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Last updated 5 days, 21 hours ago
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Last updated 2 weeks, 6 days ago
That was QUITE the upgrade over the last few days. Wow. How are you all feeling ? There is another one coming soon so rest up. The body is really feeling it now. Aches and pains in new places, sleep patterns changing and other things happening. Ascension really is here. You can feel and see the changes now happening at a deep level. When human hair grows it is slow to notice over time. The changes are usually noticeable after it gets to your waist for example. Now with the acceleration the length of hair is noticeable after just one week or month. That is also a celebration of how far you have come in being able to read and feel energy and see the changes. It is undeniable now the light that is hitting this planet, and yet it is STILL speeding up. By the beginning of the second Quarter of next year the dust will start to settling, however the really crazy part is now happening. The changes will be eye wateringly fast until November. Remember, every rollercoaster ride eventually comes back into the port and you get off at which point usually the rider says, OMG, that was scary, but looking back, I want to do it again ??? LOL That is how 2025 will feel. Imagine that wonderful feeling now. It will be so worth it. Much Love. AQ
Greetings Earth Family
We had more energy stream in to our atmosphere today. It started at about 8PM CDT last night and lasted till about 9AM this morning though it was barely streaming in with any intensity the last 3 or so hours of that time frame. At 8:45 last night it hit the height of 48 in amplitude. Another high that can in during this time was at 5:45AM this morning with 23 amplitude which at this point isn’t much for us but none the less, still an influence.
I continue to take chunks of time to drop into my heart and sit with whatever I feel in there to transmute those energies. When we do that we are integrating as in becoming even more who it is we are. The synchronicities continue, and things are finding their place. I’ve been talking about the heart for forever, interesting that those lessons lately where I was so overwhelmed that I no longer lived in my heart. But now once I got back in there, I’m understanding the importance of dropping into the heart even that much more than before. The mind wants to know. The heart knows. You’d think we human being would understand the power and the importance of the heart. But sometimes that’s how we learn, relearn or evolve our knowing, it’s through going through deeper, louder circumstances where we hear, and understand deeper truths and in doing so we go to a deeper understanding of ourselves and the world.
I had spent the first part of my life learning through failure, and I continue to do so now but not to the extent to which I used to when I was younger. When we fail, that life experience has two places to go, one is wisdom, the other is bitterness. The heart is what makes the difference. If we process the info that is sitting on the heart, that turns into wisdom, if we just let it sit there and fester, it turns into bitterness. I was starting to witness bitterness within myself before I started dropping back into the heart last week. I was so overwhelmingly distracted that I forgot about the work that needs to be done with the heart. All is well now though thank goodness. The bitterness was processed and the softness came back to me. But not without a lot sitting with the feelings while bringing the energy of love, of the heart in there to join and help those dense energies transmute and integrate.
Sending love your way Fam ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Greetings Earth Fam!
Energy started pouring in again yesterday around 2AM CDT. The energy hit its height of 54 amplitude at about 8:40AM today and then 52 amplitude at 12:45PM. I don’t know if it’s the energy or the inner work or a combo of both, I am feeling good but my body is feeling like major jet lag.
What a journey the last few days! I have been dropping into my heart so much. There is so much to process in there that has got put on hold. It’s like I’m going through trauma and heart break layers. I wonder if it’s just from the last month, couple of months, or all the current stuff has actually been triggers for me to process my general big time wounds. Whatever the case, my understanding has deepened. I can now clearly see where I had not been able to see, but you see, I wasn’t supposed to see until now. Memorable lessons are memorable at least partially because of the big dealness of it all. Like it’s so much, how can you forget?! But wow what a lesson and I can’t wait to integrate it further so I can share how ever I end up sharing down the line. Since coming back to live in the heart there have been all kinds of feelings I’ve had to sort through but also I’ve had non stop synchronicities coming left and right. I’ve been doing not just emotional detox but my body was even excreting something from the skin that was somewhere inside me. I think it may possibly had been from the chiropractic adjustment I got last Friday. This chiropractor can see metaphysically your spinal alignment, and what needs to be done, in his third eye (I got lucky meeting him here in Texas). Whatever came up physically was likely from the misaligned bones in my neck. I’ve had two rage sessions happen which is not exactly normal for me, I’m letting out such intense repressed things. That in itself was a profound reason and a generational healing as a result. I have goosebumps as I write this. I’m going to continue to strengthen my heart back to its balance and glory. This way the Dao will continue to unfold.
Love you Fam ❤️
Greetings Earth Fam,
We had one spike come in yesterday (July 4th) at 5:40AM CDT that was 40 in amplitude. I’m glad the chart has been fairly calm this summer, all the shifts we are going through are enough on their own for us to integrate so I definitely appreciate it.
Fam, things have shifted and the pressure has released for me, which from my perspective means that the same will happen to those that are feeling burdened as well. No matter how bad it looks, things do always change, it’s just the nature of reality. I guess something in the meantime would be doing small nice things for oneself to remind oneself that we are being taken care of if even it’s by our own self. We’re not forgotten we are just in the middle of our growth and evolution, if things were easy the growth and evolution wouldn’t really be there as abundantly would it? Matter of fact I was so unhappy with what was going on that I would have said forget the growth and evolution right now, I just want peace, but spirit and the higher self want what they want and things shift when it’s time for them to shift. For those of you currently struggling it will absolutely get better, time will run its course, and fruit will bear eventually. Hang in there Fam.
Sending love your way Fam
Greeting Earth Fam,
Today around 9AM CDT we had energy start to pour in which lasted till about 3:30PM. It hit 48 amplitude at 11:55AM.
I’ve been hearing way too many people going through it as of recent. My heart goes out to you guys. It’s extremely rough for a lot of us around the world. I struggle to maintain my usual heart connection as of late. Too many things that have been just too much to deal with have been going on lately, it has put me at a place of, yep I’m throwing my arms up, as in ok I’m done trying. At this point I’m just allowing life to do its thing because I just don’t have it in me to struggle and make my way happen. Mind you, my way is simple, I just want to be ok, balanced and happy, I’m genuinely not asking for much. I know I’m not the only one having a hard time. Sending love to those that need a little bit to come their way ❤️
The 8th Hermetic Priciple of CARE
Spotify for Podcasters
The 8th Hermetic Principle by Greetings Earth Family
The “hidden” Hermetic Principle of care, which is basically nurturing things into reality. There is a brief mention of soul purpose as well.
Manifesting Your Soul's Purpose (How to Find YOUR PURPOSE)
The most central theme that a being gravitates toward during a spiritual awakening is finding their Soul’s purpose. So today I’m going to be sharing what purpose is at a Soul level, what purpose means for our life path, and at the end of this video I will…
The Golden Age, 5th Dimensional Consciousness, Sovereignty (The End of a Cycle)
One of the core concepts within the spirit of this age is if we are entering a golden age. And if so, what exactly is a golden age? So today, I'm going to be explaining exactly what a golden age is and how we are entering it. ***🔥*** Subscribe to my newsletter…
?April 22nd is Earth Day!?
What are you doing to support and connect to our Mother Earth?
By cleaning up unnecessary damaging waste scattered around preventing natural growth, decluttering our air quality to reduce pollution, and by replanting flowers to nourish the environment, bring pollination to bees, and increase positivity, we have the potential to revitalize our energy systems back to their natural flow states.?♻️?
When replanting plants and flowers back into the ground of our Mother Gaia, we not only increase the oxygen we breathe, but we also replant our ecosystem back into regenerative cycles. Planting flowers brings a symbiotic relationship with bees, can increase energy for nature and help people feel relaxed and secure. In turn, when we take care of our Mother Planet, who is alive and conscious just the same, she will return the favor, and hold us in Harmony. ?❤️
Need The Gear To Get Started?
If you wish you receive AWP's ImPack Gear such as garbage grabber tools, gloves, bags, seeds to plant, etc., including FREE AMM crystal bracelet, we got your back! ?♻️???
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Become an Earth Tribe Volunteer!? Simply begin to clean up waste and replant life into your local areas and Tag Awakening Mass Meditations on Social Media, & Get a FREE official AWPs Earth Tribe Volunteer T-shirt to represent your impact on the world! (Only pay the shipping fee) ?
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Awakening Mass Meditations
Earth Tribe AWPs ImPack Gear
Thank you again for signing up to be an Earth Tribe Volunteer. Your impact will provide planetary relief and support our future! Clean. Plant. Heal.***🌎***
Community chat:
Last updated 5 days, 21 hours ago
Your easy, fun crypto trading app for buying and trading any crypto on the market.
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Last updated 5 months, 3 weeks ago
Turn your endless taps into a financial tool.
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Last updated 2 weeks, 6 days ago