Divine Feminine Awakening

This channel is for the Divine Feminine to join together as co creators for the New Paradigm/New Earth! Welcome Home!!
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1 week, 5 days ago
The Third Wavers are now being …

The Third Wavers are now being pushed into the role of truth speakers, as this wave has recently woken up within the last 2 years. These wavers are now holding the torch of truth and serving the roles of research, speaking, communication, and learning all they can about what is truly going on within the world. This wave may be feeling called to begin their transformation process and learning to let go of what they thought they knew.
The Fourth Wavers, aka the deep sleepers, are just now being stirred from their slumber. This wave has waited until the 11th hour to wake up and many within this wave are still resisting it. However, enough of this wave is beginning to question things and are feeling a stirring of strong emotions such as anger, grief, shame, guilt, etc. This wave will be feeling the most uncomfortable as the foundation of their false reality is beginning to crack and crumble, and many will be called to assist this wave in their awakening.

As we prepare to pass through the 10/10 Portal, the First Wavers are being called to stabilize their Light Bodies to 95%. This is the required percentage in order for the light body process to continue for the lower waves. We will be hosting our Light Body Maintenance Seminar on this Portal, and will be focusing specifically on opening up the receiving centers of the body, discussing the importance of the clearing of the lymphatic system, as well as downloading the Equal Energy Exchange Operating System.

We will be hosting our Light Body Maintenance Seminar on the 10/10 Portal which will be our official Harvest Celebration! Last month, our focus was on healing the nervous system of the body in order to be able to receive all of our blessings. The nervous system carries the karmic residue of fear, and we had to clear that from our bodies so that we could fully embrace the unknown that we are walking into. We also hosted an Detox Seminar under the Full Moon Eclipse in order to purge and prepare our bodies and spaces for receiving.
Our goal last month was to stabilize the light bodies at 93% which we have reached. Our goal this month is to stabilize the Light Bodies to 95%, which is a requirement to be able to operate in the new Equal Energy Exchange Paradigm that is being layed through the New Moon Solar Eclipse on 10/2. Through this new energetic paradigm, we are able to give and receive freely without fear, lack, or resistance. Our focus for this Seminar will be on opening up our receiving centers fully, the heart chakra and sacral chakra, and discussing the Equal Energy Exchange Paradigm. For many of you, this will open up your magical abilities that have long been turned off.

We will be discussing the monthly Light Body Maintenance Report from the Galactics, the Equal Energy Exchange Paradigm, and a live transmutation for activating our receiving centers and personal magic signature. The Seminar will be recorded for those that cannot attend live!
If you are guided to join this Seminar, please RSVP below. All Seminars are recorded for those that cannot attend live.



1 week, 5 days ago

10/10 Portal: The Eye of the Needle
We are now within the window of the epic 10/10 Portal! Every year, when we hit the 10/10 Portal, we enter what is known as the Eye of the Needle. Beginning from January and the 1/1 Portal, to September and the 9/9 Portal, we are going through a Hero’s Journey or some type of full circle process. The type of journey or process will be dictated by where we are at in consciousness, as well as the cosmic alignments and numerology of that year. When we hit October/November/December, we enter the Mastery Energies.

We are looking back at this year and seeing what we have learned, where we have grown, and what we have overcome and accomplished. We begin to look forward, to the next cycle and we begin preparing for what we are stepping into. But before we can do that, we must pass through the gates of Mastery which these end of the year portals bring to us. The 10/10 Portal is also known as the Portal of Embodiment, and coincides with the Harvest energies of the year. Now this year is extremely special and different in terms of how we will pass through this Eye of the Needle.

As we have shared, the “Harvest Portal” began on September 1st and will culminate on November 19th, as Pluto makes his final passage through the 29th degree of Capricorn which is closing out a very long cycle for Humanity. We are now reaping the Harvest-reaping what we have sown and this goes beyond just this year. We are still integrating the Justice energies that came through the New Moon Solar Eclipse in Libra, helping us all to see where we are not in balance, alignment, and where we have developed false aspects of Self that can no longer come forward with us.

We are also beginning to reap our harvest this month during Phase 2 of this Harvest Portal, which is allowing us to clearly see and reflect on what we are harvesting. If we do not like what we are reaping, we must look at what we sowed. Now is the time to drop ALL old constructs of self, belief, lower emotions/thoughts, and old ways of being. This eye of the needle is going to squeeze us all into our next highest embodiment. As many of you can feel and sense, we are on the cusp of the next wave of awakening.

Currently, to my understanding, we have 4 waves of awakeners:
The First Wavers are completing their karmic contracts and preparing to step into their Destiny Contracts, which now requires all First Wavers to be embodying the Master energy in order to be of higher and greater service to the Divine Plan. We are experiencing the most intense squeezing as it is our responsibility to be the first wave to move out of the mind completely and into the heart. We must let go of all BELIEFS about what our roles are, or what our next steps are, as we are being given direction under Divine Will for where we will be needed most.

The Second Wavers are being pushed into greater spiritual awareness and being called to learn how to hold the space of neutrality, how to process emotions, and how to go within for their guidance and direction. They are being pulled away for participation in the 3D and focusing more on their energetic and spiritual work. This wave may be called into more of a hermit/healing mode or may be called to now be of greater service to others through teaching, healing, or a spiritual practitioner.

2 weeks, 2 days ago

Something huge is coming.

What it is, I cannot say for certain.

But many of us are sensing it.

A sort of anticipation. A low key stirring of slight anxiety. A feeling of being on the edge or cusp of an event, or series thereof.

Two nights ago in the astral, I had a sit down with a group of warriors at a roundtable.

I was told that a massive operation had been underway for a very long time.

These Beings told me that this realm had been overtaken. Compromised.

That the natural order had been reversed, and was so out of balance that the universe and higher frequency consciousness took notice.

They said that this place has been entrapped, along with the vast majority of souls within it.

They said the ones behind this incursion had created a barrier around this plane, which was very difficult to penetrate from the outside to within this place.

So they said a long ongoing effort to access this inner world was made via various powerful angelic souls agreeing to inhabit bodies by being born inside of this holographic matrix.

It was not without heavy risks, as most are mind wiped passing through the frequency barrier in order to drop into a fetus, and cannot remember who they have been and where they have come from.

A compression and fractalization of energy and spirit is required, along with the enormous shift into a much denser vibratory state.

The rules or limits within the construct are very different than what exists outside of it. Abilities normally had by many ancient souls were hard to come by in this denser reality.

But what was imposed upon me was that something is coming soon - an event or a shift in which many of these sleeper cells of Angelics would switch fully back online.

Would remember who they are and where they have been sent from.

What they are here to do. Their holy mission from beyond.

They said to pay careful attention to the EYES of everyone we encounter.

The angelic housed within the human costume when activated will be easily recognized via the EYES.

There is something about the shape of the eyes, the brows and the brow ridge that is common.

But there will also be within the active agents of the divine, a light coming from the eyes that is unmistakable. An intensity. A piercing gaze from within, emanating out. The light of source, which doesn't just see, but sees THROUGH.

Things are going to get really intense in the days to come.

Choose your circles and company carefully, keep your head on a swivel and stay locked into your intuition and discernment.

But fret not, we are not alone. Stay rooted in your spirit and its maker, and be ready for the unexpected.

We are part of this planetary liberation, and soon we will see just how many of us are here.

Tone Mellard via FB

3 months, 2 weeks ago

Welcome, to the present moment of now, the very moment of you reading these words. I am honored that they reached you, grateful you attracted them into your reality.
This message carries a light of hope, that is ignited by the unified heart beat of our consciousness. The very core knowing, trusting that yes, the grandest outcome is unfolding, the highest good will be made fully manifest and once again will the human race be completely whole, healed and transformed into balanced harmonics, a co-creation of love and the unknown.

I know, through my very own experience in life, that these moments we are going through right now are immensely intense. It is the final count down, the final grand test before we collective reach a new level, a different experience, a higher timeline. These moments can bring up the most terrifying fears, we so long tried to avoid. Coming up now to be faced in the strength of faith. Our lifes story as human can feel upsetting, irritating or uncomfortable, we are asked to hold a huge amount of compassion and forgiveness for ourself. All of this is highly beautiful!! So so much is in front of us, is felt by us, is been going through by us, that IT IS triggering a huge transformation.
As we accept the full, whole truth of who and what we are - unconditional love one with prime source creator - we release, cleanse, purge and clear all the energies that block and dis-harmonize us. We are finally able to hold ourselves, love ourselves, nurture ourselves, knowing that the light, the highest timeline has won and we ARE merging with a new cycle of creation.

In these very moment, as you read my simple words, from heart to heart, love is pouring more and more light, high frequency energy, into the planet and through us. Like a mountain river, love is melting into the stream of life, flooding our lifes, our hearts, our every atom, the earths every atom the water of life in heavenly resonance.
We are attuning to the symphony of creation and are asked to consciously reflect, take accountability, practice patience, hold the light and keep going.
The breakthrough feels so close, the next level so near to reach. One message pops up in my surrounding repeatedly “don’t quit, learn to rest” this is not a sprint, it is a marathon. So don’t exhaust yourself, LOVE YOURSELF, slow down, step off the modern world merry-go-round and put both feet firmly on the ground, can you feel mother earths heart beat in the dirt?

Be carried by the wide wings of your angels and humbled by gratitude every day. Love surprises are all around us, on a brightly lit up path. Enjoy the journey and stop to smell the roses.

In trust for the highest and in service to love, Kat

5 months, 3 weeks ago


"The future is not desired, it is deserved."

A man who has been recycled deserves to walk alongside a woman who has reinvented herself.

A woman who has self-healed deserves to evolve alongside a man who has prioritized himself.

A man who has recognized his worth deserves to go through life with a woman who has let go of her pain.

A woman who has risen from her ashes deserves to have the presence of a man who has transcended her miseries.

A woman who has developed deserves to be seen by a man who has invented himself.

A man who is no longer afraid of people's opinion deserves to share his time with a woman who is no longer afraid of being pointed at.

A woman who no longer settles for anything deserves to find the most beautiful jewel.

A brave and sincere man deserves to be recognized and admired by a courageous woman with a wild soul.

A free and empowered woman deserves to be supported by a good, conscious and full man.

A man who makes his life a challenge deserves to be loved by a woman who envisions her dreams.

A woman who aspires for the best deserves to be loved by a man who feels like a winner.

A man who lives in the present and takes care of his mind deserves to be hugged by a woman who meditates, sings and jumps.

A woman who lives connected to her divinity deserves to be cared for and respected by a man who knows the great secrets of solitude and the rights to her freedom.
~ Author Unknown

5 months, 4 weeks ago

“I am the Earth
And the Earth is me.
Each blade of grass,
Each honey tree,
Each bit of mud,
And stick and stone
Is blood and muscle,
Skin and bone.

And just as I
Need every bit
Of me to make
My body fit,
So Earth needs
Grass and stone and tree
And things that grow here

That’s why we
Celebrate this day.
That’s why across
The world we say:
As long as life,
As dear, as free,
I am the Earth
And the Earth is me.”

~ Jane Yolen, “Earth Day" from The Three Bears Holiday Rhyme Book. Copyright © 1995 by Jane Yolen

❤️ earth day, every day ?

6 months ago

How are you doing? The last few weeks were quite intense. We have experienced a reset with the eclipses and some went through a death & rebirth phase, which was followed by confusion, destruction of the old ways, change and then emptiness and void, followed by the shy introduction of the new ways of living. Everything can still feel really raw, unknown and unpleasant. Additional to this, the energy is getting more intense every day because of the upcoming full moon. It could feel really overwhelming, cause anxiety or push you deeper into the void. Even though unpleasant, the void could be the best option right now as you would be calmer on the surface as the process runs beneath the surface and during your sleep. All you would need to do is to make sure to stay calm, in the present moment, silence the mind, release the thoughts when they arrive and pay attention to the nothingness of the soul, connecting to your soul on a deeper level. But sometimes this just isn’t possible as the mind is loud, is pulling you towards the old and you feel a lot of pressure, worry, anxiety, stress, physical symptoms. In such cases, the best you can do is to find a way to calm the mind, nervous system, breathe deeply and ground yourself. Sometimes all you can do is breathe and that’s ok. It will push you out of the past/future into the present moment and bring your nervous system from fight & flight (or freeze) into rest & digest, which will make your body feel better, help you stay in the present moment, calm you down and enable you to make different choices that are based on what the soul believes is right for you, not the ego. ~divinefeminine7777

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