The Rainbow Warriors 🌈 ⚜️🕊️

🌈✨ Our mission is to serve Earth & Humanity for the highest and best for all. 🕊️

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6 months ago
6 months ago


dear warriors of love and all divine colors and soul values.
Always remember, Rainbow Warrior, Lightbringer, Starlight and Starchild, who are reading this, YOU YOURSELF are already all of that and more than you think, you are a smaller version of the central sun, because that was given to us when we entered this life in earth. In this sense, we are divine beings... gods in the making.
Always be aware of that. Everything that you think you need, your soul has already brought with it into this body of yours. Be good and loving in dealing with this vessel for your soul.
I love you so infinitely, because the divine essence is in me too. 
I bless you with everything that and who you are.

I'm sorry.
☀️Please forgive me.
I love you & I need YOU.


If you're feeling bad, tense or confused, then STOP and BREATHE! Because all the small and big situations in your life carry a MESSAGE. And often they are a call for you to BALANCE yourself again and BE HEALTHY.

Jump over your shadow, because sometimes all you need is a short STOP, a few deep BREATHS, a few LOVING WORDS that you say, a Ho'opono'pono, a HUG of your own and you'll feel better again. You can do this at work too.  Show yourself as you really are, then there will be far fewer misunderstandings. Let your love flow where it wants to flow and you know that you will only find real solutions within yourself and on a HIGHER VIBRATIONAL LEVEL.



6 months ago


This is how it is with all the values ​​that are really important to you. Just be it. Live now with the strength that you want in your life. Give life and all the people in it what you want to receive in return. Treat everyone the way you want to be treated.

From the heart,
? Sandra



6 months, 1 week ago

?❤️? Grand Rising
beloved Rainbow Warriors

?❤️? May your all day be only blessed and filled with
lot love and happyness. A'HO

? Mitakuye Oyas'in?


6 months, 1 week ago

dance steps stronger lock ?.#JJ#justinjay#dance


dance steps stronger lock 🕺.#JJ#justinjay#dance

dance steps stronger lock ***?***.#JJ#justinjay#dance
6 months, 1 week ago

Message September 2024
Dear messengers of light,
we are getting back to you and bringing you a message for the coming time.
Through the portals that planet Earth has opened, cosmic frequencies and their information flow directly into the interior of the planet. Every particle of planet Earth - its interior and its surface - absorbs cosmic information and amplifies its light. Even forms that seem "lifeless" to you, such as stones and minerals, increase their light vibration and literally come to life. The mineral world will be able to communicate with you again as it did in earlier times. The world of minerals will regain its ability to communicate and transmit clear information to the people who connect with it.
With a high cosmic vibration, planet Earth begins to enliven all its areas and all its elements - water, air, earth and fire.
The natural elements that rule on planet Earth will return to their nature and turn away from the manipulations imposed on them by dishonest people or entities.
The water will feel the relentless desire to return to its original riverbed.
The air will feel the desire to be absolutely purified and to free itself from all manipulative and destructive elements. It will get the desire to connect with the purity of the cosmos.
The earth element will connect more and more with the cosmic light information and its properties.
And fire will stop serving the people or entities who abuse its burning power.
The light beings in charge of the elements of nature will receive support from the light world and its entities. That which was artificially created and does not serve the order and benefit of human society will be returned to its original form. The elements of planet Earth can no longer be exploited and manipulated. One could say that the "divine hand" will intervene to bring the elements of planet Earth back to their natural order and serve humans as planned by the divine intelligence. Step by step, everything is returning to its natural state.
Be open to the changes that will temporarily take place on this planet. Be open to the fact that the coming changes will bring order to planet Earth and human society. Be aware that a higher form of intelligence is watching over you.

We are with you and accompany you.
Peace with you, peace with us.
Your Pleiadian companions ?
(by Pavlina Klemm)



6 months, 2 weeks ago


6 months, 2 weeks ago


6 months, 2 weeks ago
The Universe is proud of all …

The Universe is proud of all the silent battles you won, and will make you win those you're fighting right now. There is no way to lose. We either gain or learn.

- Maat


9 months ago
"If my energy doesn't wake you …

"If my energy doesn't wake you up, I'm not for you.
If my mind doesn't inspire you, don't force the connection.
If my thought doesn't make you think deeper, it's no point in keeping me in mind.
If my passion doesn't move you, then you better change your direction.
If my presence doesn't help you evolve, my absence certainly will.
If my love doesn't open your heart permanently, another love will.
Go and find what vibrates your being, don't even stop to look behind you.
One of the greatest acts of love is letting go.
The vibration doesn't lie.
Trust your process. "
--Alexander Jodorowsky


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