Russian House New Delhi

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EVP of Development & Acquisitions The Trump Organization, Father, Outdoorsman, In a past life Boardroom Advisor on The Apprentice
Son of Former President of the United States Donald J. Trump.

Last updated 3 weeks, 3 days ago

2 weeks ago
Российскиешкольники выиграли четыре медали на олимпиаде …

Российскиешкольники выиграли четыре медали на олимпиаде по математике в Румынии

👏 Российская команда завоевала 2 золотые и 2 серебряныемедали на международной олимпиаде по математике XVI Romanian Master of Mathematics. Школьники выполняли задания в дистанционном формате на базеобразовательного центра «Сириус» в Сочи.
🥇 Золотых медалей удостоились:
Иван Часовских, школа № 14, г. Химки, Московская область;
Илья Замоторин, Президентский физико-математический лицей № 239, г. Санкт-Петербург.
🥈 Серебряные медали получили:
Василий Патрушев, школа № 9 с углубленным изучением китайского языка, г. Владивосток;
Артем Садыков, Физико-математический лицей № 31, г. Челябинск.
✔️ Руководителем команды стал учитель математики Президентского физико-математического лицея № 239 Кирилл Сухов, его заместителем – доцент кафедры высшей математики Московского физико-технического института Павел Кожевников.

🎉 Поздравляем ребят и их наставников!


2 weeks ago

As part of the cooperation of the Russian House with the National School of Drama and the International Theater Festival of India (Bharat Rang Mahotsav 2025), performances based on the works of Anton Chekhov - "Three Sisters" and "The Seagull" were shown at the Russian Center for Science and Culture in New Delhi.

The performances gathered more than 150 spectators, among whom were both experts in Russian literature and those who were just getting acquainted with Chekhov's work. Live performance, deep dramatic images and the inimitable atmosphere of classical Russian theater resonated with the audience.

Such interaction strengthens interest in Russian culture, literature and theatrical art in Indian society.
Cooperation between the Russian House and the National School of Drama will continue: in the near future, Delhi students will go to Moscow for production.

#RussianHouse #culture #India

2 weeks ago
Russian House New Delhi
2 months, 3 weeks ago
Russian House New Delhi
2 months, 3 weeks ago
Russian House New Delhi
2 months, 3 weeks ago

The Russian House in New Delhi organized an educational teleconference dedicated to the 210th anniversary of M. Yu. Lermontov, with the support of the Representative Office of Rossotrudnichestvo in India.
The online meeting was held between teachers and students of MOU Secondary School No. 1 named after M. Yu. Lermontov, employees of the State Museum-Reserve of M. Yu. Lermontov (Pyatigorsk, Russia) and the Russian Center for Science and Culture in New Delhi (New Delhi, India).
During the event, an online tour of the museum was held, as well as a story by the school director Dmitry Vosyutkin about the history, traditions, and famous graduates of the school in Pyatigorsk.
A demonstration of costumes from the Lermontov era was held with the participation of schoolchildren and teachers. During the teleconference, students recited famous poems of the Russian poet: "I want to live, I want sadness ...", the poem "Duma".
Participants also prepared and delivered reports on the topics: "M.Yu. Lermontov: My Favorite Writer" and "Lermontov's Ideology on Romanticism".
The educational teleconference traditionally took place in a warm and friendly atmosphere, where one of its important goals was fruitful cooperation between educational institutions, as well as the promotion of the Russian language and Russian culture.

#RussianHouse #Lermontov #Literature #India

3 months ago

Dr Elena Remizova, Head of Rossotrudnichestvo Representative Office in India, met with Mr Kapil Verma, Deputy General Manager of the National Skills Development Corporation International. The parties discussed the current opportunities and prospects for training Indian labor resources for the Russian market. As a result of the meeting, the consensus was reached on the development of a pilot project.

#RussianHouse #cooperation #India

3 months ago

Russia has already delivered the 32nd batch of humanitarian aid for the Gaza
A special flight of the EMERCOM of Russia delivered about 28 tons of Ingush humanitarian aid to the Egyptian city of El Arish.
It contained: • essential items
• medical products • food
The humanitarian aid will be transferred to the Red Crescent in Egypt for further distribution among the Gaza Strip people. Since October 2023 Russia has delivered about 830 tons of food, medicine, clothing and essential items to the Gaza Strip as part of the humanitarian mission. This fact confirms Russia’s responsible attitude to humanitarian assistance to countries in need despite the difficult political situation.
The event was implemented with the support of Rossotrudnichestvo and the “Russia with You” project which informs foreign citizens about the activities of the Russian Federation in promoting international development.

3 months ago

With the support of the Rossotrudnichestvo Representative Office in India, the "Courses for NPOs" program was held at the Russian House in New Delhi.
The Head of the Rossotrudnichestvo Representative Office in India Dr Elena Remizova gave a welcoming speech.
During the meeting, representatives of the A.M. Gorchakov Public Diplomacy Support Fund said that the main goal of the program is to introduce representatives of local non-profit organizations to the principles, methods and possibilities of implementing international projects.
They also noted that the project is aimed at directors and project managers of non-profit organizations in India.
Representatives of the Gorchakov Fund emphasized that in the future, course participants are expected to work together with the Fund's team to improve the application submitted for the grant competition, actively participate in a seminar on the legal aspects of NPO activities and the implementation of grant projects in India and Russia.

#RussianHouse #NPO #India

3 months ago
Admissions open for courses for NPOs …

Admissions open for courses for NPOs in New Delhi

The Gorchakov Fund launches the call for applications to join the India-based courses for directors and managers of NPO projects, which focus on foreign policy. The event will be held with the support of the Russian House in New Delhi.

The goal of the programme is to introduce representatives of local non-profit organisations to principles, methods and opportunities of implementing international projects.

Courses participants are expected to:
• work together with the Fund’s team on improving an application to be submitted for the grant competition;
• attend the workshop on legal aspects of NPOs’ activities and implementing grant projects in India and Russia;
• have lectures on information support for international projects.

The meeting starts at 11:00 a.m.

Date: 2 December 2024.

Location: New Delhi (face-to-face format only).

Working languages: Russian and English.

• an NPO represented must have experience in implementing projects in the field of international relations or international cooperation;
• a representative of an organisation must have personal experience in implementing projects in the field of public diplomacy and international cooperation.
How to participate?

You need to sign up at the link.

The last day to apply is 30 November.

All the candidates will be informed about the results via email. If you have any questions, please email at [email protected].

Открыт набор на курсы для НКО в Нью-Дели

Фонд Горчакова объявляет набор на курсы для директоров и менеджеров проектов НКО в Индии, посвященные внешней политике. Мероприятие пройдет при поддержке Русского дома в Нью-Дели.

Цель программы — познакомить представителей местных некоммерческих организаций с принципами, методами и возможностями реализации международных проектов.

От участников курсов ожидается:
• совместная работа с командой Фонда по совершенствованию заявки, подаваемой на грантовый конкурс;
• участие в семинаре по правовым аспектам деятельности НКО и реализации грантовых проектов в Индии и России;
• прослушивание лекций по информационной поддержке международных проектов.

Начало встречи в 11:00.

Дата: 2 декабря 2024 г.

Место проведения: Нью-Дели (только очный формат).

Рабочие языки: русский и английский.

Право на участие:
• представляемая НКО должна иметь опыт реализации проектов в сфере международных отношений или международного сотрудничества;
• представитель организации должен иметь личный опыт реализации проектов в сфере публичной дипломатии и международного сотрудничества.
Как принять участие?

Необходимо зарегистрироваться по ссылке.

Последний день подачи заявок — 30 ноября.

Все кандидаты будут проинформированы о результатах по электронной почте. Если у вас возникнут вопросы, пишите на почту [email protected].

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Uncensored posts from the Office of Donald J. Trump

Reserved for the 45th President of the United States

Last updated 2 months, 1 week ago

Government of India's official channel on Telegram for communications and citizen engagement

MyGov homepage:

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MyGov Hindi Newsdesk:

Last updated 1 year ago

EVP of Development & Acquisitions The Trump Organization, Father, Outdoorsman, In a past life Boardroom Advisor on The Apprentice
Son of Former President of the United States Donald J. Trump.

Last updated 3 weeks, 3 days ago