The Soul Matrix - Steve Nobel

BEWARE OF FAKE PROFILES. The Soul Matrix is a platform created by Steve Nobel for the purpose of ascension and assigning with the emerging 5D Matrix/Timeline.
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8 months ago
Please do not click/tap on any …

Please do not click/tap on any links in the comments that look like they are from me. If I have a link worth sharing, I will do a main post in the channel, not the comments! I also don’t give financial advice so please ignore any passive income suggestions or donation requests to charities that look like they are from me. Be aware of fake accounts!


8 months ago

The Radical Flow of Abundance

Many Starseeds are working through issues with their relationship to abundance and the flow of money. This is all part of the shift from 3D consciousness to 5D consciousness. Maybe you need some help. Maybe you need some insight into clearing scarcity patterning and opening up to a higher flow of abundance.

This webinar is dedicated to help you begin clearing these blocks, programs and agreements in order to open you more powerfully to the emerging possibilities on the planet in this area. It will assist you in getting clearer on what you want and provide you with energetic means to arrive at your desired destinations.

?7:30PM TO 9:30PM UK TIME

?TO BOOK, click on the link below or head over to the Events page on my website.

?RECORDED for those who can't make the exact live time. The recording will be sent out to all ticket a day or two after the live event.


?TIME ZONE: The UK is in British Summer Time and so the time zone is GMT+1. Best to use a Time Zone converter website and you can enter the location as London UK.


Webinar: The Radical Flow of Abundance

Many are now working through issues of scarcity, flow and abundance. Shifting our relationship with money is part of the shift into 5D.

***✨️******?*****WEBINAR TODAY*****?******✨️***
8 months ago

In this transmission, we invoke the White Flame of Isis along with Gold Light from the Great Central Sun of Sirius.

You can call this White to the centre of your being, spine and nervous system and allow it to activate your feminine core. Invoke the Golden fire from Sirius, Great Central Sun. Allow this gold to activate your masculine core.

Ask Isis and the archangels to adjust these two fires. One of these fires may more naturally want to go to the centre and the other may more naturally wish to in a supportive role. Perhaps there is a natural merging of these two fires within your energy fields.

Then ask the White Fire to clear all energies from your mother that were imprinted in your being from your mother at the moment of your conception. We ask the Gold Fire to clear all energies from your father that were imprinted in your being at the moment of your conception.

Ask the white/gold fires to purge and healing all shadow elements in your being. The shadow masculine and the shadow feminine. Allowing a greater sense of space and unity in your being.

The Soul Matrix

White Flame of Isis / Gold Light from Sirius Transmission: Clearing and Balancing the Masculine/Feminine. - The Soul Matrix

In this transmission we Invoke Isis Her White Flame along with Gold Light from the Great Central Sun of Sirius.

In this transmission, we invoke the White Flame of Isis along with Gold Light from the Great Central Sun of …
10 months, 1 week ago
Dear Starseed,

Dear Starseed,

There will be times when you may feel stretches and challenged to your limits. This is the nature of the this time and this path, you may pass through magical landscapes and unexpected storms. There will be times when your heart feels it is bursting with joy and other times your heart feels broken, your sense of trust in Spirit gone, and you want to curl up in a ball and escape the world.

Perhaps a dream will be realised beyond what you originally conceived. Then later a dear hope and expectation is broken. This is the way of things in this ascending world. The outer world is a mirror for our inner world. Every event is there to help us understand our conflicting beliefs, hopes and dreams.

As they say, what does not kill you can make you stronger. Some situations can be avoided. Perhaps we need to pay closer attention to our inner guidance. Some things cannot be avoided and they may have a valuable lesson to teach us.

My wish for you this day is deep peace and happiness beyond all broken expectations and dreams. Love Steve ?????????⭐️?⭐️??⭐️?

10 months, 2 weeks ago
The Soul Matrix - Steve Nobel
10 months, 3 weeks ago
In Peter Gabriel’s song Games Without …

In Peter Gabriel’s song Games Without Frontiers (released 1980) the songs lyrics are a commentary on war and international diplomacy being like deadly children’s games.

“If looks could kill they probably will, in games without frontiers, war without tears.”

Although, even in the 3D world there are rules to the deadly game of war, though nations choose not to abide by these rules. International law is flouted and that seems to be OK so long as the right side are flouting those rules. When women and children, medics and journalists are targeted, that is OK because the so called right side is flouting international law!!!!

My heart goes out to all those suffering the insanity of war across the planet.

Much love, Steve ???????

10 months, 3 weeks ago
Dear Starseed Family,

Dear Starseed Family,

Apologies for my absence yesterday. It was my youngest granddaughter’s third birthday party and it was a tribal gathering I could not miss. I was immersed in the joy of that meeting.

I just want to update you on my precious meeting with a spider. The bite created a very nasty purple/red swelling that continued to extend for about 10 inches on my lower left abdomen. Essential oils, homeopathy and other remedies failed to halt the swelling extending. A friend of Liz, who is a doctor was eventually consulted and I was prescribed a bunch of stuff that eventually began to clear the swelling. It has not gone but it is going.

I have been calling on light to help clear and extract these chemicals in my body. For a few days I was feeling the combined impact of the bite and the chemicals clearing that injury. My body felt tired and my mind foggy. Today I feel I am over the worst.

Thank you for all your love and support. I have felt the good wishes of many holding me during this process. I am certainly not ready to leave the earth-plane just yet.

The bite and it after effects feels like some kind of initiation. I have a feeling that the bite contained some kind of warning that I am still deciphering.
Also a reminder of certain gifts. This is a slow process of discovery and insight, which is a little frustrating because I am more used to, more often than not, knowing instantly when I tune into something.

Much love (still here) Steve ?⭐️?⭐️?⭐️?⭐️?⭐️?⭐️?⭐️??

10 months, 3 weeks ago
The mind was not created to …

The mind was not created to be the master of our destiny. The mind has been worshiped ever since the, so called, Age of Enlightenment. Perhaps made famous by Descartes, “I think therefore I am.” This Age had other notions such as everything in the universe could be rationally demystified and cataloged. How dull!

The Higher Self and OverSoul are the true masters of our destiny and beyond that we now only bow to the One true Source of All Beings and Things.

The problem with putting the mind in charge of our destiny is that it is not equipped for the job. There is much the mind can do but it becomes quite lost and confused, at least for a time, when we start the spiritual journey out of 3D.

The natural abilities of the mind stop becoming assets when they are overused, overextended and overwhelmed. For instance the part of the mind that helps us evaluate and discern can turn into a very negative inner critic. The part of the mind that understands and accepts guidelines and rules can become a very overbearing tyrant. The part of the mind that recognises and creates patterns can become a very anal perfectionist.

The mind needs to recover its innate sense of connection to other parts of the being rather than seeking to operate as some kind of ivory tower management. The gifts of the right brain, such as imagination and intuition need to be embraced. The gifts of the heart such as compassion and love similarly.

Perhaps one day 3D education systems will catch on that the world is changing and that an enlightened education can aid the growth and awakening of consciousness.

Love Steve ?☀️?☀️???☀️?

10 months, 4 weeks ago
Dear Starseed,

Dear Starseed,

I am sitting on a beach looking over a beautiful calm sea. The sun creating a gently rolling blanket of sparkling gems across the blue water.

There is a power in connecting to the elements of nature. The earth, the fire, the water and the air. Our bodies are made of these elements and it is very healing for the body to just sit in wild nature.

It is very healing to sit under the rays of the sun. There are light codes contained within sunlight. These light codes speak of a new Earth and of a new Divine Human Template. The body is slowly changing in accordance with the rising light of ascension across the planet.

Whatever you choose to be or do today I wish that you receive an activation of love. So that you know that you are always connected to a Higher Intelligence, a Higher Love.

Steve ???????????????????????

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