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“For the survival of this species the deep ecologist will fight with all his might. Billions of people, however, represent a threat, not an object of love.
Even to conceive of our development, as a species, into a seething mass is insane: to approve of it is unthinkable.
By his own nature, man is already a large predator that consumes a lot of resources to sustain his vital functions; thus, the only way mankind can inhabit the biosphere is in small numbers.
It must also be remembered that the distinguishing characteristic of our species, self-awareness, calls for limited numbers: among masses of billions, man loses his identity, while his life is deprived of value and meaningfulness.”
- The World’s Greatest Love - A Perspective on the State of the World, or The ABC of the Deep Ecologist — Part One (2002) - Can Life Prevail?
Kaarlo Pentti Linkola
(7 December 1932 - 5 April 2020)
Finnish Ecologist & Fisherman@angloathenaeum
“I have a literal understanding of the term ‘brotherly love’: a brother to me is a human I have direct contact with. I will always be friendly with such a person: I will ease his grief, give him my advice and rescue him when he is trapped in the ice.
‘Species solidarity’ — the extension of love to faraway populations — is a completely different matter for me: a forced, artificial behaviour that goes against human nature.
It’s unnatural — and fortunately so. There is no need for us to practise such a twisted form of charity, for it contributes to the depletion of natural resources: it spoils the ecosystems of land, sea and sky by nurturing and feeding overly-dense populations across the world that have squandered the material prerequisites for life, thus inevitably guaranteeing torment and inhumanity.”
- The Decline of the World Knows No Mercy (1999) - Can Life Prevail?
Kaarlo Pentti Linkola
(7 December 1932 - 5 April 2020)
Finnish Ecologist & Fisherman@angloathenaeum
“History, and history alone, will strengthen the faith of he who strives to keep his wits about him and use his energy to change the course of the world.
Enormous, stunning changes have taken place even within single cultures or regions: some of these positive changes, aimed at improvement.
A reasonable man will thus always choose his models from history. The known history of mankind is already so vast that it contains all the positive exemplars required.
The past will always provide the best guidelines when fighting for the future. But if the future is fashioned after a madman’s belief in progress and development, delusions and science fictions, the game is most certainly over.”
- Human Nature and History (1998) - Can Life Prevail?
Kaarlo Pentti Linkola
(7 December 1932 - 5 April 2020)
Finnish Ecologist & Fisherman@angloathenaeum
“What is generally ignored is the fact that immigrants from poor Nations, whose birth rate is at par with that of the Cultures of origin (if not higher, thanks to the social care they now benefit from), dramatically increase the population and environmental burden of Industrial Countries. As Matti Kuusi once put it, there is no use counting the immigrants at the Border: one should wait a while and look in the Nurseries.”
- The Reality of the Population Explosion - A Refresher Course in the State of the World (1992) - Can Life Prevail?
Kaarlo Pentti Linkola
(7 December 1932 - 5 April 2020)
Finnish Ecologist & Fisherman@angloathenaeum
“Look at the other angle, the Black man (and I refuse this humbug of talking about the Coloured man, he’s Black and we’re White) has a different set of standards, values, morals and principles. In many cases their grandfathers were eating each other. The leopard doesn’t change his spots in all that time.
But look at it this way, they come over here, they cause housing troubles, employment troubles. Ask any Landlord of a Working Class property, where they go in, the houses become cesspits of dirt.”
- People in Trouble - Mixed Marriages (1958)
James Wentworth Day
(21 April 1899 - 5 January 1983)
High Tory, Writer & Agriculturalist@angloathenaeum
“My view is this, that no First Class Nation can afford to produce a Race of mongrels; and that is what we’re doing.
Sooner or later that’s going to come back on the children. Those children are unfair hostages to the future; it’s unfair on the children, it’s unfair on the Nation.
It’s one of the reasons why France is a Third Class Nation today; Too much mixed blood.”
- People in Trouble - Mixed Marriages (1958)
James Wentworth Day
(21 April 1899 - 5 January 1983)
High Tory, Writer & Agriculturalist@angloathenaeum
"I confess it. I do not like modern furniture or much of modern architecture, less or none of modern art and little of modern literature. I am, of course, an antediluvian, a reactionary, an out-of-date or, as I prefer it, a rural romanticist."
- Wild Wings and Some Footsteps, 1948.
James Wentworth Day
(21 April 1899 - 5 January 1983)
High Tory, Writer & Agriculturalist@angloathenaeum
“Unscrupulously stern rules must be applied to Foreign Predators, both those which were imported and those which crossed the Border themselves.
We can probably tolerate the importation of Alien Species as long as they do not harm the Native ones. But if the existence of any Native Species is threatened in order to secure the wellbeing of imported animals then the environmentalist’s verdict must be irrevocable.
A final sentence must be delivered in the case of those Predators that are not part of Finnish Nature: the Mink and Raccoon represent an unbearable burden.
Recently, even these Creatures have found People to protect them, which is something quite paradoxical.
People who defend these imported Predators in the name of environmentalism are obviously enemies of Conservation, while the Game Warden is it’s Ally.”
- The Ethics of Environmentalism (1993) - Can Life Prevail?
Kaarlo Pentti Linkola
(7 December 1932 - 5 April 2020)
Finnish Ecologist & Fisherman@angloathenaeum
“Formally, even Finland is a democracy: we all have the same right to vote and one’s word weighs as much as anyone else’s in decision-making. Election after election, the major parties, which are all the same — all going on about development, progress and money — receive a vast majority of votes, and are legitimised to form governments.
In the end, force of habit prevails. People would like to vote for small, alternative parties, ‘but it just isn’t worth it: they’ll get so few votes, they will never make an impact.’”
- What Is The Majority and What Is The Minority? (1996) - Can Life Prevail?
Kaarlo Pentti Linkola
(7 December 1932 - 5 April 2020)
Finnish Ecologist & Fisherman@angloathenaeum
“It is entirely possible that the ‘opinion of the majority’, “the general view” according to which decisions are taken — the opinion of town councils, the parliament and media — in fact only reflects the position of a small but powerful minority.
This minority fosters rivalry between individuals, companies and societies in the name of performance, automatisation, production, consumption, exports, imports, the stock market, motorways and fast trains.
This minority possesses the power and cogency of a shaman, the drive of a fanatic, the mysterious, irrational and persuasive strength of an idiot. Perhaps only a few people set the rules.”
- What Is The Majority and What Is The Minority? (1996) - Can Life Prevail?
Kaarlo Pentti Linkola
(7 December 1932 - 5 April 2020)
Finnish Ecologist & Fisherman@angloathenaeum
Community chat:
Last updated 5 months, 4 weeks ago
Your easy, fun crypto trading app for buying and trading any crypto on the market.
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Last updated 5 months, 3 weeks ago
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