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Last updated 5 months, 3 weeks ago
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Last updated 3 weeks, 2 days ago
Pray for Christians in Syria.
When you forgive someone, you remove any power they had over you.
7 Levels of the Desert Fathers' perpetual fast:
A: Carnivores, who eat meat. These are in the lowest degree of fasting, even if they sometimes restrain themselves from food. They are never able to advance in prayer.
B: Lacto-vegetarians, who never eat meat, but only milk, cheese, eggs and all kinds of boiled vegetables. These are in the second degree of fasting, which is kept by Monks in coenobitic Monasteries and, very rarely, by laymen.
C: Vegetarians, who eat only vegetables and boiled or raw legumes. This arrangement forms the third degree of fasting, and the most zealous monks of the common life keep it.
😧 Fruit-Eaters, who eat bread and uncooked fruits ONCE A DAY, without otherwise ever tasting food. He who attains this degree of fasting is able to master his body and thoughts without difficulty and CAN ADVANCE RAPIDLY ON THE PATH OF PRAYER.
E: Cereal-Eaters, comprise the fifth degree of fasting. To this degree belong monks – especially hesycasts and desert-dwellers – who eat ONCE A DAY only black bread, cereals, and soaked grains of wheat, corn, millet, lentils, beans, peas, etc.
F: Dry Food, is the sixth degree of monastic fasting, which is usually attainted only by the most zealous desert dwellers. Those who live in this harsh asceticism eat only dried bread soaked in water, with salt or a little vinegar, ONCE A DAY and by measure. This is how the hesycasts of the Nile valley lived.
G: Divine Food or manna, is the last and highest degree of monastic fasting, which is attained by very few ascetics after prolonged asceticism, being strengthened by the grace of the Holy Spirit. These are satisfied with the Most Pure Mysteries alone, that is, with the Body and Blood of Christ, which they receive only once or twice a week, without tasting anything else but water only. "After difficult temptations and asceticism, and by the Grace of God, I have come to be satisfied with the Most Pure Mysteries alone, and no longer feel hunger, or have need of bread or vegetables…"
There are about one billion Catholics and one billion non-Catholic Christians on the planet. Why did so many divert from the true Church at, say, the Reformation? I think it's the same four reasons as to why so many modern "Catholics" today adhere to error and bad liturgy after Vatican II:
1) They're deceived by demons and bad hierarchy.
2) They believe new ideas are actually old in Christianity (antiqarianism.)
3) They want to "fit-in" because it's easier.
4) They don't think they have time to study Church history because ultimately they don't think anyone (especially not oneself) is in any real danger of hell.
Community chat:
Last updated 1 week, 1 day ago
Your easy, fun crypto trading app for buying and trading any crypto on the market.
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Last updated 5 months, 3 weeks ago
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Collaboration - @taping_Guru
Last updated 3 weeks, 2 days ago