Dr Roger Hodkinson

Dr Roger Hodkinson is the CEO of Western Medical Assessments, and has been the Company’s Medical Director for over 20 years.
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6 months, 1 week ago
**The Lost Frontier Handbook

**The Lost Frontier Handbook

Our ancestors braved every crisis imaginable. From plague, to war, to famine. Only they did it without modern technology, overly-complex supply chains or even others people to help them. Simply by using the self-reliant skills and expertise, passed from generation to generation, and disappearing fast, locked inside This Book. Uncover how to:
✔️Make powerful medicinal remedies from scratch...
✔️Preserve and stockpile HUGE quantities of delicious food that never (ever!) spoils.
✔️Enjoy a steady supply of fresh clean water - 100% off grid and MORE...

It's all inside:
➡️** https://tinyurl.com/LostFrontierHandbookSite

6 months, 2 weeks ago

Nurse drops truth bomb ?****


Join: RogerHodkinson

6 months, 2 weeks ago

Are you feeling tired, sluggish, or bloated?

The Liver Cleanse Drink can help you feel better by supporting your liver's natural detoxification process.

1 Bunch Of Celery Leaves (Cut The Top Of The Celery)
1 Lemon
1 Cup Cilantro
1 Cucumber
1 Cup Parsley
2 Cups Spinach

Helps with:
Celery: Inflammation
Cilantro: Detoxes heavy metals
Parsley: Anti-aging and bacterial
Cucumber: Hydration and flushes
Lemon: Energizes and oxygenates

•Alkalizing to the body
•Gives you a boost of energy
•Great for hydration
•Supports digestion
•Reduces cholesterol
•Treats high blood pressure
•Helps prevent ulcers

Join: RogerHodkinson

6 months, 2 weeks ago
*****?***Fighting obesity

*?Fighting obesity
A folk remedy to prevent obesity and prolong life

Take 1 pack (100 g) of chamomile, St. John's wort, immortelle, birch buds, mix everything, pass through a coffee grinder and close the lid in a 3 liter bottle.

After 10-12 hours, take one tablespoon of the mixture and pour 0.5 liters of boiling water over it for 20 minutes, then strain.
Dilute 1 teaspoon of honey in a glass of infusion, drink 15-20 minutes before breakfast.

Do this daily until the mixture is finished.
Repeat the course of treatment after 5 years.

*? Metabolism improves dramatically, the body is cleansed of fat and lime deposits, blood vessels become elastic, which prevents sclerosis, angina pectoris, and heart attack.*

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6 months, 3 weeks ago
**These are the natures most powerful …

These are the natures most powerful antibiotics, great way to boost your immune system without any drugs.

Join: RogerHodkinson

6 months, 3 weeks ago
**You can't give yourself a back …

You can't give yourself a back massage and relieve spinal pain
?? Then do it on the edge of your foot! Surprised?
As it turns out, there are many reflex points on the rib of the foot, which can improve the functioning of certain organs. This is where you can find your "spine".

?? Massage technique.
Find the "spine" on your foot. Sit on the floor with your legs crossed. Take any foot in your hands. The line between the heel and the thumb on the inner "rib" is the projection of the spine.
Use your thumb to force this line from heel to toe. If there are problems in the spine, you will find their reflection here. They are felt as painful and hard points. Massaging them does not affect the spine directly.

Join: RogerHodkinson

6 months, 3 weeks ago


• Applying sliced cucumber tightens the collagen in your skin and removes wrinkles and cellulite.

• Cucumbers are high in B vitamins and electrolytes. Eat half a cucumber before bed to avoid hangovers or headaches.

• No aloe? No worries! Rub a slice of cucumber on sunburns or irritated skin.

• Repel garden pests by placing a small pie tin with 3 or 4 cucumbers slices in your garden.

• Place a slice of cucumber on the roof of your mouth. Hold it there for 30 seconds to kill the bacteria in your mouth.

• Rub a cucumber slice on hinges to eliminate squeaks.

Join: RogerHodkinson

6 months, 4 weeks ago

Thirsty for a sip of pure vitality?

Our reel has the answer: Nature's Gatorade—a delightful blend of natural goodness to quench your thirst and invigorate your senses. Get ready for a hydration experience that's as refreshing as it is delicious.

Nature's Gatorade

Ingredients used:
1 cup peeled ginger
- 6 cups water
- 1/2 cup fresh lemon juice
- 1/2 cup apple cider vinegar
- 1/2 cup maple syrup
- pinch of celtic sea salt

  1. Add your ginger and water to a 2 quart pot
  2. Get it to boil then turn off the heat, let it steep for 20 min
  3. While that’s cooking, to a big pitcher or a 64 oz jar, add the lemon juice, apple cider vinegar, maple syrup, and Celtic sea salt
  4. Once the ginger is done steeping, strain out the ginger root & add the water to your pitcher/jar
  5. Serve with fresh mint leaves and top with sparkling water
  6. Enjoy!

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7 months ago
**Egg mixture KILLS Coughs on sight!**

Egg mixture KILLS Coughs on sight!

Egg mixture can cure even the most severe cough that cannot be treated by modern medicine. I got this recipe from my grandmother, who once quickly put anyone on their feet.

To prepare the egg mixture you need:

  1. First, boil a glass of milk.
  2. Then add a tablespoon of butter and honey.
  3. Add a well-beaten egg yolk and a little baking soda, about 1/4 teaspoon.

This is a very effective remedy, not only for coughing, but also for bronchitis, laryngitis and tracheitis!

Before using prescriptions, you should consult a doctor.

Join: RogerHodkinson

7 months ago
Policy makers concluded that aspartame doesn't …

Policy makers concluded that aspartame doesn't affect glucose levels so recommended for type 2 diabetes patients despite knowing that its 200 times sweeter than table sugar.
How short-sighted they were!

Aspartame is hydrolyzed in gut and produces acid phenylalanine (50%), aspartic acid (40%), and methanol (10%).

Research suggests that aspartame intake can lead to an increased risk of weight gain rather than weight loss by increasing cortisol levels which in turn increase free radicals in body, alter gut microbial activity and interfere with insulin receptors, resulting in insulin deficiency or resistance.

Research says it has been linked to behavioral and cognitive problems.The consumption of aspartame, can elevate the levels of phenylalanine and aspartic acid in the brain which increase cortisol levels and free radicals & cause neurophysiological symptoms including learning problems, headache, seizure, migraines, irritable moods, anxiety, depression, and insomnia

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