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Nederland word wakker !!!

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Last updated 2 months ago

1 week ago

Exclusive Breaking: The Mass Numbers of Illegal Migrants that are pouring into our respective countries are in fact UN soldiers.

"these are UN Soldiers and they will be deployed by the World Health Organisation (WHO) when they announce the next Pandemic Lockdown"

The Black Watch a Scottish Infantry regiment based in Perth Scotland has been instructed to train illegal migrants to carry out crowd control and other measures to force compliance within the British population in the event of a civil uprising of the population against the government.

There are bird flu Avian influenza H5N1 vaccines being flown into the UK right now ready to be used on the British Public!

UK Businessman John O' Looney raises the alarm and says he has conclusive evidence that these UN soldiers are being trained by British forces who are being ordered to do so by globalist's infesting the British Government.

John has stated that he has surveillance and video evidence of what is going on along with detailed vehicle and registration numbers of the vehicles that are in use.

The details that are emerging suggest that British Forces will be sent abroad to fight Russia in Ukraine that will effectively leave no patriotic soldiers within Britain to protect the British population and that Illegal migrants will be issued Uniforms and given powers by the Globalists to Police, control and order the British people to stay at home and will have the powers to get physical and arrest anyone who does not comply.

This explains why Canada, The United States, Australia, New Zealand and parts of Europe are all facing the same plan by the Globalists.

These Illegal migrants have no loyalty to the host countries and will gleefully follow orders from the globalists to subjugate and control the people in our respective countries.

This is a betrayal of biblical proportions.

Its time to get prepared and its time to resist.

1 week ago

The Russian revolution, the greatest human slaughter of all time was perpetrated by the Jews.
And today they control our financial system our news media ( on tv, radio and newspapers) our education system and practically everything.
And people wonder why we don’t hear about these things.

2 weeks, 1 day ago

A brief summary of the Old Testament .

YouTube link

Join The Israelites of oldJoin The Israelites of old chat

2 weeks, 3 days ago

EUROGENDFOR- Europas Söldner-Armee mit der Lizenz zum Töten.


Even kijken tot het het einde

Zou dit de Europese tegenhanger van FEMA zijn

Join the channel 👉🏻 https://t.me/leugens_van_de_overheid

2 weeks, 3 days ago
3 weeks, 1 day ago

A cause for truth
A great lecture about one of the greatest war criminals of his time.
This is the true history about the Jew Dwight Eisenhower and the horrible crimes this man committed AFTER Germany was defeated.

Dr. James Wickstrom
October 14, 2007

3 weeks, 1 day ago

The man traveled to Ukraine. Watch with ur own eyes 👀 what is going on.

Subscribe and share >>S E E | Secret History

3 weeks, 2 days ago

⛔️Chemotherapy is one of the biggest lies in medical history, along with vaccination

Majority of Oncologists Won’t Take Chemotherapy- 
They know chemo. is carcinogenic & mammograms cause cancer.

1 month ago

"I never imagined having a heart attack at the age of 29"

"Cardiologists are now saying my heart problem is more than likely a result of the COVID vaccine."

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Last updated 3 days, 7 hours ago

No Taxes, No Bullshit. It’s that simple.

LP tokens are burnt, and contract ownership is renounced.

X: https://x.com/pepecoin_ton

contact: @pepe_ton_guy

Last updated 2 months ago