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Last updated 4 months, 4 weeks ago
Your easy, fun crypto trading app for buying and trading any crypto on the market.
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Last updated 4 months, 3 weeks ago
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Collaboration - @taping_Guru
Last updated 1 month ago
Learn to fight alone,
Depend on yourself.
Stay strong and tolerate the hardships for your own good.
It's your life,
Your responsibility,
Your choice,
And your success.
یاد بگیر تنها بجنگی،
به خودت متکی باش.
قوی بمون و از پا درنیا
و سختیها رو برای خیر و صلاح خودت تحمل کن.
این زندگی خودته،
مسئولیتش هم با خودته،
انتخاب خودته،
و همینطور موفقیتش مال خودته
Success doesn’t happen overnight. It happens through an accumulation of tasks you accomplish each and every day. Make it a habit to succeed.
موفقیت یک شبه به دست نمی آید.
از طریق انباشته شدن کارهایی که هر روز انجام می دهید اتفاق می افتد.
موفقیت را به یک عادت تبدیل کنید.
I don't question when something doesn't work out anymore. If it messes up, it messes up. If things go smoothly, they go smoothly. If a person leaves, I'll hold the door wide open. If they decide to stay, I'll make the best out of it. There's no point in stressing about what life has in store for me. What's mine will be mine. If it doesn't work out, then I'm thankful and appreciative for the lesson and ready for what's to come.
وقتی یه چیزی دیگه عین سابق نیست زیر سؤال نمیبرمش و پیگیرش نمیشم.
اگه چیزی خراب شده باشه، بههرحال خراب میشه. اگه همهچی خوب باشه، همهچی خوب پیش میره. اگه کسی بخواد ترکم کنه، در رو تا آخر باز نگه میدارم واسش. اگه تصمیم به موندن بگیره، دوبرابرش رو براش جبران میکنم. اصلاً معنی نداره که بهخاطر اتفاقات احتمالی زندگی به خودم استرس بدم. چیزی که مال منه، مال منم میمونه. اگه خوب پیش نرفت، از اینکه یه درس گرفتم خیلی قدردانم و خدا رو شکر میکنم و برای چیزای آتی آمادهام.
The Old man And whisky
Harry did not stop his car at some traffic-lights when they were red, and he hit another car. Harry
jumped out and went to it. There was an old man in the car. He was very frightened and said to
Harry, "what are you doing? You nearly killed me.!"
"yes" Harry answered, "I'm very sorry." He took a bottle out of his car and said ,"Drink some of
this. then you'll feel better." He gave the man some whisky, and the man drank it ,but then he
shouted again, "you nearly killed me!"
Harry gave him the bottle again, and the old man drank a lot of the whisky. Then he smiled and
said to Harry ,"Thank you .I feel much better now .but why aren't you drinking?"
"oh, well" Harry answered ,"I don’t want any whisky now. I'm going to sit here and wait for the police."
Be soft. Do not let the world make you hard. Do not let pain make you hate. Do not let the bitterness steal your sweetness.
مهربون باش.
نذار دنیا تو رو سخت کنه.
نذار درد باعث نفرت تو بشه.
نذار تلخی شیرینی تو رو بدزده.
The cautious captain of a small ship had to go along a coast with which he was unfamiliar , so he
tried to find a qualified pilot to guide him. He went ashore in one of the small ports where his
ship stopped, and a local fisherman pretended that he was one because he needed some money.
The captain took him on board and let him tell him where to steer the ship.
After half an hour the captain began to suspect that the fisherman did not really know what he
was doing or where he was going so he said to him,' are you sure you are a qualified pilot?
'Oh, yes' answered the fisherman .'I know every rock on this part of the coast.'
Suddenly there was a terrible tearing sound from under the ship.
At once the fisherman added," and that's one of them."
از روزِت
نهایتِ استفاده رو ببر...
Be honest, you may sleep better.
Be kind, you may be remembered.
Be humble, you may be wrong.
Be forgiving, you may feel lighter.
Be generous, world may reciprocate.
Be optimistic, you may do a lot more.
Be self-aware, you may be seen more.
Be yourself, you will be much happier.
صادق باش، شاید بهتر بخوابی.
مهربان باش، شاید به خاطر بیای.
متواضع باش، ممکنه اشتباه کنی.
بخشنده باش، ممکنه احساس سبکی کنی.
سخاوتمند باش، ممکنه دنیا متقابل عمل کنه.
خوشبین باش، ممکنه کارهای بیشتری انجام بدی.
خودآگاه باش، ممکنه بیشتر دیده بشی.
خودت باش، خیلی شادتر خواهی بود.
Dream big, work hard,stay focused and surround yourself with good people.
روياهاى بزرگ داشته باش، سخت كار كن، متمركز بمون و دور خودت رو با آدمهاى خوب احاطه كن.
Community chat:
Last updated 4 months, 4 weeks ago
Your easy, fun crypto trading app for buying and trading any crypto on the market.
📱 App: @Blum
🆘 Help: @BlumSupport
ℹ️ Chat: @BlumCrypto_Chat
Last updated 4 months, 3 weeks ago
Turn your endless taps into a financial tool.
Join @tapswap_bot
Collaboration - @taping_Guru
Last updated 1 month ago