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🦴 Your easy, fun crypto trading app for buying and trading any crypto on the market

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2 years, 3 months ago

An interesting video on how our posture is important for health. Handy for today's work environment.😉

🕺Posture - осанка


The benefits of good posture - Murat Dalkilinç

View full lesson: Has anyone ever told you, “Stand up straight!” or scolded you for slouching at a family dinner? Comments like that might be annoying—but they’re not wrong. Your posture…

2 years, 3 months ago

Hey, there!🫶 Now it's time for changes and here is an interesting test on how you deal with changes The test can help to find out what will help you flourish.

🌺 florish - расцветать, находиться на подъеме


Test: How do you deal with change?

Transitions can be very empowering – take our test to find out what will help you flourish

Hey, there!***🫶*** Now it's time for changes and here is an interesting **test** on how you deal with changes***⬇*** The …
2 years, 3 months ago

Hello, English lovers! Давно не писали диктанты?😉

It's time for a practice💪Choose the level. First listen, then write and check your answer.

▶️ Elementary -

▶️ Intermediate -

Good luck!🤗

English Dictation Test - Elementary - Mr Bean's Morning

Learn English Free - English dictation test - Elementary - Mr Bean's Morning

2 years, 3 months ago

Hello, dear learners!🤗

This video is what you need this Sunday!😍 Have u heard of Sloths? Learn more about these adorable creatures⬇️

🔹️Adorable creature - восхитительное создание


Cutest Baby Sloth EVER!

Please SUBSCRIBE - Watch More - In this segment of On Location, Coyote meets the smallest and cutest baby Sloth he’s ever seen! His name is B-Rad and he is a rescue animal at Kids Saving the Rainforest…

2 years, 3 months ago
2 years, 3 months ago

Example Conversation 🇬🇧

George: Would you like to join us for a beach barbecue on Saturday?Jenny: I’d love to, but I really can’t. I’m snowed under with university stuff.

George: Snowed under? What’s going on? We don't expect any exams soon.

Jenny: I’ve taken on a lot of extra stuff. I’m the editor of the university magazine, and I'm failling to meet deadlines. We’ve also got an important badminton match coming up and I must get some practice this weekend. I’m not in a good form at the moment and I don’t want our team to loose.George: Wow! You seem to be really snowed under...

Jenny: That’s not all. I need to learn my lines for an upcoming university play. We had a rehearsal two days ago and I was the only one who had to refer to the script. So, I’m afraid I am really swamped at the moment.

George: No problem. We can always catch up another day.-----------------------------------

Пример разговора 🇷🇺

Джордж: Не хочешь присоединиться к нам на пляжное барбекю в субботу?

Дженни: Я бы с удовольствием, но я правда не могу. У меня завал с универом.

Джордж: Завал? В чем дело? У нас не будет никаких экзаменов в ближайшее время.

Дженни: Я взяла на себя много всего. Я редактор университетского журнала, и не укладываюсь в сроки. У нас также впереди важный матч по бадминтону, и мне нужно немного потренироваться в эти выходные. Я сейчас не в лучшей форме и не хочу, чтобы наша команда проиграла.Джордж: Вау! Кажется, у тебя реально много дел...

Дженни: Это еще не все. Мне нужно выучить реплики для предстоящей университетской пьесы. Два дня назад у нас была репетиция, и я была единственной, кому пришлось подсматривать в сценарий. Так что, боюсь, я сейчас действительно занята.Джордж: Нет проблем. Мы всегда можем наверстать упущенное в другой день.

2 years, 3 months ago

​​Long time no seen🫶🤗 I was a bit snowed under these days) Hope you are doing well, guys!

[​​]( time no seen***🫶******🤗*** I was a bit **snowed under** these days) Hope you are doing well, guys!
2 years, 3 months ago
2 years, 3 months ago

One more video to show how life can be different ...if we choose to be lazy🦥 or productive💪🏻


THE CHOICE (Short Animated Movie)

This is a short animated film, about how your small everyday life choices can ultimately shape your life. Proud Patreon Supporter of Project Better Self: Nicolas Berney Thank you! If you want to be financially independent, learn new skills faster, be charismatic…

2 years, 3 months ago
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Support: @HamsterKombat_support_bot




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Turn your endless taps into a financial tool.
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Collaboration - @taping_Guru

Last updated hace 1 mes, 3 semanas

🦴 Your easy, fun crypto trading app for buying and trading any crypto on the market

Last updated hace 1 día, 21 horas