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Bismihi Ta'la
When the zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AJ) takes place and we pray it's very soon insha'Allah, In which hijab will we go to meet him in?
Dr. Rafaei (Iran).
The hijab prescribed in the Qur'an or the hijab of innovation?
We are running a Global Minimum WAJIB Hijab Awareness Campaign.
We have created a PDF for an A5 leaflet, that describes the minimum wajib hijab so that we are in correct hijab and that we do not embarrass the Imam Hujjah (AJ).
Please share far and wide with your contacts and distribute it in your centres during these days of Ramadan and shahadat of Ameeral Mominin (as) to help ensure that women and girls fulfil their other wajibats during fasting.
You can find the free pdf here:
We do not give permission to anyone to make changes to the pdf, but If anyone wants to translate into another language you are most welcome to, as long as the information is not compromised. You can contact us and we can post it on this channel for others to use.
Shaheed Abdol-Hosein Boronsi
One time, he told me a story from the warfront. He said:
We were hard at work next to one of the munitions boxes, placing ammunition in specially designed containers and sealing them shut. While working, my eyes suddenly fell upon a veiled lady in a black chador. She was placing ammunitions into the boxes alongside us. I thought to myself, "She must be one of those ladies who come to the warfronts." I completely forgot that they didn't allow women to enter this area. I looked at the brothers; they were engrossed in their tasks, coming and going as if they didn't see her. The situation puzzled me. It didn't seem normal. I became curious and wanted to know what was happening. I approached her to ensure respect was maintained, straightened my posture, and cautiously said, "Ma'am! You shouldn't be going through this trouble when us men are around." She didn't turn to face me. She stood tall and replied, "Aren't you going through trouble for my brother?" At that moment, I remembered Imam Husayn (a), and tears welled up in my eyes. God was kind to me, and I quickly grasped the situation and understood what was happening. I involuntarily stood there, not knowing what to say. With her face still turned, the lady continued, "Anyone who supports us, we will definitely support them as well."
The mother of four Martyr's once said to Imam Khomeini (ra): "I sacrificed four children so as not to see your tears" ?
She understood that the Islamic revolution of Iran was to save Islam and establish an Islamic Goverment. Islam was in great danger. All Islamic countries in the world had adopted secularism as their fundamental principles of Governance.
Today thanks to great women like her who understood their duty by following the correct role models like Sayada Fatima Zahra and Zainab Alayhimmusalam and sacrificing their sons they have the blessings in the work, power and strenghth of the resistance axis today.
Pomoting positive and confidant Muslim female role models.
Follow the link for a free A5 leaflet on the Minimum WAJIB Hijab.
?Heartiest congratulations on the Birth anniversary of Hazrat Zahra (sa), The mother of martyr's.
We, humbly invite you to this live session tonight, a gathering in remembrance of The Mother of marty'rs and The Shohada of 3Jan, Shah'eed Qasim Soleimani, Shaheed Abu M'ahdi and those martyred with them.
We believe that such gatherings which are held sincerely are blessed by the presence of Hazrat Zahra (sa) and our Imams and our martyrs too. We ask you to invite your martyr friends to this gathering inshaAllah and pray for its acceptance.
A very little of what we can do from our end for those who have given their lives for our awakening and betterment.
@guidingstars (Instagram link) in collaboration with @livewitymartyrs (Instagram link)
A day when the whole Iran **?? cried!
No! A day when the whole world cried! ?****
Today 6th December marks the day of shahadat of shaheed Ahmad Mhanna.
***"I advise my sisters to preserve the hijab, education and moral obligation and to respect their parents. Even if they’re married I want them to make their parents and brothers proud and to be patient."
— from shaheed Ahmad Mhanna’s will
We are running a Global *minimum wajib Hijab Awareness Campaign.
We have created a PDF which is an A5 leaflet, printed double-sided, that describes the minimum wajib hijab. Please share far and wide with your contacts and distribute it in your centres in the time of Fatimiya and Madrassas.
Our reward is with Allah SWT for protecting HIS law Inshallah
Shared with you - OneDrive!557&authkey=!AIoae47OB0x-W_s&ithint=file%2cpdf&
Europe...:EU Court Approves Headscarf Bans
Europe...:Government offices can forbid religious dress, as long as the policy is enforced equally, the European Court of Justice has ruled.
Hazrat Fatimah’s character and conduct as a true leader and also an exemplary spouse and mother provides a “perfect role model for Muslim women.”
Imam Khamenei
The Leader
We are running a Global minimum wajib Hijab Awareness Campaign.
We have created a PDF which is an A5 leaflet, printed double-sided, that describes the minimum wajib hijab. Please share far and wide with your contacts and distribute it in your centres in the time of Fatimiya and Madrassas.
Our reward is with Allah SWT for protecting HIS law Inshallah
Shared with you - OneDrive!557&authkey=!AIoae47OB0x-W_s&ithint=file%2cpdf&
Important | 14 pieces of Advice from Shaheed (Martyr):
Ahmad Zakzaky:
Today 13th October marks the birthday of Shaheed Ahmad Zakzaky.
1.* Be sincere, meaning, do the work for the sake of Allah**.
2. Be of those who submit to the will of Allah, consider yourself tools in the hands of Allah.
3. At all times your example to turn to, should be the Prophet (PBUH) and his holy progeny.
4. Be of those who uphold Salah (prayers) and other acts of worship.
5. Be patient and resilient in testing times in the path of Allah.
6. Protect your hearts from arrogance and hubris, and try to adopt modesty and High Morals (Morality).
7. Be of those who yearn to give away (donate), be mindful of Hijab and always trust in Allah.
8. Be very mindful in doing what is best, don't be reckless, or overstep boundaries of others.
9. Be steadfast in "enjoining what is right and forbidding what is wrong" and always advice each other.
10. All of us should try to be able to keep a secret, keeping secret is a very important matter especially for those in the path of struggle.
11. Always prioritize your religious kinship (brotherhood), try to uphold your responsibilities and giving people their rights.
12. Be very eager towards religious work and making decisions while being in a thoughtful and calm state.
13. When you face oppressors, no matter how many they are, no matter how powerful, don't feel as though they are stronger than you, when you look to them (face them), look to the last of them and tell yourselves that is how how far you will go.
14. We should know that no matter the severity we will not break, because success is with Allah, all we can is to do our* best.
Community chat:
Last updated 4 months, 3 weeks ago
Your easy, fun crypto trading app for buying and trading any crypto on the market.
📱 App: @Blum
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ℹ️ Chat: @BlumCrypto_Chat
Last updated 4 months, 2 weeks ago
Turn your endless taps into a financial tool.
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Last updated 1 month ago