Germanic Paganism

wood must be hewed in the wind
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1 month, 2 weeks ago
This mural by Hermann Hendrich is …

This mural by Hermann Hendrich is called Der Wolkenwanderer - Gebirgkskamm or The Cloud Wanderer - Mountain Crest, is oneof my favorite depictions of Óðinn.

1 month, 2 weeks ago
1 month, 3 weeks ago

This short film recounts a handful of the Icelandic settlers recorded in the Landnámabók. Most notably a deal which was made by one of them with a land spirit.

Narration by Þórr Siðr
Music by Glen Bokay

4 months ago
Germanic Paganism
4 months ago
The homestead has been claimed and …

The homestead has been claimed and hallowed in the name of Thor. It is now called Thor’s Hill.

The Gods are good, and they bring blessings to those who give them their rightful due.

4 months, 1 week ago

Cistercian monk named Rudolf 'Summa fratris Rudolfi de confessionis discretione' in manuscript UB Breslau written between 1235 and 1250 says :

In order to be happy and successful in worldly matters, certain women indulge in god-hated fantasies: on Christmas night they set the table for the Queen of Heaven- whom the people call Frau Holle - so that she will help them."

7 months, 1 week ago

Or Holles custom

This channel is dedicated to reviving the cult of Holle, her customs, traditions and taboos as well as the religious and semi-religious practices that our forefathers would have followed. The cult of holle was present throughout most of Germany with the name of holle varying from region to region with many of the traits and characteristics of the goddess staying the same.

In Pennsylvanian German folk tradition there exists a myth about holle in which she was responsible for the migration of the first German settlers to the new world in 1682. All German-Americans are children of Holle and the goal of this channel is to help those who seek to revive her cult.

Hail Holle!

7 months, 1 week ago

The following lines are from the German tale Krumme Jakob :

You are Crooked Jakob from the castle", she said, "and I can and will help you, if you will give me your trust”.

Thereupon Jakob opened his heart, told Frau Hülle of his plight. Frau Hülle then spoke:

 "Come with me, Jakob. In three years we will go to your brother. Perhaps by then he will come to his senses and finally give you your property."

She took Jakob with her to her small cottage, there he had to water her rosemary bushes, feed the cats and tend her flax fields.

In the winter, he had to cut staves for the wine farmers and barge poles for shippers.

In the spring he carried them into the valley to market. Frau Hülle took up her distaff like a cane, packed her yarn together in her shawl, and went with him.

When Jakob’s load got too heavy for his leg to bear, she took the wood with her thin arms, carrying it on top of her bundle as if it were straw.

Jakob had it good with Frau Hülle. She taught him everything about farming, such that he knew more than any natural born farmer. “

This small section tells a lot about holle and her powers.

She’s shown to be inhumanly strong, she teaches farming which links with her being the earth mother.
She also admires and rewards hard work and industrious people.

Later in the tale, Jacob gives up his pursuit of noble titles and lands in order to be a humble farmer in her worship showing her connection to peasants.

7 months, 1 week ago
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