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Realism in 19th versus 20th Century:
A. Realism in 19th Century:
Context and Origin
1) Emerged as a reaction against Romanticism
2) Focused on the ordinary lives of middle and lower classes of people
1) Grounded in positivism
2) Aimed to reflect society's true nature objectively and without idealization
1) Struggles of everyday life
2) Social issues such as poverty
3) Class conflict
4) Industrialization
1) Detailed descriptions
2) Complex characters
3) Focus on mundane and ordinary aspects of life
4) Straightforward narrative style
B. Realism in 20th Century:
Context and Origin
1) Gave way to Modernism
2) Continued parallel to modernist innovations
2) Influenced by world wars, technological advancements, and changing social norms
1) Included elements of existentialism and psychoanalysis
2) Emphasized subjective experiences and complexities of perception
1) Continued focus on social issues
2) Explored psychological depth
3) Raised existential questions
4) Delved into the inner lives of characters
1) Clear, direct prose and realistic dialogue
2) Understated and minimalist style
#Realism #19th_century #20th_century #literary_schools #literary_history
Heavenly Flowers
By Fereshteh Sangian
Have you ever seen the "heavenly flowers"?
They're found in a mother's eyes,
And in babies as they sleep,
In a father's hands, while shopping for home,
And on grandparents' faces when they laugh,
They're everywhere, enriching our life!
Yet, be mindful, to notice and cherish each petal,
For these heavenly flowers are everywhere.
And then the planes and helicopters and tanks and bombs and bullets and death came, and we went back to our mountains, and even there death pursued us, and many people from many places said "Speak to us" and the powerful said "Let's talk" and we said "Well then, let's talk" and we talked and told them what we wanted, and they didn't quite understand, and we repeated to them that we wanted democracy, freedom, and justice, and they looked like they didn't understand and reviewed their macroeconomic plans and all their notes on neoliberalism and those words they couldn't find anywhere and they said "We don't understand" and offered us a nicer corner in the museum of history and a death further down the road and a gold chain to tie dignity. And we, for them to understand what we wanted, started doing on our lands what we wanted then. We organized ourselves with the agreement of the majority and showed them how it was to live with democracy, with freedom, and with justice, and so it happened:
For a year, the law of the Zapatistas ruled in the mountains of the Mexican Southeast and you are not here to know it nor I to tell it but the Zapatistas are us. I mean, those of us who have no face or name or past and are mostly indigenous, but lately, more brothers from other lands and races are joining us. We are all Mexicans. When we governed these lands, we did this:
When we governed, we reduced alcoholism to zero, and it's because the women here got tough and said that drinking only serves for men to beat women and children and do all sorts of barbarities, and then they ordered that no drinking should be allowed, and so no drinking was allowed, and the most benefited were the children and women, and the most harmed were the merchants and the government. And, with the support of some called "Non-Governmental Organizations," national and foreign, health campaigns were carried out, and the life expectancy of the civilian population increased, although the challenge to the government reduced the life expectancy of us fighters. And women, I mean, women began to see that their laws imposed on men were being fulfilled, and one-third of our fighting force is women, and they are very brave and armed, and they "convinced" us to accept their laws, and they also participate in the civil and military leadership of our struggle, and we don't say anything, and what are we going to say. And deforestation was also prohibited, and laws were enacted to protect forests, and hunting of wild animals, even if they belonged to the government, was prohibited, and cultivation, consumption, and trafficking of drugs were prohibited, and these prohibitions were enforced. And the infant mortality rate became very small, just like children themselves. And Zapatista laws were applied equally, regardless of social position or income level. And all the biggest, or "strategic," decisions of our struggle were made by the method they call "referendum" and "plebiscite." And prostitution was ended, and unemployment disappeared, and so did begging. And children knew candies and toys. And we made many mistakes and failures. And we also did what no government in the world, of any political affiliation, is capable of doing
#Subcomandante_Marcos #Spanish #Mexican #Mexico #declaration_of_principles #manifesto
There exists on this planet called "Earth," and on the continent they call "American," a country whose shape seems to have received a big bite from the east and, from the west, sticks out into the Pacific Ocean an arm so that hurricanes don't take it too far from its history. This country is known by nationals and foreigners with the name "Mexico." Its history is a long battle between its desire to be itself and the strange desire to snatch it for another flag. This country is ours. We, our blood then in the voice of our greatest grandparents, already walked it when it wasn't yet called by that name. But then, in this eternal struggle, between being and not being, between staying and leaving, between yesterday and tomorrow, it occurred to the thought of ours, now with blood of two branches, that this piece of land and water and sky and dream should be called "Mexico" because it was a gift from our most ancient predecessors. Then we became others with more, and then the story that made us this way was complete because we all had the name with which we were born. And "Mexicans" we called ourselves and were called. Then, history continued with twists and pains. We were born amidst blood and gunpowder, amidst blood and gunpowder we grew up. Every so often, the powerful from other lands came to try to steal our tomorrow. […] We continued to be Mexicans because we couldn't be comfortable with another name or walk under another flag than the one with an eagle devouring a serpent, on a white background, with green and red at the sides. And so we passed. We, the first inhabitants of these lands, the indigenous, were left forgotten in a corner and the rest began to grow big and strong, and we only had our history to defend ourselves, and we held onto it to not die. Thus came this part of history that even seems funny because only one country, the country of money, put itself above all flags. And then they said "Globalization" and then we knew that's what they called this absurd order where money is the only homeland served and borders blur, not out of brotherhood, but out of the bloodshed that fattens the powerful without nationality. Lies became the universal currency and in our country wove, over the nightmare of the most, a dream of prosperity and wealth for the few. Corruption and falsehood were the main products that our Homeland exported to other nations. Being poor, we dressed our deficiencies in wealth, and the lie was so much and so big that we ended up believing it was true. We prepared for the big international forums, and poverty was declared, by governmental will, an invention that vanished before the development proclaimed by economic figures. Us? They forgot us even more, and history was not enough for us to die just like that, forgotten and humiliated. Because dying doesn't hurt, what hurts is being forgotten. We then discovered that we no longer existed, that those who govern had forgotten us in the euphoria of figures and growth rates. A country that forgets itself is a sad country, a country that forgets its past cannot have a future. And then we took up arms and went into the cities where we were animals. And we went and told the powerful "Here we are!" and we shouted to the whole country "Here we are!" and to the whole world we shouted "Here we are!". And look at how things are because, for them to see us, we covered our faces; for them to name us, we denied ourselves the name; we wagered the present to have a future; and to live... we died.
#Subcomandante_Marcos #Spanish #Mexican #Mexico #declaration_of_principles #manifesto
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