Английский с Laura Pickens

American living in Russia. Speaking coach with over 10.000 hours of working with practicing English speakers. Blogger who focuses on the deep meaning similarities and differences of Russian and American people.

We recommend to visit

Community chat: https://t.me/hamster_kombat_chat_2

Website: https://hamster.network

Twitter: x.com/hamster_kombat

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@HamsterKombat_Official

Bot: https://t.me/hamster_kombat_bot

Last updated 6 days, 21 hours ago

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Last updated 5 months, 3 weeks ago

Turn your endless taps into a financial tool.
Join @tapswap_bot

Collaboration - @taping_Guru

Last updated 3 weeks ago

7 months ago

Narcotics Anonymous started in the United States in the format of AA, which was founded in 1935. Anyone who is lucky enough to find themselves in a 12-step meeting is a very lucky person, as well as their families and loved ones. There is a lot of good that happens in those meetings. There is support, love, experience, learning, therapy, and healing. They look scary because there are a bunch of "addicts" gathering, drinking coffee, and smoking cigarettes. Maybe even saying bad words. But they are actively learning how to live better lives and to live selflessly. Don’t believe me? Ask one of them to help you carry something to your car. They’ll jump over each other to be the one to help you.

If you want to chat about this or learn more, click here and join our private telegram chat group for 299 rubles a month.

7 months, 1 week ago

Americans: Why We Are the Way We Are ?

There are a thousand and half more little things most Americans share in common experiences. It's not just pop culture, it's our heroes and our models of behavior. It's our morality and our personalities. When people say Americans are loud and smiley, statistically they're not wrong. There are sound reasons why we have common characteristics.

If you want to chat about this, if you want to learn more, come join our private chat on Telegram for more information.

7 months, 2 weeks ago

Blood on the Clocktower Returns to Russia
with Laura Pickens

? Sunday, 4 August
? Mr. Drunke Bar, г. Краснодар, ул. Красноармейская, 58
? 19:00 – 21:00
? 1000 руб + food/drink
? EN ??

I'm back from a trip to the Blood on the Clocktower convention in Sydney Australia, birthplace of the game. We played sooo many games and I got to meet the people I play with online, celebrities, and the makers of the game. I'm so excited to be back with you guys and play some more clocktower. We have a script we've never played before, Bad Moon Rising, that I think you guys are ready for.

If you'd like to play, send me a deposit of 500 rubles to save your place. Tinkoff 2200700816673981

9 months, 2 weeks ago

Cultural Differences Between Russia and America ????

I have tried to avoid topics that might cause disagreements, but we all know that America and Russia have historically been at odds with each other, and we find ourselves there again. I consider myself to belong equally to both cultures and wish we could discuss our differences without dividing us.

Let's start a dialogue about what makes us different and what unites us.

If you want to chat about this or learn more, join our private Telegram chat for 299 rubles a month. Click here for more information.

9 months, 3 weeks ago
Panda Express Orange Chicken

Panda Express Orange Chicken
copycat recipe


- 900 граммов куриного филе без кости и кожи, нарезанного на кусочки
- 1 яйцо
- 1 1/2 чайные ложки соли
- белый перец
- масло (для жарки)
- 1/2 стакана кукурузного крахмала
- 1/4 стакана муки

Апельсиновый соус:

- 3 столовые ложки соевого соуса
- 180 мл апельсинового сока
- 100 грамм сахара
- цедра 1 апельсина
- 1 столовая ложка масла
- 2 столовые ложки свежего имбиря, мелко нарезанного
- 2 чайные ложки чеснока, мелко нарезанного
- 1 чайная ложка хлопьев красного чили
- 1/2 стакана зеленого лука, нарезанного
- 2 столовые ложки рисового вина
- 120 мл воды
- 2 столовые ложки кукурузного крахмала
- 1 чайная ложка кунжутного масла

1 Поместите кусочки курицы в большую миску и отставьте в сторону.
2 В средней миске перемешайте яйцо, соль, перец и 1 столовую ложку масла. Хорошо перемешайте и отставьте в сторону.
3 В другой средней миске смешайте 1/2 стакана кукурузного крахмала и муку.
4 Нагрейте масло для фритюра в воке или фритюрнице до 190 градусов Цельсия.
5 Обмакните кусочки курицы в яичную смесь, затем обваляйте в смеси муки, стряхивая излишки.
6 Выкладывайте курицу небольшими партиями в вок и жарьте 3-4 минуты или до золотистого цвета. (Не пережаривайте курицу).
7 Извлеките курицу из масла шумовкой и слейте жир на бумажных полотенцах; отставьте в сторону.


8 В небольшой миске соедините соевый соус, апельсиновый сок, коричневый сахар и цедру апельсина. Отставьте в сторону.
9 Очистите вок и разогрейте 15 секунд на высоком огне.
10 Добавьте 1 столовую ложку масла, имбирь, чеснок, хлопья красного чили и зеленый лук, и обжаривайте несколько секунд до появления аромата.
11 Теперь добавьте рисовое вино и ранее приготовленную смесь соевого соуса.
12 Добавьте приготовленную курицу, перемешивая до равномерного распределения.
13 В небольшой миске смешайте воду и кукурузный крахмал, затем добавьте в вок и перемешивайте, пока соус не загустеет. Добавьте кунжутное масло по желанию.
14 Подавайте с жасминовым рисом.

9 months, 3 weeks ago

The school absentee policy in America seems harsh. The same idea exists in the workplace to a degree. There is a mentality that work comes first. I think it's part of the American work ethic. In Russia, it feels like there's a belief that parents have more of a say in what's best for their children. It does make school seem less of a priority however. I'm not sure which is better, but I do love that me choosing what's best for my child is not being questioned in this case.

If you want to chat about this or learn more, come join our private chat on Telegram for 299 rubles a month. Click here

11 months, 3 weeks ago

Today's post is just a love letter to my best friend Liz on our 1 year anniversary)

11 months, 4 weeks ago
11 months, 4 weeks ago

? A Day of High Emotions at the Krasnodar Multifunction Center

?Today was filled with surprises and unexpected turns. First, I managed to navigate through the migration service with a little contribution and charm. ? I already know when I need to visit them again. However, at the multifunction center, another mistake came to light... Honestly, I couldn't hold back and let the administrator know exactly what I thought - in fluent Russian! ? On one hand, I'm proud of my ability to express my emotions clearly, but on the other, I felt so bad. It wasn't her fault, and she was actually helping me.

To make amends for my behavior, I bought an eclair from a nearby bakery and gifted it to this wonderful woman. She was touched. ? I think they rarely receive thanks, even though they deserve it every day.

It's terrifying when a simple mistake in a document can jeopardize your entire life...

Interested in learning more about life as an emigrant or have questions about English? Join my chat on Telegram for 299 rubles for unlimited access for 30 days! For more details, access my payment bot?

12 months ago
Английский с Laura Pickens
We recommend to visit

Community chat: https://t.me/hamster_kombat_chat_2

Website: https://hamster.network

Twitter: x.com/hamster_kombat

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@HamsterKombat_Official

Bot: https://t.me/hamster_kombat_bot

Last updated 6 days, 21 hours ago

Your easy, fun crypto trading app for buying and trading any crypto on the market.
📱 App: @Blum
🤖 Trading Bot: @BlumCryptoTradingBot
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Last updated 5 months, 3 weeks ago

Turn your endless taps into a financial tool.
Join @tapswap_bot

Collaboration - @taping_Guru

Last updated 3 weeks ago