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Last updated 1 week, 4 days ago
Your easy, fun crypto trading app for buying and trading any crypto on the market.
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Last updated 6 months ago
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Last updated 3 weeks, 5 days ago
Dr Niall McCrae reads a poem to Piers Corbyn…
Filmed in Canterbury.
Shot this myself. Didn’t realise how long it would be!
A group of Glastonbury residents led by Sandi Adams will be holding a meeting on July 7th at Glastonbury Town Hall.
Members of the Town Council have been invited and some are attending. We can’t say too much about it yet but it will be a bit like a continuation of the conversation Sandi Adams had when she addressed the Town Council in March when she went viral.
You can see the video here [The conversation on 15 Minute Cities begins at 21:50. Sandi speaks from 27:20 to 38:40]
We will be delivering a leaflet to every home in Glastonbury every weekend for the next four weeks before the meeting. The leaflets will give residents an overview on various topics in and around the United Nations Agenda 2030 programme and NetZero.
Like our Oxford campaign, we hope that this will greatly increase the residents’ understanding of and support for our efforts to combat Agenda 2030 and NetZero.
We want to inform people to encourage them to come to the meeting on the 7th.
David Fleming
Is there anyone living or working in the Chestfield ward in Canterbury who would like to be an independent “freedom”candidate in the local elections?
We want to concentrate on voting out Leader of the Council, Ben Fitter-Harding.
Please join our Canterbury Telegram group for Canterbury.
Get in touch and help us change things.
Please help us take control of Canterbury & Bath councils at the local elections in May.
Become a councillor or a volunteer campaigner. We need to send a message to all politicians locally and nationally that we’re taking back our power!
Visit for details.
Telegram Volunteers Needed Hi everyone, Part of our new “call to action” which is launching in April will involve being organised locally. That's why we are currently setting up private Telegram groups for our members in every local authority area in the…
Telegram Volunteers Needed
Hi everyone,
Part of our new “call to action” which is launching in April will involve being organised locally. That's why we are currently setting up private Telegram groups for our members in every local authority area in the UK. We're looking for some volunteers to help moderate the groups.
There are 374 councils across England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland so it's quite a lot to manage. We're asking for 35 volunteers to be Regional Managers. That basically means you would be the Telegram moderator for about 11 Telegram Groups in the same region when we first launch.
You would have the power to add more admins yourself so as soon as people volunteer and you're happy they're who they say they are then you can make them an admin and give the bulk of the work to them. If we have enough interest, it would be ideal to have two or three admins per group.
At first, we would want you and any other admins to post messages and graphics that we send you and general moderation duties. You will get more guidance before you start. Obviously, you would need to be comfortable using Telegram.
The twelve regions are listed below. Please let us know your preference although it doesn't really matter if you're not local at this stage. The important thing is that we have every council area covered initially. So don't be put off we we make you Regional Manager way outside your locality.
Thanks again for all your help.
David Fleming
UK Regions
• East Midlands
• East of England
• London
• North East
• North West
• South East
• South West
• West Midlands
• Yorkshire and the Humber
• Northern Ireland
• Scotland
• Wales
We had a very successful event on 8th January leafleting 78% of homes in Oxford City in one day with information they wouldn't get anywhere else. Thanks again to all of you who helped.
Reconnecting Oxford say our action was “priceless” in raising local awareness of the risk of 15 Minute Cities.
BBC Trending (the BBC's “disinformation” arm) attacked us and created a flurry of MSM activity against us.
We have decided to repeat our Oxford exercise in four more UK cities: Bath, Bristol, Canterbury and Edinburgh. All four are signed up members of UK100 which is funded by billionaire Sir Christopher Hohn as part of his advocacy of 15 Minute Cities. He also funds BBC Trending… imagine that!
We need £10,000 to make this happen so we have set up a crowdfunder - see link below. Please help by making a donation and sharing by email, message apps or social media or even word of mouth!
David Fleming
Community chat:
Last updated 1 week, 4 days ago
Your easy, fun crypto trading app for buying and trading any crypto on the market.
📱 App: @Blum
🤖 Trading Bot: @BlumCryptoTradingBot
🆘 Help: @BlumSupport
💬 Chat: @BlumCrypto_Chat
Last updated 6 months ago
Turn your endless taps into a financial tool.
Join @tapswap_bot
Collaboration - @taping_Guru
Last updated 3 weeks, 5 days ago