Move to Germany with Behemain

Behemain is an international project with
the ultimate goal to help people to move to, localize and adapt in Germany.
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6 years, 7 months ago

Are you passionate about ?
Do not forget to subscribe to the best alcoholic instagram account!?

[​]( you passionate about ***?***
6 years, 7 months ago

Have fun as a student in Germany?

There is an intencive student life here. Several organizations offer students to find new friends, travel, discuss hot topics. One of the organization is Visum. You can easily apply for a buddy programm. The programm offers you an opportunity to find/become a mentor for your first semester abroad. Click on the link to find out details!☃️

6 years, 8 months ago
Good morning, guys! ***☀️******?***

Good morning, guys! ☀️?

6 years, 8 months ago

Social year in Germany?‍?

Do you want to change something in your life? Do you want to improve your speaking skills? Are you ready to help people? Then this option is for you. Make a social year now! The voluntary social year (FSJ) is a voluntary service in the social sector. In Germany it is offered to juveniles and young adults, who have finished school (compulsory education) and are not yet aged 27; that is prior to their 27th anniversary.

6 years, 8 months ago

Double payment for your health insurance⁉️

Let's continue the topic about health insurance. We suppose that studying is a good self-development in any age. Germany health insurance companies think in a different way.??
If you turn 30 years of age or complete the 14th semester (your studing in native country also included) of your current study programme during your studies in Germany, you may keep your statutory health insurance with a higher premium (currently about € 160 per month!) on a voluntary basis or else take out cover with a private health insurer. (AOK is 180 EUR per month)
If you are already 30 years of age or older when you start studying, you can only take out statutory health insurance on a voluntary basis if you were previously insured in a statutory scheme either in Germany or in a country with a social security agreement with Germany. The only option otherwise is private health insurance.

Take care about your health insurance!?

6 years, 8 months ago

Sweet Place in Heidelberg ?

[​]( Place in Heidelberg ***?***
6 years, 8 months ago

Mandatory health insurance?

If you are not a scholarship holder or a full time employee you need to think about mandatory health insurance. You have to options: private and public insurance companies. The average payment as a student is 90 EUR‼️ per month (you should pay it each month till the end of your study). Usually you pay less if you choose a private company but get a compession is harder. The most popular public insurance companies:
AOK (Allgemeine Ortskrankenkasse). Approximately 3rd part of the whole Germans are clients of the company
TK (Techniker Krankenkasse)
Be healthy! ?

[​]( health insurance***?***
6 years, 8 months ago

Be ready to fight for a flat in Germany?

➡️Do you know that renting a flat is not the easiest task in Germany? The market has limited offers and hundreds pretendents. The owner organizes a real competition. You should be ready to provide extra information about yourself. To catch a flat in city center with reasonable price is a deal of your reaction. For the case you need to apply for a flat's review in 5-10 minutes after the advert post was posted. Nobody will tell you the official reason of rejection but it can be even a color of your eyes...?

➡️If you plan to study in Germany we recommend you in the same time apply for a room in dormitory. However do not sign the contract for maximum period (sign it with required minimum) - it is better to come to Germany, see the dorm and then sign one more contract for longer period.

➡️You have one more interesting option in Germany. You are allowed "to jump"??‍♀️ into a contract. It means that you will have the contract not with the owner but with a tenant, who wants (for different reasons) to keep his contract and safe money. Usually this kind of contracts offer 6-12 months of renting.

6 years, 8 months ago

Do you like high speeds???

Just want to remind you that German autobahns have no speed limits. ?
Of course, the speed of the vehicle will depends on road conditions... in common...these are Heaven and Hell in the same time for all passionate drivers❤️?

[​]( you like high speeds?***?******?***
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