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Ar son na hÉireann! Réidh!
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1 month, 3 weeks ago


One day soon there will be a framed and revered photograph of this old woman in every true home in Germany, a small one maybe, but in every single one.

Ich hatt' einen Kameraden,
Einen bessern findst du nicht.
Nov. 1928 – Nov. 2024

1 month, 3 weeks ago

An Extraordinary General Meeting of the National Party, called by the President Justin Barrett, in accordance with the Constitution of the National Party, with more than 15 days notice to the valid membership, has just concluded.

A vote of confidence in the current President as leader of the Party was passed unanimously and three members of the National Directorate were elected by the members present.

There now follows a period of 30 days until the new National Directors take office and it is the intention of the President Mr. Barrett to proceed then to the High Court for a series of Orders to resolve the purported dispute over control of the Party mechanisms, in particular assets such as social media accounts, finances and sundry material items that have been illegally withheld over the past year and some.

The re-affirmed President would wish to add that such National Party candidates nominated by James Reynolds for the coming General Election, while technically valid, do not have the support of the legitimate Party leadership and any perceived endorsement of them is null and void. They shall further to that be expelled from the Party regardless of the outcome of the General Election.

The President would further wish it to be known that at no time was the National Party validly part of any “Alliance” for the purpose of that election or thereafter and this will be conveyed to the leaders of the constituent parties in a formal way as soon as the new National Directorate can hold a valid meeting.

Mr. Reynolds, who was given due notice of the EGM, will be held personally responsible for any reputational or financial damage to the Party occurring since July of 2023 and recompense will be sought, considerably increased if he should attempt to oppose the High Court application. Further criminal proceedings against himself and others are likely to follow.

2 months, 1 week ago

Another speaker, Vincent Byrne, had his mic turned off and taken from him once he brought up immigration and his candidacy, which was criticised by the organisers as being too "political" and therefore not allowed to be said. The organisers somehow didn't think it was too political when Frain was shouting his leftist talking points at Dwyer, simply because Dwyer asked questions about immigration that every single member of the crowd wanted answers to.

It is the opinion of the Clann Éireann members that were present that this protest was merely a regime-controlled operation that was set up to act as a pressure release valve, simply used as a tool in order to shut the townspeople up and make them feel as if they all aired their concerns properly and legitimately and that now finally the regime will do something.
Fortunately, it is evident that this attempt to allay the anger of the Irish people at the injustice that is being done to our Nation, was a complete and total failure. The people are still angry, and rightly so.
We ask all Irish Nationalists to channel that energy into positive action and join Clann Éireann:


4 months, 4 weeks ago
5 months, 2 weeks ago



5 months, 2 weeks ago

A Telegram Channel of some historical and contemporary interest:


8 months, 2 weeks ago

Say what you will about the NSDAP but if Irish Nationalism had the equivalent of the Brownshirts in Newtownmountkennedy last night the Garda Riot Squad would have gone home sorry to have come out. And there would have been no arrests made either!

8 months, 3 weeks ago

An Ceannaire has spoken!
An bhfuil tú réidh?

If you missed the live premiere of ‘THE LAUNCH’, visit the link below to watch it in your own time:


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Last updated 4 months ago

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