Jim Richards Truth from the front

Jim tells the truth as he see its and does not give a damn about your feelings. We look at politics, sex, and America as a whole and we do not pull punches. We review products and give an honest opinon on it all.
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1 month, 3 weeks ago

That swamp should have been drained already… big mike shut up and sit down…
Love and hugs

1 month, 3 weeks ago

Laura Loomer does not speak for the America First movement… she speaks for herself… to paint the whole movement with the same brush is a mistake…
The American people, conservatives especially have spent the last four years listening to the left bash us every chance they got…
Next, we have spent the last four years watching illegal immigrants flood over the boarder and we have been paying their all expense paid vacations to the tune of millions… we have more homeless, starving and unemployed Americans now than we ever had…
We have watched them on the gravy train while our citizens are raped, murdered, set on fire and a whole bunch of other shit…
We want Americans who are qualified to be considered for any job that is open before you start importing people from other countries for employment here…
But you see no one has even mentioned that Americans qualified for any of these position will be considered…
I think that if elon and his side kick have such low opinions of the American people maybe they aren’t the right people to head this little department…
You see we have value… we stood up when others wouldn’t… we resisted when others couldn’t… we still searched high and low for the truth in spite of all the names we were called, no matter how many of us they jailed or harassed we still stood… even when bullets were flying not one got up and left, no stampede to get out of harms way… no, they held the line…
We have value… if you can’t see it maybe you should look in the mirror and ask yourself why…

Love and hugs

1 month, 3 weeks ago

I am a bit more snarky than usual today and i have no excuse, but i would like to apologize just the same…

Love and hugs

2 months ago
2 months ago

I guess you shouldn't steal that is a fantastic idea if you have old damaged technology that you need to get rid of I suggest you wrap it up nicely and put it on your front porch so your local thief can come by and pick it up for you?????????????????????. And get this it will be free of charge

2 months ago

Does anybody know any more information about this

7 months, 3 weeks ago

Happy July 4th…
Love and hugs

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Last updated 5 months, 1 week ago

Your easy, fun crypto trading app for buying and trading any crypto on the market.

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Last updated 1 month, 2 weeks ago