week ago

Happy Universal Hug Day. 1st of April every new Earth Year 😉😇😍 Bookmark that in your energy field.

Don't worry if you missed it, every day is Universal Hug Day really 🤗 !

So Keep hugging. The more we do it, the more we expand collective consciousness, the better reality gets.

Be Kind. Be Authentic. Be More.

5 months, 1 week ago

Saturday Night 963 Session

B E T A - T E S T. 3.0

You'll either see it...or
You won't 🤣😇😍.

Drift in to the grey space in between Every Thing and No Thing.

Powered by ELONAI

Synchronise with the audio visual journey of the 963 and beyond.



TheQuantumPortal - Twitch

Dive deep into the depths of Electronic Music, Stunning geometric visuals and enlightening quantum knowledge, synchronized ilive @ZEROPOINT!

Saturday Night 963 Session
6 months ago

This clip from a Star Trek TNG episode may illustrate our own existence, as holograms believing we have a 'human' life in the matrix to keep us from realising our true potential with powerful abilities we seem to be rediscovering:-

"You do not exist".


You Do Not Exist

Star Trek The Next Generation s03e03 The Survivors Thanks for clicking, thanks for watching, hope you got what you came for. Buy me a coffee: Outro Music:

6 months, 1 week ago

There is no creator

Everything happens spontaneously. There is no Creator apart from Life that creates Life and Existence. Everything IS by itself. Without any purpose. Without any reason.

There is no separation between what you perceive and the perceived object. It's the same energy, a "thing" that is not a thing, changing form simply. The dreamer, the dream, and the dreamed are the same essence with different names.

Who we ask, who we pray to, who we demand from, it's ourselves. Because we are what we pray to, even if we believe ourselves to be something separate from that "God" (or whatever each one calls it).

There is no inferior or superior being. No inner child. Nothing that is anything other than Absolute. The sense of existence (which is neither earthly nor spiritual, neither better nor worse, nor anything you call it) belongs to no individual person, being, or soul separated from the rest of existence that needs to be enlightened or evolve towards "I don't know what".

What is supposed to be enlightened if what you are already IS enlightenment, IS perfection?

It's your identification with an individual and inferior "something" that makes you believe that this "something-I" has to be enlightened, has to evolve, improve, and grow.

But that illusory "I", separated from the rest of Life, is not real. It's a false perception. It's a Vision error.

It's like the Ocean believing it's a wave and spending its Life trying to enlighten itself (be Ocean) when it ALREADY is what it longs to become-be (Ocean). The wave is just a name given to the form a part of the Ocean takes when it moves.

Thus, the body-mind called "Human Being" is that same wave. And everything perceived by the senses is just another wave. Hence the famous "WE ARE ALL ONE". There is no "WE", there is the IS that "moves" creating the waves-all.

The only thing that needs to be deeply, truly understood and integrated, not just intellectually, is that the self-author-creator-individual-separated that you believe yourself to be is false. That you are the Totality of Life, even if you perceive yourself as a part. You are the Absolute that includes the infinite relatives. You are the Ocean that includes all waves.

There is no Creator creating something separate from itself. The Creator is the created and is the creation. It's a single movement. It's a single "thing" moving as one. It's a single OCEAN moving spontaneously and simultaneously. It's not the infinite waves moving separately and when and how they decide.

LIFE is a WHOLE. And as a WHOLE, everything influences everything. But not separately, but together.

What you think causes "whatever" is not the real cause because you are seeking a cause based on the perception of separation. Based on the authorship of a person or a thing or a soul or a being that has nothing to do with the rest.

Everything is cause and effect of everything. And cause and effect are also ONE and happen simultaneously. Time is just a mental construct. Reality has no time. Everything happens in a single instant that we perceive as separate moments.

REALIZE that NONE of the concepts you have about time, space, you, me, heaven, earth, thought, emotion, hand, foot... are separate from each other. It's perceived as fragmented, but that perception is illusory. It's like perceiving a shadow and believing that shadow is the real object.


YOU are not the part, you are the Whole. And as the WHOLE, a Creator cannot exist that creates something separate from itself.

Emma Vàzquez @ConsciousnessAwarenessSpiritual

6 months, 2 weeks ago

Live for next 3 hours

Beta Test 1

Matrix Code 101010

Non Triality mix of No Thing and Everything...


TheQuantumPortal - Twitch

Quantum Live Stream from a place of No Thing, where Every Thing, that is a Thing, came from ! We are the music to our own YOUniverse. Log in now to listen to some high vibe music produced by other versions of us @ zero point. Get ready for the Journey of…

Live for next 3 hours
11 months, 1 week ago
One Mind Together
11 months, 1 week ago
One Mind Together
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