Constant Sorrow

Antithesis of Degeneration and Decadence.

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The Open Network (TON) está llevando las criptomonedas a todos. Al construir el ecosistema Web3 en Telegram Messenger, TON da a miles de millones la oportunidad de poseer su identidad digital, datos y activos. Administrado por @tonsociety.

Last updated 1 month, 1 week ago

Citas y refranes inspiradores sobre la vida 💫

🗂 Nuestros canales:

👨‍💻 Publicidad: @buzzads

Last updated 3 weeks, 2 days ago

Un remanso de paz para mitigar el cansancio del día a día tratando de seguir los pasos de TON.

Admin: @Z41K0

Chat: @fdtchatpublic

Last updated 1 month, 1 week ago

11 months, 2 weeks ago

The one-eyed multitude do not comprehend that what really counts in human history is decided not below but above. In the realm of Transcendence. Ali’s life, his path, his destiny were laid out in a heavenly pattern. Adapting something Virgil wrote, it could be said that that “Eternity understood Ali in its own way”.

— Julius Evola on Imam Ali (peace be upon him | عَلَيْهِ السَّلاَم )

11 months, 4 weeks ago

The consummation of the historical process is henceforth inexorable, without our being able to say, for all that, if it will be lingering or lightning-like. Everything indicates that humanity is going downhill, despite its successes or rather because of them.

— E. M. Cioran, Drawn and Quartered (1979)

11 months, 4 weeks ago

“Empowering women” is the paramount sin of the modern world. The quintessential mission and primary function of women can be encapsulated in a single word: "Family." Each stride toward involving women in economic, political, and decision-making spheres incurs deleterious repercussions, impacting not only the nation but also the women themselves. The most monumental war in history has been declared since humanity dared to defy its inherent nature.

1 year, 1 month ago

وقبرٌ بِبَغْدَاد لِنَفْسٍ زَكيَّةٍ
تَضَمَّنها الرَّحمن في الغُرُفاتِ

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The Open Network (TON) está llevando las criptomonedas a todos. Al construir el ecosistema Web3 en Telegram Messenger, TON da a miles de millones la oportunidad de poseer su identidad digital, datos y activos. Administrado por @tonsociety.

Last updated 1 month, 1 week ago

Citas y refranes inspiradores sobre la vida 💫

🗂 Nuestros canales:

👨‍💻 Publicidad: @buzzads

Last updated 3 weeks, 2 days ago

Un remanso de paz para mitigar el cansancio del día a día tratando de seguir los pasos de TON.

Admin: @Z41K0

Chat: @fdtchatpublic

Last updated 1 month, 1 week ago