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Regarding the “sex urge” in Nature, which is synonymous with chi, prana, the Odic force, orgone and by many other names including vitalism, Matt discusses the FIRST of many popular booklets to be published by Walter and Lao Russell, “A Scientific Explanation of Sex” (1st printing - 1949). From the Forward: "This booklet is reprinted from Vol. II of THE MESSAGE OF THE DIVINE ILIAD in response to so many requests for inexpensive replicas by those who wish to give many copies to friends and others, especially young people, who so sorely need basic information upon this most vital subject of life."
Presented at the University of Science & Philosophy
TEC TALK 19 – Michael Leas – Harmonizing Technology With Nature is now available for the public. Get early access to all TEC podcasts by subscribing to my Substack. Thank you for your support of independent media!
Featuring inventor Michael Leas. We discuss his Magnevex Research Project, vortex physics, metaphysics, Walter Russell, Nikola Tesla, the need for holistic science, putting spirit back into the pursuit of truth in science and using Nature as your mirror in the exploration of higher principles of life, work and consciousness. Michael also demonstrates many of his inventions in this exciting presentation. Recorded 12/16/2024. Runtime 79 minutes.
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“The one still Light of God is the cosmic Light which watches over all creating things at countless points locatable by man, but invisible to man.
Man's senses have misled him into believing in a force called magnetism which attracts compass needles and lifts tons of steel. These phenomena of motion are due to electricity and not to magnetism.
The cosmic Light is absolutely still. It neither attracts nor repels.
We now need to comprehend the nature and purpose of the "magnetic poles" of suns, planets and all other moving extensions of the One Light.
Likewise, we need to know the nature and purpose of the two electric workers which interweave this light mirage of seeming motion and dissolve it sequentially for rebuilding. This will give a foundation of knowledge to man which will enable him to see behind the illusions which deceive his senses.
The time has come in the history of man's journey from his material jungle to his spiritual mountain top when it is imperative that he must live more and more in the cosmic Light universe of knowing, and less in the electric wave universe of sensing.
Man must know that his power lies in the stillness of his centering self and not in the motion by means of which he manifests that stillness. He must know that his Self is God in him. Also he must know gradually the dawning awareness of the cosmic Light of God in him, for with it comes an awareness of his purposefulness in manifesting the Light and the power to manifest it.
Man must now know the universe of God for what it is instead of what his senses have made him believe it to be.” - Walter Russell, The Secret of Light
1 - “The cardinal error of science lies in shutting the Creator out of His Creation.”
Russell argues that by disregarding the Creator as the CAUSE of the universe, the entire foundation and structure for understanding the EFFECT that constitutes the universe is toppled, as every EFFECT can only be understood in its CAUSE. All the seemingly infinite, complex, and separate effects in matter derive from the same substance and respond to the same inviolable law, which reflects the Nature of their Cause and is motivated by It —the Law of Balance.
2 – The Misconception of Electro-Magnetism
Russell argues that there is no electro-magnetic force in nature because all phenomena in nature are exclusively electrical. “That which science calls magnetism, and believes to be a force which has the power of lifting tons of steel, is God's still Light which balances and controls the equality of electric division, but electricity alone performs all of the work of this universe. The magnetic Light which controls the universal balance performs no work whatsoever."
3 – The Misconception of Energy
“Failure to recognize that this universal body of moving matter has been created by some power outside of itself has led science to conclude that the energy which created matter is within itself. Even more erroneous is the conclusion that energy is a condition of matter, such as heat."
Russell critiques the idea that energy resides within matter and that the universe will "run down" as it loses all heat, as predicted by the theory of universal expansion. In his cosmology, the universe is eternal, motivated by the Universal Mind. All energy exists in a state of balanced rest in space and is divided into opposing electrical pressures that can perform work through movement in seeking the equilibrium lost, which we interpret as energy. However, energy does not lie in the caused movement but in its still Cause. Movement is merely the EXPRESSION of the energy of its CAUSE.
4 – The Misconception of Matter
“Electric matter is a mirror that reflects qualities outside itself to simulate those qualities within itself.”
Just as matter does not possess energy within itself but only expresses the energy of its Cause, it does not organize itself, but is shaped by its Cause - the Universal Mind. To attribute powers of attraction and repulsion to matter is an error, as these forces are effects of electrical action rather than qualities inherent in matter. Matter doesn't have any property which is not extended to it by its Cause, and belongs to its Cause.
5 – The Misconception of Substance
“Sense of observation has led to the erroneous conclusion that there are 92 different substances of matter. This universe is substanceless. It consists of motion only."
According to Russell, all the apparent different substances of matter are merely different pressure and motion conditions of light, perceived as distinct substances by the senses. Short, fast waves simulate solidity and incandescence, while long, slow waves simulate tenuity and obscurity.
Russell explores these five fundamental misconceptions in greater depth in his book A New Concept of the Universe. He argued that these errors are what science must correct to guide its understanding of natural phenomena beyond mere empiricism and onto a path of true comprehension.
“Russell designed his periodic tables in 1921, publishing them for the first time in the book The Universal One in 1926. His table is designed based on the principle of the octave wave of nature, which Russell learned about through his experience of enlightenment in 1921, which allowed him to predict the existence of several elements that were still unknown at the time, and others that are still unknown today. These elements were, specifically, Technetium, Promethium, Hafnium, Rhenium, Astatine, Francium, Neptunium and Plutonium, which were the elements that were later discovered. In the book The Universal One, Russell explains that these transuranic elements, which he named Uridium and Urium at the time, would be elements that, if isolated, could cause explosions and radioactive effects like never before. These elements were isolated in 1940, and named Neptunium and Plutonium.
In addition, there are seven other elements in the hydrogen octave, two of which were discovered - Deuterium and Tritium - and were mistakenly classified as isotopes, according to Walter, since the third universal octave does not allow the existence of isotopes as elementary divisions, these two being whole elements in the hydrogen octave. The discovery of Deuterium and Tritium occurred precisely through lectures that Russell gave at the time regarding the impossibility of hydrogen existing alone before an inert gas (Helium), but that there should be six other elements with it, completing its octave. In addition to these, there are also 21 other elements before hydrogen, which are gases so subtle that they have not yet been discovered, and which, according to Walter, fill all the space between celestial bodies that science believes to be a "vacuum".
Even despite his contribution, the distribution of hundreds of copies of The Universal One to scientists and universities of the time and his efforts to demonstrate his concepts in the laboratory, as occurred in 1927 at Westinghouse, his name and his cosmology were completely ignored.”
— Eduardo of Walter Russell Brazil
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