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#LavkaLavka and #EcoGreenHouse
#EGH startup that develops a project of "smart" organic greenhouses announced negotiations with the farm cooperative "#LavkaLavka." Preliminary arrangements were reached on October 3, during the presentation of the #BioCoin settlement service.
According to Boris Akimov, the founder of LavkaLavka, this innovative settlement system, based on loyalty programs, will support agro-startups and farmers throughout the country, and consumers will have access to inexpensive and useful products grown in Russia.
"These ideas are completely in tune with the philosophy of the #EGH project, which is why we decided to consider the possibility of partnership. Both Boris #Akimov, who is chairman of the commission for regulating the #ICO under RACAB, and us have great confidence in the investment attractiveness of agrarian projects and their social significance. We see how the crypto currency becomes an instrument of the real sector of the economy and can finally change the attitude towards farming, production and consumption of quality products in our country, said #EGH founder Vladimir #Makarov."
It is worth noting that both projects almost simultaneously take up the sale of tokens: #LavkaLavka finishes the presale and prepares for the main round of the crowdsale, and #EGH launches pre-ICO on October 6th.
According to Vladimir #Makarov, with the help of BioCoin issued by #Lavka Lavka, it will be possible to partially pay for organic vegetables produced by #EGH.
#Token for the future
If you ask me what turned out to be the most difficult on one adult's way to healthy lifestyle, I'm going to tell you that it was finding really tasty and healthy vegetables and fruits. The stores are full of strange (and not very) fruits all year round. They are pleasing to the eye, but this is quite about all of their merits, as with wax casts.
It is not necessary to be an expert to understand that the use of pesticides, genetically modified samples, special gas chambers where immature fruits "ripen", as well as an overenthusiastic approach for hydroponic cultivation of crops, does not pass without a trace for the human body. In order to get frightened enough, only one fact, discovered by American scientists from the Environmental Working Group, is enough. Strawberries, tomatoes and cucumbers are leaders in the content of #pesticides among the store fruits. Experts found excess of the norms in 70% of samples, and meanwhile the use of pesticides leads to infertility, diabetes, Parkinson's disease, cancer and obesity. Moreover, such seemingly innocuous apples, nectarines, spinach and peaches are also in the risk group.
The more I plunged into the topic and understood how dangerous products from ordinary stores can be, the more I wanted to grow organic vegetables myself. And now, after consulting with Singaporean and Dutch farmers, I know how to do it. But in order to start a large-scale agricultural project, a huge capital is necessary.
I know that I am not alone in search of tasty and healthy products, and we can achieve more together than on our own. So I decided to create a club named #EGH (#EcoGreenHouse) where all its members can actually become co-investors in the construction of innovative greenhouses, and the first applicants for organic harvest. In order to become a member of the club, you need to buy #EGH tokens during ICO. This is a worthwhile offer for those who are ready to invest in their health and longevity.
To reduce the supply chain and make all production and logistics processes as open as possible is the task of our #EGH club (#EcoGreenHouse) (www.egh.io). When buying our EGH-tokens, you confirm membership in the #EGH club and get the opportunity to purchase fresh vegetables grown by organic technology in living soil at a net cost of +25%, which is 5-10 times cheaper than in stores.
#Токен на будущее
Если вы спросите меня, что оказалось самым сложным на пути взрослого человека к здоровому образу жизни, я вам отвечу — найти действительно вкусные и полезные овощи и фрукты. В магазинах полно диковинных (и не очень) плодов круглый год. Они радуют глаз, но на этом их достоинства заканчиваются, как у восковых муляжей.
Не надо быть специалистом, чтобы понять, использование пестицидов, генно-модифицированных образцов, специальных газационных камер, в которых незрелые плоды «доходят», увлечение гидропонным способом выращивания сельхозкультур, не проходит бесследно для человеческого организма. Для того, чтобы хорошенько испугаться, достаточно одного факта, обнаруженного американскими учеными из Environmental Working Group.
Лидер по содержанию #пестицидов среди магазинных плодов — клубника, помидоры и огурцы. Эксперты обнаружили превышение норм в 70% образцов, а между тем употребление пестицидов приводит к бесплодию, сахарному диабету, болезни Паркинсона, раку и ожирению. Кроме того, в группе риска безобидные, казалось бы, яблоки, нектарины, шпинат и персики. Чем сильнее я погружался в тему и понимал, как опасны могут быть продукты из обычных магазинов, тем сильнее мне хотелось вырастить органические овощи самому. И теперь, после консультаций с сингапурскими и голландскими фермерами, я знаю, как это сделать. Но для того, чтобы начать масштабный сельхозпроект, нужен большой капитал. Я знаю, что в поисках вкусных и полезных продуктов не одинок, а вместе мы сила.
Поэтому я решил создать клуб #EGH (#EcoGreenHouse), все члены которого фактически становятся соинвесторами строительства инновационных теплиц, и первыми претендентами на органический урожай. Для того, чтобы стать членами клуба, нужно купить токены #EGH вовремя ICO. Это стоящее предложение для тех, кто готов инвестировать в свое здоровье и долголетие.
Сократить цепочку поставок и сделать максимально открытыми все производственные и логистические процессы — задача нашего клуба #EGH (#EcoGreenHouse) (www.egh.io). Покупая наши EGH-токены, вы подтверждаете членство в клубе #EGH и получаете возможность приобретать свежие овощи, выращенные по органической технологии в живом грунте, по себестоимости + 25%, что в 5-10 раз дешевле чем в магазине.
Official address of the ICO contract
If you want to invest in the EGH project please visit the website www.egh.io
Less than a day remains till launching the pre-ICO EGH, and the EcoGreenHouse team feels about like Elon Musk and Co. before the start of Falcon in 2015 (there is a video on the net - just watch it). The project has already changed our own lives, but it still has to break the established paradigm that organic vegetables are too difficult, too expensive and unwanted. This is not true! We are ready to prove that greenhouses, designed with the latest engineering findings in mind, and using innovative materials, will allow growing natural vegetables and greens in the true natural soil. Agroinnovations from EGH are easy to scale and implement in any regions of Russia. You can easily become an active participant in this process, even if you do not understand anything in agriculture. Three years ago, when we were at the very start of our project, we had nothing but the desire to put on the table a bowl of fragrant and sweet tomatoes. We have learned from farmers of Russia, Holland and Singapore, we invited the best practitioners to our team, we developed technology and wrote a business plan, and now we take it all to the public. Tomorrow it will become clear how many people are ready to make a small agro-revolution with us. Are you with us?
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The official Yescoin™
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Last updated 1 Monat, 2 Wochen her
Last updated 2 Wochen her