California Blackshirts

An anonymous and peaceful Pro-White activist group advocating for the security and survival of the European Race.

Contact us for vetting: [email protected]
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1 year ago
These past couple months have been …

These past couple months have been monumental in the development of our group. Our presence in central California has been felt and our call to action has been heard. What began as an idea shared by two men has evolved into a strong and determined collective of men and women who want nothing more than to secure the existence of our people.

However, with the developments on the global stage quickly becoming a global focus, we felt it necessary to begin directing our message towards shining light upon the facts of the matter, exposing the true vile nature of those who we've been told for decades are our greatest ally. In the months ahead we will be countering this lie. Heavy pushback will be applied to the tools of manipulation used by the zionist who occupy our government and the truth will be known: Jews aren't worth dying for.

1 year, 2 months ago

News segment mentioned above^

Again we are not sharing this to encourage harassment of anyone mentioned but to provide transparency


White supremacy message fills neighborhoods in Hanford

People in some Hanford neighborhoods woke up to Ziplock bags filled with rocks and a note in their front yard. The message is encouraging people of the white race to join them in a call to action. Chief of Police Parker Sever said this kind of act would not…

1 year, 2 months ago
California Blackshirts
1 year, 2 months ago
California Blackshirts
1 year, 2 months ago
The series of emails mentioned above^

The series of emails mentioned above^

1 year, 2 months ago

Late last week it was brought to our attention that a local news station aired a segment covering our flyering, stating that our flyers were "being investigated as an act of hate". The reporters failed to mention that flyering is a protected form of speech under the 1st Amendment, but this is par for the course. However, what isn't a norm and what we found to be concerning were the statements made by the city's Chief of Police in this segment. His comments alluded to his view of our flyering as done so with the intent of targeting non-Whites. This view is unarguably fallacious and so we felt  just in reaching out to this Chief of Police to set the record straight. A short series of emails were exchanged with us providing explanations at length with nothing in kind received in response, nothing of why he was viewing our actions as crimes of hate. Typical.

We are making this public not to encourage anyone to harass this officer but to provide transparency of just how law enforcement colludes with the media to spread misinformation and fear around Pro-White activism. The characterization of our flyers as hateful or hate-filled is at best a mischaracterization and at worst an outright lie, the latter being most certainly the case. These lies are time and time again used to control the narrative, intentionally misleading the public into viewing any and all racial advocation on the part of Whites as hate driven and a threat to public safety.

In spite of these efforts, more and more Whites are seeing through these anti-White lies and realizing their function: to keep Whites racially divided while non-Whites continue to collectivize to ensure their racial interests at the expense of Whites.
Activism is absolutely key in this awakening process, just as much as is shedding light on the efforts made against it. Our people need to see the blatant bias that our media, law enforcement and government holds against us. The more activist pressure we apply the more the anti-White system's stranglehold begins to weaken and clearer grows the path to securing the existence of our people and future for White children.

Hail Victory!

1 year, 2 months ago

In a world where Whites only acknowledge their race as a shame, we work to change this, taking the message of White Pride to doorsteps across the State.

White Men, Unite!
[email protected]

1 year, 2 months ago

Just a friendly reminder to all of those who operate against our interests:

The California Blackshirts are a peaceful and law-abiding collective of activists that operates as such. We are committed to legally protected activism and have zero interest in swaying from this manner of racial advocation. Any and all claims made against us to the contrary of the aforementioned intentions are nothing more than ideologically driven smears.

Try as they may, the jewish controlled media and their anti-fascist henchmen will never weaken our resolve or our dedication to our race. No amount of political smears, lies or slander will ever bring us to deny the pledge that we took to our Folk. We will secure the existence of our people and a future for White children.

Hail Victory!

1 year, 2 months ago

In all that you do in this life, remember that you represent the men and women who came before you. Bring them honor.

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