Kab Lessons Haiku Notes

Rav's lesson haiku notes
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2 months ago

Haiku Lesson Notes
December 31, 2024
1. Arvut on the Path to Lishma
2. Rabash. 5. The Meaning of Sins Becoming as Merits

In arvut, when all are regarded
As one - precisely by this,
They can observe the Torah.

When each is pleased with his friend,
There is no disparity of their desires -
They are all included in one desire.

By merging into one desire,
They enter the Upper desire,
Which is the goal of unity.

Mutual guarantee
Sustains unity.
Increase our unification.

It is important to seek
How to fill the hisaron
In the current state.

The sense of time
Depends on
Mutual guarantee.

In arvut,
Past, present and future
Receive a new dimension.

Absorb and feel
The deficiency
Of your friend.

At the level of repentance from love,
A person accepts the authority
Of the Creator with love.

We must pray for
The Creator's help
To accept His authority.

Who cannot advance
By willpower -
Must advance by prayer.

Who cannot pray
Is forbidden to engage
In spiritual work.

Change your qualities
Towards what you want
To get in the ten.

All our studies now
Are aimed to prepare us
For the congress.

The Creator is in constant action.
It is a force that
Does not rest.

The key is to see
The purpose of creation
Through our unification.

It is necessary to
Prepare yourself
For the final correction.


2 months ago

Haiku Lesson Notes
December 30, 2024
1. Arvut on the Path to Lishma
2. Rabash. 77. The Greeks Gathered Against Me

Do nothing that
Doesn't lead to the goal
Of merging with Heavens.

Let all your actions
Bestow and help
Your friend.

Aim every action,
Thought, and intention
To please the Creator.

Uniting in mutual guarantee,
We become so close
That we enter Lishma.

In Lishma,
We merge
With Heavens.

Each action
Can be done
With different intentions.

A Mitzva
Without intention is
Like a body without a soul.

Speak to the Creator
In the simplest

Mutual guarantee
Can be between
Two people.

Every ten should strive
To achieve the state of
Mutual guarantee.

It is impossible to achieve
Mutual guarantee
Without from the Creator.

In the name of Heaven -
To bestow contentment
Upon the Creator.

Holiness (Kedusha) is
A stage of faith above reason,
While the Greeks work within reason.

There is no reality within reason
Which has an exit from
The will to receive.

A miracle must come from Above.
And if it doesn't,
The person is lost.


2 months ago

Haiku Lesson Notes
December 29, 2024
"Miracles Happen When We Unite" - Unity Day, Dedicated to Hanukkah

One should learn
What spiritual exile is.

One can earn
Spiritual redemption.

A spiritual miracle is
A way out of spiritual exile.
Hanukkah is a spiritual miracle.

Spiritual redemption -
Disclosure of the Creator,
The Upper Light shining to all.

Exile is inability
To feel spirituality,
To feel the Creator.

That which is
Above nature
Is called a miracle.

The lower one is unable
To do something
That is above nature.

We must ask
For the miracle
To happen.

Prayer brings us
Out of exile
To redemption.

A miracle comes from Above
Upon our request for what
We ourselves cannot do.

Spirituality is in exile,
Ruled by

Man can't exit exile.
Only the Creator can
Bring him out of it.

Only the Creator can help;
This is why it is called

The Creator wants only one thing –
For us to want
To unite.

We need everyone
To unite into one
Unified heart.

Regardless of what one receives
From the Creator, it is important
To thank Him for it.

What the Creator send you
Is revealed according to
Your gratitude to Him.

The greatest miracle for Rav is
For the entire people of Israel
To enter a connection with the Creator.

First, it is necessary to give
Praise to the Creator,
And then ask Him for help.

Inside everyone burns a candle
That must flame up into a big
Torch and illuminate the world.

All who are able to unite
In one heart - are called
The people of Israel.


4 months, 2 weeks ago

Haiku Lesson Notes
October 15, 2024
1. Baal HaSulam. Introduction to TES
2. Hitkalelut (Incorporation)

“Even if the whole world tells you
That you are righteous, remain
A sinner in your own eyes.”

We lack the two most
Comprehensive commandments
Of the Torah: “love and awe.”

Love depends on the heart's
Understanding, and no effort
Or coercion will help you.

You must see
The Creator

Pray the Creator
To let us
Justify Him.

We justify
The Creator
By faith above reason.

We are always between
And punishment.

There are 600,000 souls,
And each soul is divided
Into many sparks.

There's no more than 1 soul in the world,
And the division into 600,000 occurs
Because of each person's body.

Through the Torah and mitzvot, the body
Is purified, and to the extent of purification,
The common soul shines upon the person.

Strive to receive
In order to bestow
As much as you can.

Help each other.
Nothing else
Is needed.


4 months, 2 weeks ago

Haiku Lesson Notes
October 14, 2024 - Afternoon Lesson
Rabash. 121. Two Forces in Man

Two forces
Work on a person -
Repelling and attracting.

The repelling force is suffering,
Making the person seek
Where to enjoy life.

The attracting force is pleasure,
Making the person seek
Where to enjoy life more.

Feeling the distance between
You and the Creator growing,
Beg Him to bring you closer to Him.

Pray the Creator
For the good forces
To overcome anything.

Ask the Creator
To help you understand
Your desires and intentions.

To enter the spiritual
Is much more difficult
Than to exit it.

We must pray
For the entire

We must do
What the Creator
Sends us to do.

The Creator guides us,
And we learn
To react correctly.

Strive to see
In the friends
Only correct actions.

The most efficient is
To turn to the Creator
And ask for salvation.


4 months, 2 weeks ago

Haiku Lesson Notes
October 13, 2024 - Afternoon Lesson
Selected passages from sources for Baal HaSulam's Memorial Day

Everyone must try
To achieve
Adhesion with the Creator.

Baal HaSulam is a special person
Who received a special gift
From the Creator, at a special time.

Thanks to Baal HaSulam,
An ordinary man who follows his way
Can achieve adhesion with the Creator.

Baal HaSulam described to us
How not to err and
Reach the purpose of our life.

We are slowed down because
We don't invest sufficient effort
In our connection with the Creator.

Convince yourself
To rise
Above yourself.

We need to throw off
The shell of worthlessness
And run to the Creator.

Your desires
Only to the Creator.

Only the Creator can
Help us feel who we are
And achieve adhesion with Him.

We need to find a connection
Between our common soul
And the Creator.

Great teachers
Connect us
With the Creator.

Pray to the Creator,
To reveal to us
Our unity in everything.

With your ten
And pull it to the Creator.


4 months, 3 weeks ago

Haiku Lesson Notes
October 9, 2024
Baal HaSulam. TES

No subordination
Or coercion
Has power over love.

By fulfilling 612 commandments,
We automatically
Achieve love for the Creator.

Ask the Creator for the forces
To connect you
With Him.

To love the Creator -
To be always drawn to Him
In all various situations.

Love others as yourself
Is the crown of all relations
Between people.

Give me the desire
To love You.

First, we develop relationships
With the friends,
And then - with the Creator.

1st exercise
For mutual inclusion -
Cancel yourself.

2nd exercise for mutual inclusion -
Connect with the friends by
Engaging in their efforts.

3rd exercise of mutual inclusion -
Raise your friends higher
To the Creator.

All our natural inclinations
And properties are necessary
To be working for the Creator.

Open your heart
For all the friends
To enter it.

We need to learn
To feel everyone
In one heart.

We need to pray so that
The feeling of unity
Doesn't hide our separation.


4 months, 3 weeks ago

Haiku Lesson Notes
October 8, 2024 - Afternoon Lesson
Rabash. 507. What is Joy

The feeling of pleasure
Generates inspiration
Called joy.

Whoever doesn't enjoy life
Cannot experience

Maturing, a person
Feels limited in
Receiving pleasure.

Maturity takes away from a person
The ability to be impressed by
All kinds of things, like little children.

We are given the opportunity to exit
All passions of this world and receive
Only spiritual pleasure.

The opportunity to engage
In spiritual work
Will bring us true joy.

The Kli of joy is formed
By giving joy
To the friends.

If you want to get closer to the Creator,
New relationships between people
Are revealed to you.

Focus on what you are doing
For the Creator
Each moment.

Any opportunity
To talk to the Creator
Brings great inspiration.

Do your best
To evoke joy
In yourself.

Your ten
Should be
Your joy.

The Creator wants us to have
A tight interconnection, and
Through it, to get closer to Him.

Constantly rejoice
In the Creator
To the utmost.

Rabash evoked joy
By dancing.
So, dance!


4 months, 3 weeks ago

Haiku Lesson Notes
October 8, 2024
1. Baal HaSulam. Introduction to TES
2. Interconnection

There are 4 levels of understanding
Of the Upper Governance
Inherent in creations.

The first 3 levels are the single
And double concealment, and knowing
Providence by reward and punishment.

The first 3 levels are preparation
For the fourth level - knowing
The true eternal governance.

A person must reveal that
All that happens to him
Is called from Above.

The screen is the attitude
Towards the Creator as the Giver
And towards oneself as the receiver.

When the Creator reveals Himself,
A person feels being
At a new level.

The main thing is to reveal
The true attitude of the Creator
Towards us.

The most remarkable thing
In the science of Kabbalah -
Mutual inclusion.

All the details of the universe
Will gradually include each other,
Intertwine, and connect.

It is necessary that all souls
In the world gather and unify
Into a truly one soul.

Mutual inclusion is when
Each includes

Unification - first,
Mutual inclusion -

Mutual inclusion
Must be achieved first
In the ten.

If previously we were
Ready to unite,
Now we are obliged to.

Unification is more external,
Mutual inclusion -
More internal.

Love is
The completed
State of all creation.

Through self-annulment,
We allow each other
To plug into each other.


4 months, 4 weeks ago

Haiku Lesson Notes
October 3, 2024
1. Baal HaSulam. Shamati 42. What the abbreviation Elul: “I am for my Beloved, and the Beloved is for me” – indicates in the work
2. Rosh Hashanah

“Cancel your desire before
His Desire, so that He can cancel
His desire before your desire.”

Cancel the desire to receive,
Which is in you, before the desire
To bestow - the Creator's desire.

It is necessary
To cancel self-love
Before love for the Creator.

The Creator cancels His desire
When the light expands into
The corrected desire of the lower.

Concealment turns into attainment
When a person works
In the property of bestowal.

In the hearts of the wicked,
The desire to earn kelim of bestowal
Hasn't rooted yet.

In the hearts of the righteous,
The desire to earn kelim of bestowal
Has rooted.

A person must make
His own choice and
Be fully clear on what he wants.

Before Rosh Hashanah,
We have to reveal
What we want to be tied to.

Do for the Creator
All that you can
Possibly do.

We pray:
"Remember us for the sake of life...
And write us into the book of life."

The King's palace is open
To those who want to work
For the sake of bestowal.

Whoever wants to advance
In the property of bestowal -
Must always be joyful.

We must strive to adhere
To the Creator
In all our actions.

The Creator begins
Helping a person when
The latter wants to help everyone.

Our work in the ten is
Through our mutual adhesion
To merge with the Creator.

A person should strive
To build his own
Temple of Holiness.

The receiver must also be
In the intention to bestow,
Like the Giver.

Relies on the Kli,
And not on the Light.

The Light pertains to the Creator,
And only action
Pertains to the creations.

We live in a special period,
When we must call forth
The Reconstruction of the Temple.

This year we will feel
How much we need
Unity among us.


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