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5 months ago

Ignorance is the loss of simple, relaxed, open presence in the ground. When this arises there is a kind of mixture of anxiety, a sense of instability, and this manifests as grasping, as clinging on, as holding to something as a means of gaining reassurance.

This is how duality arises. Duality is subject and object. ‘I’ hold on to ‘that’. I am James. There is a grasping, a holding on to a particular formulation which appears to be definitive or at least accurately referential to me. Now that I feel ‘I am me’ I can ask ‘So who are you?’ Then we start to multiply our words and concepts and give names to everything.

In the Old Testament this process of naming is described as an act of the wisdom and generosity of God. From the buddhist point of view, however, it is the mad stumbling of the ignorant. We name things because we don’t see what they are.

National identity, personal identity and buddha nature. Berlin, Oct 2017
James Low

5 months ago

The Madman Heruka from Tsang 1452-1507, was an author and a master of the Kagyu school of Tantrik Buddhism. Born in Tsang Tibet, he is best known as a biographer and compiler of the Life of Milarepa and The Collections of Songs of Milarepa. Tsangnyön Heruka was a Nyönpa "religious madman". He was ordained as a monk as a child, but at the age of 21 he renounced his vows and trained under various tantrik yogis from different schools. After Heruka left the monastery, he became a wandering yogi for the rest of his life, never staying in one place permanently. He was known to keep his hair long, carry a khatvanga and drink from a kapala (skull bowl). When local villagers saw his body covered in human ashes and blood with his hair adorned by human fingers and toes, they gave him the name 'Nyönpa' (madman). He later used the name Trantung Gyelpo "King of the Blood-drinkers" which he received from the deity Hevajra in a vision, "blood drinker" being the Tibetan name for the deity Heruka. These eccentric ways were influenced by an Indian sect of yogis called Kapalikas "skull-bearers", who practiced austerities as well as dressing in loincloths and human ashes and carrying symbols of the dakinis such as bone ornaments and skulls. Many monks questioned his behavior and way of dress but Tsangnyön Heruka Trantung Gyelpo was known to strongly defend his unconventional practice through rigorous argument and accurate quotations from scriptures. One day He appeared on a market place naked with brown sugar in one hand and feces in the other eating from both. Another day he was seen eating the brains of someone who had died of smallpox. It's said from this time on he was completely free from all misunderstandings and the dualities of samsara and nirvana became one and the same to him.

5 months ago

Why a teacher in the flesh is not a requirement in Dzogchen system contrary to popular opinion, From a globally recognized master of Dzogchen ...was considered one of the two living Dzogchen Masters head of the tradition in his life time.

"With Vajrayana teaching, most people think that the most important thing is to receive initiation; this is the attitude of the Vajrayana tradition. However, the principle of the Dzogchen teaching is self-liberation and the path is different. In Dzogchen teaching the main point is not initiation and it is not indispensable to receive one. In Dzogchen teaching what is most important is direct introduction which is not a particular initiation but a Dzogchen method. Dzogchen teaching can be transmitted in different ways. ...."

5 months, 1 week ago

The Dzogchen View

In Dzogchen, there is no relative view. The absolute view is also unnecessary because everything is absolute in Dzogchen.

Seventh Dzogchen Rinpoche

5 months, 1 week ago

The five types of samayas to be practiced with profound skillful means are liberation, union, stealing the wealth of others, sexual misconduct and lying. Those who are skilled in the methods should apply these five types. About this configuration the Damtsig gi Long says:

Liberation, union, stealing, lying and abusive words should be applied in a meaningful, correct manner.

Khenpo Zhenphen Öser

5 months, 1 week ago

Because it is very difficult for followers of the lower vehicles to really understand this, there is advice that fortunate practitioners should not abandon the teachings about supreme secret samayas.

The Ngama says:
This sublime nectar, beyond meditation and communication, is impartial, but it is not realized by ordinary people. Its special form is very secret. The non-necessity to see is the supreme view. Whatever happens is the principle of this non-conceptual unborn state. This path is not obscured by anxiety and defects. The meaning is discovered when concepts of purity and filth dissolve. Preposterous, sensual and inexpiable conduct is not understood by sravakas even in the slightest. When the sea monster is not abandoned as if concrete, one obtains the most special supreme nectar.

Khenpo Zhenphen Öser

5 months, 2 weeks ago

"The Lotus Lord of the World rejects nothing [but] remains in equality, with the complete realization that seeing phenomena as delusory is itself delusion, and does not even reject the work of Mara, the teachings of the six [Hindu] schools, conceiving them as evil. Due to the fact that even the conduct of wisdom and skillful means does not exist, such activity is like that of Mara. When one becomes proud and triumphant at one's superior understanding, then attachment and aversion arise, and disputes occur - this is ignorance, not seeing the true meaning. One should not remain in the extremes of [either] movement or non-movement; nor is there any remaining in remaining. The Sugāta has said, 'The Middle Path without [delusory] appearances is the mind of enlightenment'.
Bodhicitta abaya tantra

5 months, 2 weeks ago

Gregg E Eisenberg
Letting Go Is All We have to Hold Onto: Mind-Altering Jokes

All humor is philosophy. But Austrian linguist Ludwig Wittgenstein went further: "An entire treatise of philosophy could be written that consists entirely of jokes." Author Evan Hodkins similarly said: "The next religion will consist of an expansive catalog of humor." And Mexican poet Cesar Cruz added: "All art should comfort the disturbed, and disturb the comfortable."

And now, dear reader, you have stumbled upon a very curious but very relatable collection of all-original humor that blends these ideas together into easy-to-digest, family-friendly, bite-sized nuggets -- known as "The Eisenberg Principles" -- one-sentence laughorisms!

5 months, 2 weeks ago

Everyone wants to become like Drukpa Kunley, the “divine madman of Tibet”. We are a species that really wants to do whatever we feel like doing. And that’s not discouraged, especially in Vajrayana and dzogpachenpo. In fact they really want you to do that. But that’s so difficult!
To do whatever you want to do is the most difficult thing! You have to be so brave, so very brave! It’s much easier to shave your head, walk gently, and follow a certain code of conduct – much easier!
And we should have the aspiration to be able to do whatever comes in our minds, without second thoughts or blinking our eyes. Without having any concerns about what people will say. That’s difficult in this world that is driven by advertisement. Our generation is the generation of advertisement, and we just don’t know how to do what we want.
Dzongsar Jamyang Khyentse Rinpoche

8 months, 1 week ago

We recognize
our inner simplicity.

We rest naturally,
fixating on nothing at all.

In the absence
of thoughts and thinking
we experience
inseparable union
with the abiding presence.

The Supreme Transmission, pg. 99

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