admin : @Firstgod
Last updated 1 month ago
Last updated 1 month ago
Official Mehlmanmedical USMLE Telegram channel. An organized place for my latest USMLE content/posts so they don’t get buried in the constantly moving group discussion.
Last updated 1 month ago
The assertion that Man originated from primates, who then suffered an ice age, who developed animism and paganism and other such forms of primitive expression, then to slowly work the iron from meteorites, to discover bronze, and then to switch back to Iron, etc, etc. has been the most thorough attack on the western mind and it's place in the universe. It makes of man the origin of faith, and our existence the product of chaos.
It backs these notions up through carbon dating methods. Judged on the merit of these ideas; that is what they result into - it's fruits are obvious:
First, it paves the way for life to be a fundamentally cynical and biological affair, where man is raised above animal and this is experienced by European man as little more than a curse. Religion is in this model something entirely defined by man, which we know not to be true.
Thus man is ultimately reduced to nothing but a Faustian being who solely exists to give purpose to his own existence.
And all this will sprout from the notion that the remnants of pottery and mud huts existed 80.000 years ago, and we were before that a bunch of hunter gathering primitives, and before this fishes, bacteria, until some day for no reason the water was touched and life was first formed.
The fruits of this idea are thus: Cynicism, the rejection of all divine, yet simultaneously the divination of (a great) Man, a complete and utter lack of morality as it is a mere human desire, and logically anarchism is it's conclusion
When we witness the neo-pagan of today, how can we be surprised he acts the way he does? Cynical, does not sacrifice, Godless Faustian in design, yet an anarchist at the core.
He is nothing more than the masculine expression of the modern day's thought, the current ruling one being a feminine expression or these lines of thought.
We Catholics reject both sides of this false coin, and follow in the unbroken chain of being of our ancestors.
The neo-pagan rejects only the state of decay of the world, not how it is conceived of. Thus he will find not enough answers within her to understand why this happens. He will then proceed either to neo-gnosticism through his cynicism, or delve into the truth of the Catholic Church. If he is lucky, he will come to understand that which we already do.
Remember thus to educate those who do not know.
There is only one possible conclusion from this. If you have jews in your territory, it's only a matter of time before they control your territory because there is simply nothing they won't do. There are no boundaries of conscience. None.
Political Assassinations by jews by Ben-Yehuda Nachman (1993)
This book is an absolute must-read to see who is actually pulling the strings of the world from an organization standpoint. Winning at a local level won't count for much when this group comes around.
A little update on my health and thank you to everyone who has reached out. You probably noticed I haven't posted much or been around for a while.
I went through extreme pain since being discharged from the hospital. Some days were not that bad, some weeks were horrible and I couldn't sleep more than passing out here and there. No amount of opiates seemed to help when it was really bad. They were a brief relief and right back into it as best.
Then this week has been one of the really bad weeks. I'm a bit better today. They are coming to remove my picc line I'm told. The area of the bone infection in my foot isn't looking great... I'm guessing they are going to take a toe or 2 here. Better than them wanting to take my foot when we started. They will do another blood culture on Tuesday to see where I am at now that I won't have 24x7 antibiotics + 2 MRSA oral antibiotics I take 3 times a day in me.
What got me in the hospital for 6 weeks including 3 in the ICU:
Extreme diabetes (new diagnosis) with an a1c of 15.8
Actively trying to kill me:
Extreme sepsis
Osteomyelitis ( I hope this is all I still have.)
My blood sugars are mostly under control now. I am waking up in the mid to high 100s (normal is 70 - 100... 120ish) and I rarely get into the 200s. Happens still for who knows what reason as I 100% follow the diet and don't eat garbage... At least I am not waking up in the 300s and rarely getting below 250s.
The body aches and muscle spasms are still pretty bad but I'm not in panic mode anymore. I think I'm going through a low grade detox from all the opiates (I'm out of those, didn't like them anyway but it did help a little.) Not entirely sure could be some sort of detox from the antibiotics 24x7 too. Was cold sweats, aches, and wasn't sleeping more than an hour here and there barely. Whatever that was it seems to be over now. Had one of my small seizures on top of it all yesterday early morning, so I was fairly out of it.
At least I slept a bunch starting yesterday afternoon (almost 14 hours - not straight but close enough.) At least i'm not in panic mode now - I thought I was going to the hospital yesterday and I hate the hospital. I'm just completely exhausted and really sore. Going to go sit in my recliner with 3 heating pads and watch videos. Feel like I could sleep some more. I'm hoping the picc line was hitting nerves and caused all these locked up muscles in my back that radiated down to my hands and to my knees. Nurse says it could be atrophy from being in bed for a while before I went to the hospital and then so long in the hospital. I don't know, seemed like when the put the picc line in but I digress.
They said it would be 3 months before I was moving around and even starting to feel better - we are only at 6 weeks and I am ahead of that. My blood pressure is still fairy high (160s / high 90s) and HR never goes below 100. I assume that's caused by pain.
Anyway, I don't want to bitch about it - everyone has problems. More a venting and letting folks know where I am at. I had anointing of the sick and last rites read to me in the ICU back in October because I was well within the embrace of death. Here I am though, still telling on jews. It's what Jesus would do. I'm still going to live a long life and the worst is over. Just, as they told me, I am going to have recovery for a while.
Reminder to take care of your health. I was misdiagnosed with a bunch of this several times. I was at the point I just figured I was going to do a died suddenly. Touching grass and eating healthy is what likely saved me here. In fact I had every test of my organs ( x-ray, MRI, ultrasounds, etc,) every blood culture and panel, you name it done and I am extremely healthy other than this.
Going to pull my laptop over and take a look at the mp3s from the NYE show. See if I can post any of them. Likely won't be today though.
- Discours où Hitler ruine le mythe du mépris racial “NS” Préservation universelle et hylémorphique des races « (…) Et cela ne conduira pas à un éloignement des peuples, mais au contraire, pour la première fois, à une véritable compréhension mutuelle ! »…
I wanted to remind everybody to make sure you put out plenty of prayers for our brother @MattBukaty
He's still going through health issues and needs all the help he can get. And not just financially. DM him and and express your support as well. It goes a long way
Follow his Channel and follow his links to help in any way that you can in donations for support and don't forget, if it wasn't for him most of us would not be here on Telegram including Trad Patrick from the old days where most of us met each other
If any of you have ever run a business you know your biggest costs are almost always in the following order
H1Bs are scam to under pay on both wages and taxes.
If you can't be successful when you don't cheat for 2 of the top 5 expenses your business has, you're not a genuis business person, you're a thief and a liar.
Pajeets will talk about how much better they are than Whites bc they own all the gas stations and hotels.
If I could hire my cousins at 50% the going rate and work my kids half to death, I'd make money on paper too.
admin : @Firstgod
Last updated 1 month ago
Last updated 1 month ago
Official Mehlmanmedical USMLE Telegram channel. An organized place for my latest USMLE content/posts so they don’t get buried in the constantly moving group discussion.
Last updated 1 month ago