No Climate Wall - Freedom of Movement & Climate Justice NOW!

Fighting for Climate Justice and Freedom of movement for all.

Actiondays from 4th.-9th November 2022 - Save the Date!

More Infos about the Program, our Website and more to follow in the next days.
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Uncensored posts from the Office of Donald J. Trump

Reserved for the 45th President of the United States

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Last updated 7 months, 2 weeks ago

EVP of Development & Acquisitions The Trump Organization, Father, Outdoorsman, In a past life Boardroom Advisor on The Apprentice
Son of Former President of the United States Donald J. Trump.

Last updated 1 month, 4 weeks ago

7 months ago

Demonstration for freedom of movement - 30 March in Bern, Schützenmatte, 14:00

Demonstration as a long overdue reaction to the EU's racist death policy. As a direct response to the additional 300 million that Switzerland is now investing in the isolationist policy - as decided on 15 March!

Found gangs to travel from remote camps and other cities! Make it possible for people to come to the demonstration who are systematically prevented from doing so.

? Bring banners, slogans, whistles and anything else that is loud.

We will not be isolated. Climate justice also means freedom of movement and lead for all!

7 months ago

Manifestation pour la liberté de mouvement - 30 mars à Berne, Schützenmatte, 14:00

Manifestation en réaction à la politique de mort raciste de l'UE. En réponse directe aux 300 millions supplémentaires que la Suisse investit dans la politique d'exclusion, comme décidé le 15 mars !

Créez des bandes pour venir depuis des camps isolés et d'autres villes ! Rend possible la venue à la manifestation de personnes pour qui cela est systématiquement rendu difficile.

? Apportez des banderoles, des slogans, des sifflets et tout ce qui est bruyant.

Nous ne nous laisserons pas isoler. La justice climatique signifie aussi la liberté de mouvement et de rester pour tou.te.s !

7 months ago
No Climate Wall - Freedom of …
7 months ago
No Climate Wall - Freedom of …
7 months ago
No Climate Wall - Freedom of …
7 months ago
No Climate Wall - Freedom of …
7 months ago
**Demonstration für Bewegungsfreiheit - 30. März …

Demonstration für Bewegungsfreiheit - 30. März in Bern, Schützenmatte, 14:00

Demo als stetig überfällige Reaktion auf die rassistische Todespolitik der EU. Als direkte Antwort auf die 300 Mio. welche die Schweiz nun - wie am 15.März entschieden - zusätzlich in die Abschottungspolitik investiert!

Gründet Banden zur Anreise aus abgelegenen Camps und anderen Städten! Macht möglich, dass Menschen zur Demo kommen können, denen dies systematisch erschwert wird.

? Bringt Transparente, Parolen, Trillerpfeifen, und alles was laut ist.

Wir lassen uns nicht vereinzeln. Klimagerechtigkeit heisst auch Bewegungs- und Bleibefreiheit für alle!

7 months, 1 week ago
The **referendum for freedom of movement** …

The referendum for freedom of movement will start if there are enough pledges. In one week, over 15,000 signatures have already been promised. We need even more!

In mid-March, the Swiss parliament will decide whether Switzerland will contribute a further 300 million to the racist isolation of Europe. After that, we have 100 days to collect 50,000 valid signatures for a referendum.

Are you with us? We all need it! You can register your collection goal at

Want to stay updated? Join our telegram channel.


7 months, 1 week ago
Le **référendum pour la liberté de …

Le référendum pour la liberté de mouvement sera lancé s’il y a suffisamment d’engagements à participer. En une semaine, 15 000 signatures ont déjà été promises. Il en faut encore plus !

Mi-mars, le Parlement décidera si la Suisse participe au fonds BMVI à hauteur de 300 millions. Ensuite, nous avons 100 jours pour récolter 50 000 signatures valables pour un référendum.

Tu participes? Tu peux annoncer le nombre de signatures que tu prévois de récolter ici.

Rester informé(e) ? Rejoins notre canal Telegram.


1 year, 11 months ago

? Thank you for great action days! ?

With the events and actions that have taken place over the last few days, we have shown that the climate crisis is not possible without freedom of movement. Switzerland is making a big contribution to the climate crisis and must show solidarity with all people on the move instead of building Fortress Europe!

? Here you can find pictures of the actions.
? Be sure to share all our social media posts again! You can find them at @breakdownclimatewalls
? In the near future, clips from the events will also be published on the website for you to listen to and watch!
? Please find attached an article about our actions (in german).

? Solidarity instead of barbed wire!
? Freedom of movement for all!
? Break Down Climate Walls!


Break Down Climate Wall

Explore Break Down Climate Wall’s 95 photos on Flickr!

***?*** **Thank you for great action days!** ***?***
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Uncensored posts from the Office of Donald J. Trump

Reserved for the 45th President of the United States

Last updated 1 month, 1 week ago

Government of India's official channel on Telegram for communications and citizen engagement

MyGov homepage:

MyGov COVID19 page :

MyGov Hindi Newsdesk:

Last updated 7 months, 2 weeks ago

EVP of Development & Acquisitions The Trump Organization, Father, Outdoorsman, In a past life Boardroom Advisor on The Apprentice
Son of Former President of the United States Donald J. Trump.

Last updated 1 month, 4 weeks ago