Pagan Revivalism

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3 weeks ago
Pagan Revivalism
3 weeks ago

All around the world, European peoples are coming back to their true traditional ancestral ways. Reviving these precious faiths, honoring our sacred Gods, who have always been by our side. As we develop internally, so too do we develop externally by forming families, friendships, and real communities. A revolt against the machinations of modernity.

By doing this, we are the rays of light before the dawn of a new devine day, a new era. It is through our ancestral faiths that we will be propelled into the future and to give a future worth having to our children, our ancestors reborn. Truly, our past is our future.

3 weeks ago
Pagan Revivalism
4 weeks ago
Pagan Revivalism
4 weeks ago
4 weeks ago
"Sonr er betri

"Sonr er betri
þótt sé síð of alinn
eptir genginn guma
sjaldan bautarsteinar
standa brautu nær
nema reisi niðr at nið"

"Best have a son though he be late born
and before him the father be dead:
seldom are stones on the wayside raised
save by kinsmen to kinsmen."
- Odin - Havamal - 72 (Bray Translation)

1 month ago
This is the most virgin theology …

This is the most virgin theology I've ever seen and I've read Augustine.

This is your brain on Buddhism. Vedism on the other hand, is a true folkish religion. The oldest passages of the Rigveda say nothing about reincarnation. And when reincarnation does come in to a real folkish religion like Vedism, it is confined to rebirth in a lineage, within families:

Release him to his fathers and again down from them, who, poured into you, travels according to his will. Let him who wears life come to his offspring. Let him join his body, Jātavedas!’
– RV 10.16.5

Vedism emphatically does not involve rebirth as a mouse, a flea, or a horsefly. Buddhism is a late development of Vedanta and the Upanishads, which are themselves late developments of the original Aryan religion. They are said to be secret teachings, probably because they were heretical and contrary to orthodox Vedic interpretation during the actual Vedic period.

Folkish Aryan religion sees reincarnation as confined within lineages, as Celtic and Germanic paganism does. Buddhism is not and cannot be folkish. It universalizes the moral circle, extending it to all life and beyond even this lifetime. This is unspeakably subversive and anti-folkish.


1 month ago
Pagan Revivalism
1 month ago
Pagan Revivalism
1 month, 1 week ago
Arminius: The Liberator of Germania

Arminius: The Liberator of Germania

Throughout history, few figures exemplify the spirit of resistance and freedom like Arminius, the chieftain of the Cherusci tribe. Known to the Romans as Arminius and to the Germanic peoples as Hermann, his legacy is immortalized in the decisive Battle of the Teutoburg Forest in 9 AD.

Arminius was born around 18 BC into the Cherusci tribe and was raised as a Roman military commander. This experience gave him a profound understanding of Roman tactics and strategies. However, his loyalty ultimately lay with his homeland. When the Romans sought to subjugate the Germanic tribes, Arminius seized the opportunity to unite his people and resist.

The Battle of the Teutoburg Forest marked the pinnacle of his life. Utilizing his intimate knowledge of Roman military practices, Arminius orchestrated a brilliant ambush that decimated three Roman legions led by Publius Quinctilius Varus. This victory not only halted Roman expansion into Germania but also inspired the Germanic tribes to cherish their autonomy and cultural identity.

Our knowledge of Arminius comes primarily from Roman historians such as Tacitus, Velleius Paterculus, and Cassius Dio. Tacitus, in his "Annals," praises Arminius for his strategic genius and leadership. Cassius Dio provides a detailed account of the battle and its aftermath, while Velleius Paterculus, writing from a Roman perspective, labels Arminius a traitor.

Despite his triumphs, Arminius faced internal strife and was ultimately assassinated by members of his own tribe around 21 AD as he attempted to unify the Germanic tribes under one ruler. Nevertheless, for the Germanic people, Arminius is not just a historical figure but a symbol of national pride and freedom.

Art work: Rückkehr Hermanns des Cheruskers aus der Schlacht am Teutoburger Wald
Date: 1890

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