- اهلا بك في سورس بلاك .
- لطلب تمويل القنوات : @xxx1x
- قناة التمويل : @nnnon
- لطلب التمويل : @ossss
- فريق الدعم - @TwSLBlackBot
- انستا https://instagram.com/DS1
Last updated 2 months, 1 week ago
بعض القصص لا تنتهي أبداً 🖤.
- لطلب تمويل تواصل ← : @ooooow
- قناة التمويلات : @xxxxzz
Last updated 3 weeks, 1 day ago
Last updated 8 months, 3 weeks ago
? Profile Number #315
Gender: Female
Age: 31 years
Height: 5'2" (158cm)
Born Muslim or Revert: Born Muslim
Nationality: Bangladeshi
Ethnicity: Bangladeshi
Education: Bachelor degree
Occupation: Teaching
Languages spoken: Bengali, English, Hindi,Urdu.
Would you consider Polygamy?: Yes
Would you consider revert? : Yes
Would you consider other ethnicity? : Yes
Marital status: Annulled (I was in a marriage for 3 days)
Do you have children from your previous marriage?No
Which country are you currently residing in?: Bangladesh
Which countries you would consider moving to?: Saudi Arabia(especially in the city of Madinah),Egypt, UAE, turkey, yemen, Malaysia, Indonesia or any other muslim majority land.My country is also a muslim majority land.if anyone looking for doing hijrah you can consder making hijrah here as well inshahAllah.
Hobby: Reading, learning.
Memorised surahs: more or less 23.
Future plan:Being a hafiza of Quran,mastering the Arabic language and pursuing the deep knowledge about deen inshahAllah.
Scholars i listen to:
Sheikh Nashiruddin Albani
Sheikh Uthaymeen
Sheikh Bin Baz
*Brief description about Myself: Assalamu'alaikum.I am a practicing sister who is trying hard to be a good muslimah according to Quran and Hadith upon the understanding of the salaf-e-saleehin.
Alhamdulillah, I'm caring, loving, calm, patient and responsible and I always try to carry a positive and progressive mindset towards life.People say I'm good looking and look much younger than my age, almost 7/8 years,Alhamdulillah.
*My preference:
-Age limit: 27-40
-Height: 5'7"-6'2"
-The respective brother has to be upon the Manhajus Salaf in practicing deen.In short, He has to be a "Salafi" brother.
-He lives in a muslim majority land,either was born there or has made hijrah from dar-ul-kufr.
-He knows the rights and responsibilities of a husband islamicly and is capable of maintaining that.
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
السلام علیکم و رحمۃ اللہ و برکاتہ
Although a man doesnt seek knowledge to earn money, yet you still need it
How does a student of knowledge and a scholar earn?
. How much does this distract them from studies?
. Please give your answer with respect to poor countries unlike the west (like Pakistan, Yemen etc)
.and is it ok to disobey the parents which prevent from seeking ilm bcs of income?
I hope you can answer this question with some examples
جزاک اللہ خیرا
For questions ,suggestions and etc [email protected]
Answered by: Abu Harun Muhammad Taweel
Core Islamic Courses In Creed & Fiqh
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم Question: السلام علیکم و رحمۃ اللہ و برکاتہ Although a man doesnt seek knowledge to earn money, yet you still need it How does a student of knowledge and a scholar earn? . How much does this distract them from studies? . Please…
? Profile Number #259
Ali Niger
Age: 46
Height: 6' 1
Nationality: British/ French Niger
Highest Qualifications: Master's Degree
Are you Revert to Islam: No
Occupation: Journals and Intercompany Specialist
Current Location: London
Willing to marry outside one's ethnicity: Yes
Consider Reverts: Yes
Together with Bride Insha Allah
Prays 5x Salah: Yes, Masha Allah
Scholars listened to: All ahl al sunnah Scholars
Beard: Yes
Future Plans: Extend my knowledge of the Deen.
Marital Status: Divorced
Any Children?One Young Daughter
Consider a spouse that currently lives Outside of the UK? Yes
Requirements in a Spouse:
Location: Preferably the UK but I am flexible with the location
Ethnicity: Flexible
Hijab: Niqab with gloves preferably
Only born & brought up in the UK? Preferably but I am flexible on this point
All I am interested in is a sister who fears Allah and whose only concern in life is raising a home based on the teachings of the islamic sunnah.
Sisters lecture at the masjid tomorrow in shaa Allah
? Profile Number #294
31 years old
BORN in:
Raised in:
Highest Qualifications:
Mechanical engineering
Are you a revert to Islam?
Mechanical engineering
CURRENT Location:
Willing to marry outside ones ethnicity?
Yes, asian, Indonesian or Malaysian
Consider reverts?
Living arrangements after marriage:
Netherlands and maybe in future in one of the islamic countries.
Prays 5x Salah:
Scholars listened to:
الشيخ عبد السلام الشويعر
Abu attiyah
QURAN amount memorised:
Thats between me and Allah
A bit about you:
I love to joke now and then, go out, do trips and reading books.
Your interests or hobbies:
Jogging, walking, thaiboxing and reading
Future plans InshaaAllah ?
Marriage and studying arabic
Marital Status:
Previously married or not ?
Any Children? (List their ages):
Willing to relocate?
Radius within UK:
Willing to move abroad:
Consider spouse that currently lives OUTSIDE of the U.K. ?
No problem
Accept Divorcee?:
With (or without) children?":
Age range: (From ... To ...)
Asian(indonesian, Malaysian, chinees, Japanees)
ONLY born & brought up in the UK ? No
? Profile Number #293
Gender: Female
Age: 32
Nationality: Kenyan
Ethnicity Arab swahili
BORN in: kenya
A short description of your personality
Firm, caring, smart, clean ,organized ,very shy ,courageous , timid.
Are you a revert to Islam?
Occupation: small business
CURRENT Location: kenya
Willing to marry outside ones ethnicity? yes
Living arrangements after marriage: only spouse
with in-laws, ONLY with spouse or flexible
Prays 5x Salah: Alhamdulillah
Hijab-Niqab/Beard: Niqab
QURAN amount memorised: cant say
Number of Juz(parts),
A bit about you:
Niqabie since 15, Never married !
Your interests or hobbies: Reading ,writing, relaxing, Spending time with friends
Future plans InshaaAllah ?
Marital Status: single
Previously married or not ? No
Any Children? (List their ages): No
Any disabilities? No
Accept Divorcee?: depends
With (or without) children?": without kids
Accept islamic polygyny No
Muslim, upholds tawheed.
Good manners , knows how to treat a wife
Financially and physically able
Attractive ,tall,
Prefer someone who speaks arabic
Age range: (From ... To ...) 23-37
Height:5.6 - minimum
Education: any
Ethnicity: any
Hijab/Beard: beard
? Profile Number #272
Gender: Female
Age: 18
Height: 5 ft 10/11
Nationality: British
BORN in: West Midlands
Raised in: UK
Highest Qualifications: GCSES, currently on Lvl 3 Diploma
Ethnicity Sudanese
Are you a revert to Islam? Born in a Muslim family ولله الحمد
CURRENT Location: Leicester
Willing to marry outside ones ethnicity? Yes
Consider reverts? I would personally, would have to consider my family’s wishes too.
Living arrangements after marriage:
Get own place with spouse or wait until we find place together
Prays 5x Salah: Yes الحمد لله
Scholars listened to: Shaykh Al Albani, Shaykh Ibn Bāz, Shaykh Muqbil, Shaykh Ibn Uthaymeen, Shaykh Al Fawzān, Shaykh Sulaymān ar-Ruhayli, Shaykh Abdus Salām Ash-Shuway’ir.
Hijab-Niqab/Beard: Niqab & Gloves الحمد لله
QURAN amount memorised:
Different suwar in different ajzā: Surat Al Mulk until beginning of Surat ul Jinn, Al Fajr until An-Nās. First couple āyāt of Surat ul Baqarah, Ayat ul Kursi ofc & last 2 āyāt.
A bit about you: I have been seeking knowledge in different topics of the deen الحمد لله, my favourite topics would probably be aqeedah & tafseer. I hope to carry on memorising the Quran & seeking knowledge more seriously for the rest of my life. I hate backbiting & foul speech, non-beneficial talk & love conversations about the deen & beneficial matters even if it’s dunya. A homebody, but I like to go out sometimes, mainly to the masjid & visiting family & friends. I’m between introverted & extroverted but have found being more introverted is more comfortable for me & better for my imaan. I see myself as lighthearted, I like to have a laugh, be spontaneous & optimistic towards life & will be serious when needed.
Your interests or hobbies: Seeking knowledge, baking, entrepreneurship & businesses I could do from home, going on walks, reading, trying new foods, travelling, helping the masjid from time to time in giving reminders or helping with events & lessons.
Future plans InshaaAllah ?
Finish my studies in Saudi, make hijrah & get a job to be good to my parents & family, get married, travel to seek knowledge, give dawah especially to my community & help my family make hijrah
Marital Status: Single
Previously married or not ? No
Any disabilities? No
Willing to relocate? Only to Saudi
Radius within UK: -
Willing to move abroad: Yes, for hijrah & seeking knowledge
Consider spouse that currently lives OUTSIDE of the U.K. ? Yes, if in Saudi or they want to move there
Accept Divorcee?: Yes, would have to talk about this though
With (or without) children?": Don’t have straight answer, would have to talk about this
Accept islamic polygyny
Not against, but needs discussion in meetings
Age range: 20 & above
Height: 6 ft or above
Education: Has/studying a degree
Location: Saudi or wants to move/travel there
Ethnicity: Any - may have to talk to my wali to get to know you more, if you’re not African or Arab.
Hijab/Beard: Beard
ONLY born & brought up in the UK? No can be from anywhere
Any other criteria that you prefer:
Non negotiable:
Willing to let me seek knowledge, finish my secular studies, work in halal/from home to provide for my family if needed. Doesn’t do unnecessary tasweer/defaces tasweer if he has them, no movies/shows & someone who frees himself from evil, even if it’s against himself. Knows/learning Arabic & wants to raise kids to learn it.
Patient, understanding, merciful, loving, honest, advising & supportive of khayr, family oriented. Someone who has aspirations to seek knowledge for the rest of their life, aiming to be a scholar & to give dawah even if it’s just in family. Someone who is ambitious, smart & doesn’t like wasting time.
? Profile Number #271
Ethnicity:British tunisian
Age :18
Height 6 foot
About: i am a brother who's starting to seek knowledge and preferably make hijrah (saudi Arabia most likely)
I follow the quran and sunna with the understanding of the salaf and go to the masjid almost daily as i have one round the corner from me.
I study IT Level 3.
I have a thobe company which I'm trying to build and invest into
I also have qualifications for manual labour which I plan to pursue part-time with my studies as my main form of income
I have some medical need which can be discussed further upon request
Scholars/shaykhs I often listen to:
Bin baz
Bin uthaymeen
Saleh al Fawzan
Ibn taymiyyah
Ibn qayyim
Muhammad in Abdul wahab
(and many others)
? Profile Number #270
Gender: Female
Age : 26
Ethnicity: Somali
Martial status: single
Location: London
Willing to make Hijrah:* Yes
About me:
I’m a sister who follows the Quran and the sunnah upon the understanding of the salaf. I generally would describe myself as caring, kind, and patient. I’m able to be calm under stressful situations due to the teachings of certain ayats and hadiths as well as experiences in my personal life which has led me to adopt this mindset.
What I am Looking for in a potential spouse:
I’m seeking a spouse who fulfils his duties as a Muslim. A spouse who is generous and kind hearted and who has the same goals of trying to learn Arabic and memorise the Quran so that we can support each other in this beautiful journey . A person who has good akhlaq and is patient and understanding, someone who is humble and is easygoing and Someone who has an sincere intention of making hijrah.
An impressive Friday Khutbah today By Ustadh Abu Atiyah
The correct conduct with your Lord in private and in public
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- اهلا بك في سورس بلاك .
- لطلب تمويل القنوات : @xxx1x
- قناة التمويل : @nnnon
- لطلب التمويل : @ossss
- فريق الدعم - @TwSLBlackBot
- انستا https://instagram.com/DS1
Last updated 2 months, 1 week ago
بعض القصص لا تنتهي أبداً 🖤.
- لطلب تمويل تواصل ← : @ooooow
- قناة التمويلات : @xxxxzz
Last updated 3 weeks, 1 day ago
Last updated 8 months, 3 weeks ago