Fr. John Whiteford

Articles and Sermons by Fr. John Whiteford
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2 months, 2 weeks ago

Former representative of the Ukrainian Ombudsman noted that the U.S. State Department has observed systematic violations of believers' rights in the country.Mykhailo Chaplyha, former representative of the Ukrainian Ombudsman, stated that as a result of the adoption of anti-church Law 8371, believers whose rights are systematically violated can appeal to the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) and win cases there.
"The state, due to the political folly of the deputies, will have to either amend or repeal the Law and pay a lot of money to those whose rights are systematically violated," he wrote.
The expert listed the provisions that the legislative initiative contradicts:
It contradicts Articles 2, 17, 18, and 20 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which, after ratification, is an integral part of Ukraine's legal framework; It contradicts Articles 18 and 22 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights; It directly contradicts Article 9 of the European Convention on Human Rights; It also contradicts the UN Declaration on the Elimination of All Forms of Intolerance and Discrimination Based on Religion or Belief.

"The practice of the ECHR shows that the issue of religious freedoms is very 'vulnerable' – i.e., 'sensitive', and in almost 100 out of 100 cases, the ECHR sides with the applicant. And since the violation is systematic based on the Law, the complaint procedure is as simple and swift," noted Chaplyha.
The former representative of the Ukrainian Ombudsman also stated that the U.S. State Department report noted violations of freedom of conscience and religion in Ukraine, and he reminded that several politicians in the U.S. Congress are already openly calling for sanctions against Ukraine if such a bill is passed.
"It seems that someone really wants to open a second front against Ukraine during the war... an internal one. And to sow discord and aggression... Poroshenko, as usual, has started to pedal this topic..." concluded Chaplyha.


Source of the info. Subscribe to Voice of Orthodox Ukraine, know truth about human rights and religious politics in Ukraine

2 months, 2 weeks ago

◾️The U.S. Department of State criticizes the religious policy of the Ukrainian authorities.

The scale of lawlessness has already crossed all possible limits. And with God's help and your support, dear brothers and sisters, the voice of truth has reached Washington.

Repressions are seen. People can see how intimidation and propaganda are preparing the ground for bill 8371, which plans to ban totally, that is, to destroy the Church.

It is at this moment that the US State Department publishes a new report on religious freedom in Ukraine, drawing attention to numerous violations of the rights of believers and clergy of the UOC.

Today we will analyze the State Department's report and tell you what cases it is about.


Source of the info. Subscribe to Voice of Orthodox Ukraine, know truth about human rights and religious politics in Ukraine

2 months, 2 weeks ago

Mamas don't let your babies grow up to be commies....

2 months, 3 weeks ago

🇬🇪 The Georgian Parliament has passed a package of bills in the first reading that bans the LGBT movement.

At the same time, the PACE adopted a resolution condemning the actions of the Georgian authorities, particularly the adoption of the "foreign agents" law and the violent dispersal of protesters.

🔴 @DDGeopolitics

2 months, 3 weeks ago

The Ukrainian Parliament has not yet gathered enough signatures from MPs to vote on the ban of the UOC.In the Verkhovna Rada, 221 signatures from members of parliament have been collected to bring Bill No. 8371, aimed at effectively banning the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, to a second reading vote. According to, only MPs from the "European Solidarity" and "Holos" parties have signed the bill in full.
" received a list of those who refused to sign. It includes 146 MPs, particularly those currently under investigation, such as Nestor Shufrych. Among those who did not support the bill are about 90 MPs from the 'Servant of the People' party. Two MPs from 'Batkivshchyna' did not support it. Only one MP, Yuriy Zahorodny, supported it from the 'Platform for Life and Peace' (formerly OPZZh). The factions 'European Solidarity' and 'Holos' fully signed the bill 'On Amendments to Certain Laws of Ukraine Regarding the Activities of Religious Organizations in Ukraine' (No. 8371)," the report states.
According to, there are currently 221 signatures "for" the bill. Previously, the speaker of parliament, Ruslan Stefanchuk, stated that 240 signatures from MPs are needed for Bill No. 8371 to be considered. reports that after the National Prayer Breakfast (scheduled for this Saturday, July 29), about seven Protestant MPs from various parliamentary groups might join the initiative.


Source of the info. Subscribe to Voice of Orthodox Ukraine, know truth about human rights and religious politics in Ukraine

2 months, 3 weeks ago

❗️DHS has confirmed there's a network of smugglers operating in the US who are bringing ISIS members into the country disguised as illegal immigrants.


2 months, 4 weeks ago

According to an American lawyer, President Zelensky, after receiving U.S. funding, is ready to come down on the UOC again.Robert Amsterdam, head of the international human rights firm Amsterdam & Partners LLP, stated that while Volodymyr Zelensky was preaching peace and reconstruction in Europe, at the same time his people were supervising the ongoing elimination of the 1000-year-old Ukrainian Orthodox Church. He wrote about this on his X.
"The attempt to divide Ukrainian Orthodox and force state intervention into religion, and doing so in secret, is both repulsive and opportunistic," underscored the human rights defender. After securing his funding, he (Zelensky – Ed.) seems willing to show his true colors – and we are very concerned for the impact on human rights."


Source of the info. Subscribe to Voice of Orthodox Ukraine, know truth about human rights and religious politics in Ukraine

2 months, 4 weeks ago

"Based on the SBU's materials, the next suspicion was received by the Metropolitan of the UOC Cherkasy Eparchy (MP), who repeatedly called on believers to religious hatred."

Although such "calls for hatred" have not been proven by anyone and anywhere, they are claimed only by the SBU Office in Cherkassy region, inciting hatred with the permanent prefix "MP".

The SBU allegedly found evidence of the crime carried by the head of the UOC Cherkassy Eparchy in the pastor's new sermons and addresses.

"It has been established that the metropolitan, despite the suspicions received, is once again involved in inciting interfaith hatred between believers in Ukraine.

According to the investigation, the cleric, while being under house arrest, actively maintains his pages on social networks. On the YouTube channel of the website of the Cherkassy Eparchy of the UOC (MP) and the Facebook page of the religious institution, he posted destructive materials.

His video messages were aimed at forming the prerequisites for sectarian hostility"
The SBU reminds, as if it mocks, "that this is the fifth suspicion against the metropolitan's anti-Ukrainian activities."

"Prerequisites for the formation of hostility" and maintaining his own page? That is, there is no crime itself - hostility or calls for it, but there are some "prerequisites"? 🤔

The UOC hierarch was announced about his next suspicion under Part 2 of Art. 161 of the Criminal Code (violation of the equality of citizens depending on their religious beliefs). On the basis of which "obtained evidence " is not reported.

"The choosing another measure of restraint for the metropolitan is currently being decided."

What's next, will they try to put him behind bars in a pre-trial detention center again? Demand to agree to "be exchange"? And what they wanted to find on the Metropolitan's books, on icons, once again: it's a shame to see all this. The SBU has nothing else to do during the war ?

Maybe Vladyka should have understood the hints and quietly kept silent, "not noticing" the aggression against Orthodox Ukrainians? Then who is the enemy here?


Source of the info. Subscribe to Voice of Orthodox Ukraine, know truth about human rights and religious politics in Ukraine

2 months, 4 weeks ago

Searches, threats of prison and a criminal case against an innocent citizen of Ukraine because of his refusal to be exchanged! Terror and genocide of the Ukrainian people continue!

The persecutors of the Church did not like Vladyka's sermon, which he said in the building BASEMENT at one of the liturgies with the expelled community. It is important to note here that this community was expelled, together with their priest expelled from his own home (father of 7 children) are forced to pray in the BASEMENT after they were thrown out into the street by the so-called "believers" of the "correct state religious organization".

It can be predicted that in the near future Metropolitan Theodosius will be tighten the measure of restraint - either round-the-clock house arrest or pre-trial detention centre.
But that's not the only thing that's important here. It is important that Vladyka's nightmare once again began immediately after he refused the SBU officers to be an exchanged.

To do this, the bishop had to sign a document on the exchange as a "PRISONER OF WAR ENEMY"!! Just think about it! For them, a citizen of Ukraine is a "prisoner of war enemy." And I very much doubt that this is an isolated case.

All people, both inside and outside our country, should be informed about this case!

For those who still cannot comprehend the trials and tortures that Orthodox believers, clergy and bishops are subjected to in our country today, I strongly advise to watch this video. From start to finish.

And I ask our faithful to pray for Vladyka Theodosius!
Repressions against him strengthen the faith of millions of parishioners of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church!


Source of the info. Subscribe to Voice of Orthodox Ukraine, know truth about human rights and religious politics in Ukraine

3 months ago

Metropolitan Theodosiy drew the attention of the international community to the provocations against him and the faithful of the UOC in Cherkasy Eparchy.On June 11, 2024, Metropolitan Theodosiy of Cherkasy and Kaniv spoke out about an impending provocation regarding the cathedral of the UOC eparchy. He appealed to all people of goodwill worldwide with an urgent message regarding this situation, as well as the lawlessness near the court building by so-called activists. The video of the appeal was published by the press service of the Cherkasy Eparchy.
"I ask that this appeal be treated as official and be forwarded to the UN Human Rights Council, as well as other foreign and Ukrainian human rights organizations, and law enforcement agencies of Ukraine, the Security Service of Ukraine, and the Cherkasy regional prosecutor's office," the bishop said. "At this moment, when I have a court hearing scheduled for 11 am at the Sosnovsky court in Cherkasy, a fictitious meeting of the parish community supposedly of the cathedral is also scheduled, by people who have no relation to it. This fictitious meeting, which will take place without the pastor, without me, without real parishioners, some of whom are here, is organized by unknown persons in a secular building, in the House of Culture. This meeting will have no legal force."
The Metropolitan reminded that the cathedral and the land beneath it, according to a state act, belong to the legal entity "Cherkasy eparchy of the UOC" and no assembly can decide its fate, especially a fictitious community.
He also drew attention in his video to how court hearings are conducted and what they are accompanied by.
"You can see it right now. These so-called activists who are not allowing us to enter the court, and, to my great regret, neither law enforcement agencies nor other law enforcement authorities can protect me as a citizen of Ukraine from these scandals," stressed the UOC hierarch.
The hierarch also reminded that a few days ago provocateurs broke the arm of one of the parishioners of the UOC.


Source of the info. Subscribe to Voice of Orthodox Ukraine, know truth about human rights and religious politics in Ukraine

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