Kolovrat and trinity

A channel about Indo-European paganism particularly Slavic. Monist, Aryan polytheism
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2 months, 2 weeks ago

Посмотрите, как в примере, что у нас есть язычество везде. Украшение на дереве и конечно венки и танцы!

2 months, 2 weeks ago
Kolovrat and trinity
2 months, 2 weeks ago
Kolovrat and trinity
2 months, 2 weeks ago
Kolovrat and trinity
2 months, 3 weeks ago

What is Swastika? It is symbol of European race. The swastika is found around the world but Europeans have the most quantity of them. Kolovrat, Greek, Germanic, Celtic swastika.

What symbol does it have? Good luck, light and darkness, the sun. A few meanings from several.

The Kolovrat is one symbol out of several of our sky father. Svarog the son of Rod the highest God and the Rozhenitsa, which are three Women of fate

2 months, 3 weeks ago

Что такое свастика? Это символ европейской расы. Свастика находится по миру, но европейская раса имеет самое большое количество их. Коловрат, греческая, германская, келтьская свастика.

Какой смысл у неё есть? Это удача, свет и темнота. Солнце. Некоторые смыслы из некоторых.

Коловрат это один из нескольких символов нашего отца неба. Сварог, который сын Рода верховный бог и рожаницы, которые три девушек судьбы

5 months ago
”Christianity is the one trve European …

”Christianity is the one trve European religion! We don’t like the Jews but we are the trve Jewish people mentioned in the Bible! Saxon = Isac so-“

Sorry Nigga but you’re walking on crutches with your reasoning and justification for claiming that Christianity is the best religious option for Europe. You’re in denial about larping as a Hebrew and you have fought amongst yourself for hundreds of years, Christianity uniting Europe? Go and fuck yourself, Christianity is the downfall of Europe.

5 months ago

Thank you all for 2,500 subscribers!

With so many people spreading trash these days, I figured I’d share a few friends’ channels, and channels I recommend, which may be of interest. In no particular order…

Hammer and Vajra - Pan-Indo-European religion: https://t.me/hammerandvajra
Survive the Jive (obvs): https://t.me/survivethejive
Harrowman Ealdham - Germanic paganism and comparative mythology: https://t.me/Ealdham
Waldeinsamkeit - Germanic paganism, and Midwest German culture and history: https://t.me/Urglaawe
Kolovrat and Trinity - Slavic paganism: https://t.me/kolovratandtrinity
Æhtemen - Anglo Saxon paganism: https://t.me/AEHTEMEN
Sigmund’s Metaphysical Männerbund - Germanic paganism and outdoors: https://t.me/sigmundsmannerbund
Maitridatta - a Buddhist friend: https://t.me/Maitridatta
Vajrarastra - another Buddhist friend: https://t.me/vajrarastra
Pagan Places - modern and historical pagan sites: https://t.me/pagan_places
Will of Gaut - Germanic paganism: https://t.me/willofgaut


Hammer and Vajra

Bringing Indo-European traditions to the modern decay. https://linktr.ee/hammerandvajra

Thank you all for 2,500 subscribers!
5 months ago

Even with christian churches. Pagan traditions and symbols can be seen such as solar symbols and rushnyks, which shows we didn't bend over to foreign cults

5 months, 1 week ago

So one interesting thing to note is that our Supreme God. Rod this can be compared to the understand of ahura mazda of Iranians. Why this is important is to consider following within our territory of the Ukraine and Russia. Scythians who were Iranian group had empire there and their culture influenced our faith and some words of our languages. Бог which means God of course comes from Iranian Baga and simargl and simurgh which both have heads of dogs.

As well as possibility of connect Div to devas (more research is necessary)

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YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@HamsterKombat_Official

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Game: https://t.me/hamster_kombat_bot/

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