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Reasons for not having Khushu and its cure - Sheikh Ibn Baz
أنا شابٌّ أحاول إذا كنتُ أقرأ القرآن أو أُصلي أو أتذكر حال المسلمين أن أبكي، ولكن لا أستطيع، فما أسباب ذلك؟ وما العلاج؟
I am a young man who tries to cry when I read the Qur'an, pray, or remember the state of the Muslims. However, I am unable to do so. What are the reasons for this, and what is the remedy?
لهذا أسبابٌ كثيرةٌ، عدم البكاء له أسبابٌ، منها:
There are many reasons for this, not being able to cry has reasons, Among them:
قسوة القلوب بسبب المعاصي والذنوب، فإنَّ القلوب إذا قست قلَّت دمعةُ العين،
The hardness of the heart due to disobedience and sins. When hearts harden, tears of the eyes become scarce.
وإذا حاسب نفسَه واتَّقى الله وترك معصيته واستقام على أمره خشع قلبه، ودمعت عينه.
However if he holds himself accountable, has taqwā of Allah, leaves off sins, and remains steadfast upon His commandment, then his heart becomes humble, and his eyes shed tears.
ومن ذلك: الغفلة بالوساوس التي تعرض على قلبه هاهنا وهاهنا حتى تشغله عن الخشوع ودمع العين،
Another reason is the heedlessness due to waswās (whispers) that comes upon the heart here and there, until it diverts him from khushū' (humility towards Allah with focus) and shedding tears.
فقد يكون في نفسه تقيًّا، ولكن تغلب عليه الوساوس حتى تشغله عن ذكر الله، وعن تعظيمه، وعن الخشوع بين يديه، وقد يُبتلى بأفكارٍ ترد عليه تشغله أيضًا.
He could be a pious person but wasāwis overcome and occupy him until it diverts him away from the remembrance of Allah,
revering Him, being humble in front of Him, and he could also be troubled by thoughts that preoccupy him.
فينبغي أن يجمع قلبَه على صلاته، وعلى قراءته، وعلى ذكره لله؛ وعند هذا يخشع القلب، وتدمع العين
Therefore, it is necessary to focus his heart in his prayer, in his recitation (of the Qur'an in it), and in his remembrance of Allah. In doing so, the heart will be humbled, and tears will flow from the eyes.
Reasons for not having Khushu and its cure - Sheikh Ibn Baz
How to Deal With Those Who Describe The Sunnah With Extremism - Sheikh Ibn Baz
السؤال: من تمسك بالسنة كما ينبغي؛ قَصَّر ثوبه وأعفى لحيته، كثير من المسلمين يقولون عنه: هذا متشدد وهذا متزمت وهذا كذا وكذا، ماذا يكون موقف الإنسان؟
Question: Whoever adheres to the Sunnah as it has been legislated; shortens his garment and lets his beard grow. Many Muslims will say: This one is extreme, this one is a fundamentalist, and this one is such-and-such. What position should a person take?
الجواب: لا يبالي بهم، يقول: هذه السنة، والله يهديكم،
Answer: He should not be bothered by them. He says: This is the Sunnah, may Allāh guide you.
يخاطبهم بالتي هي أحسن، هداكم الله هذه السنة، وبس، يعلمهم بالدليل والحمد لله،
He should address them with that which is best, (by saying), ‘May Allāh guide you, this is the Sunnah' and that’s it. He should teach them with evidence. Alḥamdu lillāh (all praise be to Allāh),
ولا يضرونه، ولا يبالي بهم، مثلما فعل المنافقون مع أهل السُّنة
﴿ وَإِذَا مَرُّوا بِهِمْ يَتَغَامَزُونَ ﴾ [ سورة المطففين:٣٠].
And they will not harm him. He should not pay attention to them, like what the hypocrites did with the people of Sunnah: (the English translation of the āyah)
“And when they pass by them, they wink at each other.” [Sūrah Al-Muṭaffifīn:30]
Are Innovators part of al-Firqah an-Nājiyah (the Saved Group)? - Sheikh Ibn Baz
السؤال: هل المبتدع خارج عن الفرقة الناجية، و الطائفة المنصورة؟
Question: Is the innovator excluded from al-Firqah an-Nājiyah (The Saved Group), and at-Ṭāifah al-Manṣūrah (The Victorious Group)?
الجواب: المبتدعون ليسوا من الطائفة المنصورة،
Answer: The innovators are not from The Victorious Group,
كـالرافضة، والجهمية، والمعتزلة، والكرامية، وأشباههم،
(Innovators) Such as the Rāfiḍah, Jahmiyyah, Muʿtazilah, Karrāmiyyah, and those like them.
الطائفة المنصورة هم أهل السنة والجماعة، هم أتباع الكتاب والسنة
The Victorious Group are Ahl as-Sunnah wa al-Jamāʿah: They are the followers of the Kitāb (Qurʾān) and Sunnah,
الذين لم يبتدعوا في دين الله ما لم يأذن به الله،
those who do not innovate in the dīn (religion) of Allāh that which Allāh did not legislate.
لما سئل الرسول ﷺ عنهم قال: هم من كان على ما أنا عليه وأصحابي قال: هم الجماعة.
When the Prophet ﷺ was asked about them, he said : “They are those who are upon what I and my Saḥābah (Companions) are upon,” he (also) said: “They are the Jamāʿah (group unified upon the truth).”
فـالطائفة المنصورة، والفرقة الناجية هم أتباع النبي ﷺ
So, The Victorious Group, and The Saved Group (both these terms refer to the same group) – they are the followers of the Prophet ﷺ.
الذين لم يحرفوا، ولم يغيروا، ولم يبتدعوا، بل تمسكوا بالكتاب والسنة،
Those who do not distort, change, or innovate. Rather, they hold on to the Kitāb and Sunnah.
وساروا على منهج سلف الأمة من الصحابة، ومن تبعهم بإحسان في القول، والعمل، والعقيدة،
And they tread upon the methodology of the Salaf of this Ummah (pious predecessors), which consists of the Companions and those who followed them with righteousness in statements, actions, and beliefs.
هؤلاء هم أهل السنة
These are the people of Sunnah and Jamāʿah.
الذين وحدوا الله، عبدوه وحده واستقاموا على شريعته،
Those who make Tawḥīd of Allāh (single Him out) by worshipping Him Alone and are steadfast upon His Sharīʿah (Islamic legislation),
وآمنوا بأسمائه، وصفاته، وأمروها كما جاءت على الوجه اللائق بالله
and they believe in His Names and Attributes, and accept them exactly (as they were revealed) in a manner befitting to Allāh,
من غير تحريف، ولا تعطيل، ولا تكييف، ولا تمثيل،
without Taḥrīf (distortion), Taʿṭīl (negation), Takyīf (asking how) and Tamthīl (likening Allāh to His creation).
واعتمدوا في أعمالهم ما جاء في الكتاب والسنة في الأقوال، والأعمال. نعم.
And they base their actions and sayings on what has come in the Kitāb and Sunnah. Yes.
Being devoted to the Qur’aan - Sheikh Ibn Bāz
فجدير بالمؤمن وجدير بالمؤمنة العناية بهذا الكتاب العظيم
It is befitting for the male and female believer to show great care with this tremendous Book,
والإقبال عليه
be devoted to it,
وتدبر معانيه
and contemplate its meanings.
ولاسيما في الأوقات المناسبة كآخر الليل وأول النهار
This is especially during the specified times like the latter part of the night, in the early morning,
وأشباه ذلك من الأوقات المناسبة
and, similarly, the other suitable times.
يقرأ من المصحف أو عن ظهر قلب ويتدبر ويتعقل
He reads from the Mushaf or from the memory, he contemplates and understands deeply
حتى يعرف مراد ربه سبحانه وتعالى
so that he knows what his Rabb (Lord) requires from him, Exalted and Glorified be He.
فيبادر بفعل ما أمر الله جل وعلا
So, he hastens to do what Allah commanded (him to do)
وينتهى عما نهى الله عنه سبحانه وتعالى
while refraining from what Allah made forbidden to him.
ويقف عند حدود الله
And he stays within the limits set by Allah,
يرجو ثوابه ويخشى عقابه
hoping for His reward and fearing His punishment.
Is Seeking Islamic Knowledge Obligatory upon a Woman and How Should She Seek it? - Sheikh Ibn Bāz
السائل: تقول: هل للمرأة أن تذهب لطلب العلم، وما هي المواد الشرعية التي تنصحون بدراستها؟
Questioner: She asks, can a woman go to seek (Islamic) knowledge, and what are the subjects of the Sharīʿah that you advise studying?
الشيخ: نعم، يشرع لها بل يجب عليها أن تتعلم لسماع العلم من طريق الإذاعة، من طريق إذاعة القرآن،
Sheikh: Yes, it is allowed for her, rather, it is obligatory upon her to learn: by listening to knowledge from the radio, by (listening to) idhāʿah al-Qurʾān (A radio channel),
من طريق زيارة النساء المعلمات، حضور مجالس العلم التي تستطيع حضورها مع التستر حتى تسمع الفائدة والعلم،
by visiting female teachers, attending the gatherings of knowledge that she can attend while being covered (observing proper Ḥijāb) so that she can listen to the benefits and (to the) knowledge,
سؤال أهل العلم بالتلفون، أو بالمكاتبة،
(by) asking the people of knowledge through the telephone, or by writing (to them).
كل هذا من طلب العلم،
All of these are from seeking knowledge.
النبي عليه السلام يقول: من يرد الله به خيرًا يفقهه في الدين
The Prophet ﷺ said: Whoever Allāh wants goodness for, He grants him understanding of the religion.
فإذا كان هناك امرأة تعلم النساء وجب عليها أن تذهب إليها مع النساء للتعلم، والتفقه في الدين،
If there is a woman teaching females, then she is obliged to go to her along with the other women to learn and (to gain) an understanding of the religion.
وإذا كان هناك حلقات علم للرجال، وحولها مجالس للنساء، محلات نساء خاصة يسمعن العلم
And if there are gatherings of knowledge for men, and around them are sitting arrangements for women – places specifically for women – where they can listen to knowledge,
تذهب تسمع العلم مع التستر والتحفظ، والبعد عن أسباب الفتنة،
she goes and listens to the knowledge while being covered up, taking precautions, and staying away from the causes of temptation.
وإذا سألت من طريق الهاتف من طريق التلفون أو المكاتبة، تسأل أهل العلم عما أشكل عليها
Also, if she asks the people of knowledge through the telephone or by writing (to them) about what she doesn't understand,
كل هذا من أسباب تحصيل العلم،
all of these (ways) are from the means of attaining Islamic knowledge.
والله يقول جل وعلا في كتابه العظيم:
And Allāh, the Majestic and High, says in His Mighty Book (the meaning of which is):
فَاتَّقُوا اللَّهَ مَا اسْتَطَعْتُمْ
"So be mindful of Allāh to the best of your ability" [Sūrah Al-Taghābun: 16]
Teaching Iman Before Teaching the Qur'an - Sheikh Ibn Baz
السؤال: ما معنى قول الصحابي: "كنا نُؤتى الإيمان قبل القرآن"؟
Question: What is the meaning of the saying of the Sahābī (Companion of the Prophet ﷺ) "We were given Imān before the Qur'ān"?
الجواب: معناه: الإيمان بالله، يعني: الإيمان بالله وتوحيده،
Answer: Its meaning: Imān in Allah, meaning - Imān in Allah and making Tawhīd of Him.
فهم يُعلَّمون ويدعوهم النبيُّ ﷺ ويُؤمنون بالله ورسوله قبل أن يتعلَّموا، قبل أن يقرؤوا القرآن،
So, they were taught, the Prophet ﷺ called them, and they believed in Allah and His Messenger before they learnt - before they read/recited the Qur’ān.
فإن قول "لا إله إلا الله" هذا هو مبدأ الإيمان، النبيُّ يقول لهم: قولوا: لا إله إلا الله تُفْلِحوا ويدعوهم إلى هذا،
So, indeed the saying: Lā ilāha Illa Allah, this is the starting point of Imān. The Prophet said to them (in the meaning of which), "Say: Lā Ilāha Illa Allah you will succeed," and he called them towards this.
ويُعلِّم مَن جاء مسلمًا حتى يقول: "لا إله إلا الله"،
He taught whoever came as a Muslim until he said " Lā ilāha Illa Allah."
ثم يتعلم القرآنَ بعد ذلك، يتعلم ما تيسر منه: كالفاتحة وما تيسر معها.
Then, he would learn the Qur'ān after that. He would learn what is easy from it: like Al-Fatihah and whatever is easy along with it.
How to Memorise the Qur'ān? - Sheikh Ibn Baz
السؤال: عندي رغبة شديدة لحفظ كتاب الله، فيا ترى ما هي أسهل الطرق لحفظ القرآن الكريم؟
Question: I have an intense desire to memorise the Book of Allah, so what is the easiest way to memorise the Noble Qur'ān?
الجواب: أسهل الطرق أن تعين وقتًا مناسبًا لك بعد الفجر، أو في الليل تحفظ فيه ما تيسر،
Answer: The easiest way is that you specify a suitable time for yourself, after Fajr or at night in which you memorise what is easy for you in it.
وتستعين بالله على ذلك، تضرع إليه بالسؤال أن يعينك على حفظ كتابه، وتحذر المعاصي،
And that you seek the aid of Allah in that, implore Him asking that He aids you in memorising His book and beware of sins.
هذه هي الطرق التي توصلك إلى حفظ القرآن.
These are the ways that will lead you to memorization of the Qur'ān.
أولًا: الحرص على ضبط الوقت، الذي تعينه للحفظ.
First, diligence upon being precise with the time that you have specified for memorization.
والثاني: الضراعة إلى الله أن يعينك، ويوفقك، وأن يسهل لك حفظ كتابه.
Second, imploring Allah that He aids you, grants you success, and makes it easy for you to memorise His Book.
والأمر الثالث: الحذر من المعاصي؛ لأن المعاصي شرها عظيم، وعواقبها وخيمة، وقد يحال بينك وبين حفظ القرآن عقوبة لك،
The third thing is being wary of sins, because the evil of sins is great and its consequences are grave. Also, it could come between you and memorizing the Qur'ān as a punishment for you.
ولا حول ولا قوة إلا بالله. نعم.
And there is no hawl (change from state to state) or strength except with Allah.
Ruling of Accepting Gifts from a Father who doesn't Pray - Sheikh Ibn Baz
آخر سؤال لها تقول فيه: والدي للأسف الشديد لا يصلي، ويقوم أحيانًا بإعطائي بعض النقود في المناسبات، كالأعياد مثلًا، فهل يجوز لي أخذها؟ وإذا أخذتها، وتصدقت بها؛ فهل تصح الصدقة، أم لا؟ جزاكم الله خيرًا.
She says in her last question: My father, with great regret, does not pray. And he sometimes gives me some money during certain occasions, such as Eid, for example. Is it possible for me to take it? And if I did take it, and gave it as a Sadaqah (charity), then is the Sadaqah correct or not? May Allah reward you with good.
الجواب: لا بأس بأخذ الدراهم من والدك، ولا بأس بالصدقة بها، أو الانتفاع بها، لا حرج في ذلك،
Answer: There is no problem in taking money from your father, nor is there a problem with giving it in Sadaqah or benefitting from it. It's okay,
مع النصيحة لوالدك بالكلام الطيب.. تخويفه من الله -جل وعلا- .. حثه على الصلاة..
accompanied with advising your father with good speech, scaring him of Allah, and encouraging him to pray.
كذلك تشجيع أعمامك -إن كان لك أعمام- أو إخوة كبار ينصحونه، أو جيران جيدين ينصحونه،
Likewise, encouraging your uncles - if you have uncles - or elder brothers to advise him, or good neighbors who can advise him.
لا تغفلي، ولا يغفل إخوانك، ولا أعمامك،
Do not be negligent, nor should your brothers or uncles be negligent.
عليكم أن تتقوا الله فيه، وأن تنصحوه، وأن تستمروا في ذلك،
It is upon you all to have Taqwa of Allah regarding him and that you advise him and be persistent in that.
أما هديته فاقبلوها، لا حرج في ذلك. نعم.
As for his gifts, then accept them, it's okay, Yes.
Returning to sins after Ramadhan - Sheikh Ibn Baz
السؤال: من يرجع إلى المعاصي بعد رمضان هل هو علامة على عدم قبول عمله في رمضان؟
Question: The one who goes back to sins after Ramadhān, is it a sign of his deeds in Ramadhān not being accepted?
الجواب: يخشى عليه؛ لأن هذا علامة على التساهل، وأنه غير صادق التوبة،
It is feared for him; because this is a sign of heedlessness and that he wasn't truthful in repentance.
فينبغي للمؤمن إذا منّ الله عليه بإكمال الشهر أن يستقيم،
So, the believer should, if Allah has bestowed His Favour upon him, after completing the month remain steadfast,
وأن يستمر على الخير، وأن يحذر الشر والعودة إليه، فإن العودة إلى الشر خطير،
continue upon goodness, be cautious of evil, and returning back to it; for indeed going back to evil is a dangerous thing.
قد يكون سببًا لحبوط عمله وعدم قبوله، لا حول ولا قوة إلا بالله، نسأل الله السلامة
It could be a reason for his deeds becoming fruitless and not being accepted, Lā hawla wa lā quwwata illā bi-Allah [There is no hawl (change from state to state) or strength except with Allah], we ask Allah for safety.
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