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Last updated 5 months, 3 weeks ago

Somali National Television is the principal public service broadcaster in Somalia.

Headquartered in Mogadishu.

Last updated 1 month, 2 weeks ago

Kala soco Xikmad iyo Qormooyin Markasta Io Meelkasta.

Last updated 5 days, 7 hours ago

2 weeks, 6 days ago



Madasha fogaan arag

GORFEYNTA BUUGA CIWAANKIISA YAHAY "HOGAAMI NAFTAADA" QORAA "HAMZE ABDIRAHMAN CUMAR" 11/05/2024 Madasha fogaan arag Qofkasta waxa uu habeen maalin u fikiraa siduu aduunka u hoggaamin lahaa, laakiin...

Hage online technology
3 weeks, 4 days ago



Exploring Opportunities Beyond Earth: The Rise of Space Age Enterprises

  Exploring Opportunities Beyond Earth: The Rise of Space Age Enterprises In the vast expanse of the cosmos, humanity has long looked to t...

Hage online technology
3 weeks, 6 days ago



Shaping a Greener Tomorrow: The Renewable Resources Revolution.

Shaping a Greener Tomorrow: The Renewable Resources Revolution As concerns about climate change and environmental degradation continue to ...

Hage online technology
2 months, 3 weeks ago

Ramadaan mubarak saaxiibayaal I.n kuwii ka faa,ideysto allaha inaga yeelo dhanbikoodana la dhaafo

2 months, 3 weeks ago

10 Lessons from "Financial Intelligence: A Manager's Guide to Knowing What the Numbers Really Mean":

  1. Accounting principles provide a framework, but companies have some wiggle room when presenting financial data. Learn to read between the lines and understand the assumptions behind the numbers.

  2. Don't get fooled by high profits on paper. Cash flow, the actual movement of money in and out, is essential for business health.

  3. Ratios tell the story behind the raw numbers. Learn key ratios like profitability, liquidity, and solvency to assess a company's financial health and performance.

  4. Understand the difference between "cash expenses" that immediately impact your budget and "non-cash expenses" like depreciation, which spread the cost of an asset over time.

  5. Revenue is the money coming in, but profit is what's left after you account for all your expenses. Understand the difference and how various factors influence both.

  6. Don't blindly accept financial reports at face value. Ask questions, understand the underlying assumptions, and identify potential areas for improvement.

  7. Look at financial data from the perspective of someone who might invest in the company. This helps you understand what information is most important for decision-making.

  8. The balance sheet shows what a company owns (assets), owes (liabilities), and the difference (owner's equity). Understanding how to manage these components is crucial for financial stability.

  9. Calculating ROI can be more complex than it seems. Consider all factors affecting an investment, not just the initial cost and projected returns.

  10. Working capital refers to the difference between a company's current assets (easily convertible to cash) and current liabilities (debts that need to be paid soon). Efficient management of working capital frees up cash flow and improves business operations.

Book: https://amzn.to/3wHjhPL

You can also get the audio book for freee. Use the same link to register for the audio book on audible and start enjoying it

2 months, 3 weeks ago

"The Entrepreneur Mind: 100 Essential Beliefs, Characteristics, and Habits of Elite Entrepreneurs" by Kevin D. Johnson offers valuable insights into the mindset and practices of successful entrepreneurs. Here are 10 key lessons from the book:

  1. Think Long-Term: Adopt a long-term mindset and focus on building sustainable success over time rather than seeking quick wins or instant gratification.

  2. Embrace Failure: Embrace failure as a natural part of the entrepreneurial journey and view setbacks as opportunities for learning and growth.

  3. Take Calculated Risks: Be willing to take calculated risks and step outside your comfort zone to pursue innovative ideas and opportunities.

  4. Value Persistence: Cultivate persistence and resilience in the face of challenges and obstacles. Stay committed to your goals and persevere through setbacks and adversity.

  5. Seek Continuous Learning: Prioritize continuous learning and personal development to stay ahead in an ever-changing business landscape. Stay curious, seek out new knowledge, and adapt to new technologies and trends.

  6. Focus on Solutions: Focus on finding solutions to problems and addressing the needs of your customers or target market. Be proactive and creative in identifying opportunities for innovation and improvement.

  7. Build Strong Relationships: Invest in building strong relationships with customers, partners, and mentors. Cultivate trust, communication, and collaboration to foster long-term success and growth.

  8. Stay Flexible: Remain flexible and adaptable in your approach to business. Be open to feedback, willing to pivot when necessary, and agile in responding to changing market conditions.

  9. Manage Time Effectively: Manage your time effectively and prioritize tasks that align with your goals and values. Use tools and techniques to maximize productivity and minimize distractions.

  10. Stay Passionate: Maintain a passion for your work and a sense of purpose that drives your entrepreneurial endeavors. Stay connected to your mission and values, and let your passion fuel your determination and resilience.

Apply these lessons from "The Entrepreneur Mind" to cultivate a mindset of success and entrepreneurship in your own endeavors. By embracing failure, taking risks, seeking continuous learning, and staying true to your passion, you can achieve your goals and build a thriving business.

Book: https://amzn.to/49OX40C
Enjoy the audiobook for FREE by signing up using the same link.

4 months, 2 weeks ago

Ray kroc: ninkii dhacay shirkadda Macdonalds.

Ninkan waxaa la odhan jiray Ray Kroc, wuxuu ahaa dadka ka iibiya maqaayadaha mashiinada sharaabka lagu sameeyo, marka marba gobol mareekanka ah ayuu tagi jiray si uu ugaga dhaadhiciyo maqaayadaha waaweyn inay ka iibsadaan mashiinkan.

Kadib wuxuu maalin tagay maqaayad dad badan saf ugu jiraan inay Beegar ka iibsadaan kadib wuu yaabay, safkii ayuu galay isla markiiba waalaga iibiyay, markaasuu layaabay dagdaga looga iibiyay, ninkii wuxu ka yaabay ganacsigan noocaan ah ee cajiibka ah kadib wuxuu yidhi aan idinla galo shaqeeyo oo aan xarumo badan sameyno dalka oo aan ku iibino, marka maqaayada laba nin oo walaalo ah baa lahaa oo aan dhibdhibkaas rabin, markii hore way diideen kadib ayuu ku qanciyay.

Kadib wuxuu bilaabay inuu la shaqeeyo oo uu u qaabilsanaado shaqooyinka ganacsi iyo furida xarumo cusub iyo dabagalka tayada cuntada, iyagana waxay iska jeclaayeen wax karinta oo maqaayadoodii ayay iska joogeen.

xoogaa kadib waxaa bilowday inay isfahmi waayaan oo waxay diideen in si dagdag ah xarumo badan loo furo isagana wuxuu taaganyahay si loo helo faaiido badan waa in xarumo badan la furo.

ugu dambeyn nin ku wanaagsan dhaqaalaha oo ay saaxiibo fiican noqdeen ayaa kula taliyay inuu iibsado dhamaan dhulalka laga furayo xarumaha oo uu isaga ka kireeyo meheradaha, sababtoo ah waa kiro 100% aan riski laheyn, sidoo kalana waxay siineysaa awood uu nimanka isaga celin karo.

Kadib wuxuu sameystay shirkad ka shaqeysa arimaha real estate oo shaqadeedu tahay inay macdonald u dhisto xarumaha kana kireyso, kadibna isaga uu u saxiixo mashruuca.

markaas buu ninkii odayga ahaa bilaabay inuu faaiido badan ka helo kirooyinka ilaa uu gaaray heer uu lacag ka badan tii hore ka helo shirkadan real estate-ka.

kadib heer wuxuu gaaray uu yeesho awood ah in hadii uu dhamaan xarumaha macdonalds dhaho iga baxa oo ma idinka kireynayo ay shirkada dhan kacdo, oo imika isaga ayay ku xiranyihiin si ay usii shaqeeyaan.

isagoo awoodaas isticmaalaya ayuu labadii maskiin ee maqaayada lahaa lacag yar oo 2.7 milyan ah siiyay kadibna kala wareegay macdonalds, wuxuuna u ogalaaday in maqaayadooda ay iska heystaan balse magaca ka badalaan (Hadaa waa magacii aabahood).

hada Ray waxaa uu ku qoranyahay wikipedia inuu yahay ninkii aasaasay Macdonalds.

4 months, 2 weeks ago

Saaxiibayaal follow iso dhah waa ciwaankeyda aan u samestay creativity program beta iku caawiyo in aan hamikeyda gaaro qof walbana tiisa aan ku caawina

4 months, 2 weeks ago
4 months, 3 weeks ago
Ma iska Joogtay Aalada telegram Oo …

Ma iska Joogtay Aalada telegram Oo wakhti badan makaaga baxay raadinta Kannaalo Faa'iido u leh Noloshaada. Jawabtaadu hadday tahay; haa ''Waxan halkan kuugu soo xulay aqristaha sharfanow channelskaad baadi goobka ugu jirtay mudada dheer oo nooc kastaba leh. 😇

Ma rabtaa youtube iiba shuruudihiisuna buuxan aana lahayn wax copyrigth ah qiimaha $70
La xidhiidh @Dheere15
Sido kale ma rabtaa telegram iiba qiimaha $13 la xidhiidh @Dheere15

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Ku Dhawaad 3000 Buug-Somali
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© Somalibooks Pro Inc
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Last updated 5 months, 3 weeks ago

Somali National Television is the principal public service broadcaster in Somalia.

Headquartered in Mogadishu.

Last updated 1 month, 2 weeks ago

Kala soco Xikmad iyo Qormooyin Markasta Io Meelkasta.

Last updated 5 days, 7 hours ago