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1 month, 1 week ago

10 key takeaways from the book
Surrounded by Idiots Patrick Tawfik

  1. Four Personality Types : ? Red (Dominant), ? Yellow (Influential), ? Blue (Conscientious), ? Green (Steady).
    Example : When dealing with a Red person, be direct and get to the point. With a Yellow, be enthusiastic and engage them in conversation.

  2. Communicate Based on Personality : ? Tailor your communication style to match the person’s type.
    Example : A Blue type prefers detailed instructions, while a Green type appreciates a more patient, calm approach.

  3. Reds are Results-Oriented : ? They thrive on challenges and efficiency.
    Example : Give a Red a specific goal to meet within a tight deadline. They'll likely rise to the challenge.

  4. Yellows Seek Social Connections : ? They enjoy lively environments and positive feedback.
    Example : Engage them in brainstorming sessions where ideas can flow freely.

  5. Blues Value Precision and Order : ? They need structure and facts to feel comfortable.
    Example : When presenting to a Blue, use data and provide clear instructions.

  6. Greens Focus on Harmony : ? They prefer stability and avoid confrontation.
    Example : Offer them reassurance and avoid pressuring them into quick decisions.

  7. Be Aware of Your Own Type : ? Understand your personality and how it affects your interactions.
    Example : If you’re a Red, try to slow down when dealing with Greens, as they may need more time.

  8. Adaptability is Key : ? Flexibility in your approach leads to more effective communication.
    Example : Switch gears when a Yellow starts losing focus—inject enthusiasm or change the subject to keep their attention.

  9. Handling Conflict : ⚡️ Recognize how each type handles stress to manage conflicts better.
    Example : Reds may become aggressive under stress, so approach with a calm, solution-oriented mindset.

  10. Building Stronger Teams : ? Understanding these types can help build balanced, more effective teams.
    Example : Pair a Blue with a Yellow for tasks requiring creativity and precision—they’ll complement each other well.

These insights can help us recognize personality types and improve communication in both personal and professional settings!

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2 months ago

Atomic Habits Book Summary ? 

1. The Fundamentals of Habits  
   -   The Habit Loop  : ? Cue, Craving, Response, Reward
     -   Cue  : ? A trigger that initiates the habit.
     -   Craving  : ? The desire or motivation to act.
     -   Response  : ? The actual habit or action.
     -   Reward  : ? The benefit gained, reinforcing the habit loop.
   -   The Power of Tiny Gains  : ? Small, 1% improvements can compound over time to yield significant results.
   -   The Plateau of Latent Potential  : The idea that results may not be immediately visible, but persistence leads to breakthroughs.

2. The Four Laws of Behavior Change  
   -   Make It Obvious (Cue)   ?
     - Strategies: Habit stacking, designing your environment to support habits.
     - Example: If you want to start reading, ? place a book on your pillow to make it visible.
   -   Make It Attractive (Craving)  
     - Strategies: Use temptation bundling (pairing an action you want to do with an action you need to do), surround yourself with people who have the habits you desire.
     - Example: Pair exercise ?️‍♂️ with listening to a podcast ? you enjoy.
   -   Make It Easy (Response)   ?
     - Strategies: Reduce friction, start with a small action, optimize your environment to minimize effort.
     - Example: If you want to start flossing ?, begin with just one tooth.
   -   Make It Satisfying (Reward)   ?
     - Strategies: Use immediate rewards, keep track of your progress, set up a habit tracker.
     - Example: Use a calendar ? to mark every day you complete your habit.

3. Breaking Bad Habits  
   -   Inversion of the Four Laws   ?
     -   Make It Invisible (Reduce Cue)   ?: Remove triggers.
     -   Make It Unattractive (Reduce Craving)   ?: Reframe your mindset to see the drawbacks.
     -   Make It Difficult (Reduce Response)   ?: Increase friction for bad habits.
     -   Make It Unsatisfying (Reduce Reward)   ?: Use accountability to prevent indulgence in bad habits.

4. The Role of Identity  
   -   Focus on Identity, Not Outcomes   ?: Build habits that align with the person you want to become, rather than focusing solely on goals.
   -   The Two-Minute Rule   ⏲️: Scale down your desired habit to something that can be done in two minutes or less to make it manageable.
   -   Identity-Based Habits   ?: Develop habits by asking, "Who do I wish to become?" rather than "What do I want to achieve?"

5. Advanced Strategies  
   -   Habit Tracking   ?: Keeping a record of your habits to maintain momentum and accountability.
   -   Habit Contracts   ✍️: Create social or personal contracts to ensure adherence to habits.
   -   Continuous Improvement   ?: Focus on mastering habits through deliberate practice and reflection.

6. The Power of Environment  
   -   Context-Dependent Memory   ?: The environment plays a crucial role in triggering habits.
   -   Redesign Your Space   ?️: Arrange your surroundings to encourage good habits and discourage bad ones.

7. Summary and Key Takeaways  
   -   Small changes lead to big results   ?: Focus on 1% improvements.
   -   System over Goals   ?️: Rely on systems rather than outcome-based goals to create sustainable habits.
   -   Identity Shaping   ?: Let your desired identity drive your habits.

2 months, 2 weeks ago

1. Must have EMERGENCY FUND - enough for 6 months of expenses/current lifestyle.
2. SAVE MONEY and MONEY WILL SAVE YOU. Don't save what is left after spending. Only spend what is left after saving.
3. Best to have ZERO DEBT, if you can't pay cash, you CAN'T AFFORD it, nothing beats PEACE OF MIND.
4. Avoid unnecessary spending, forget sale price, everything is 100% off when you don't buy it. Don't waste your money on things that you don't need, even if they are cheap. EVERY PESO COUNTS!
5. Learn to BUDGET - it is telling your money where to go instead of wondering where it went!
6. If we buy things that we don't need, we will have to SELL THINGS THAT WE NEED.
7. PRETENDING TO BE RICH can make us poor. Must learn to live BELOW MEANS. Don't go broke trying to look rich.
8. MONEY IS NOT EVERYTHING, but we cannot deny the fact that we NEED money for our FAMILY.
9. Always have a BACK-UP PLAN for life's uncertainties.
Start having your personal LIFE INSURANCE with INVESTMENT.
10. Let's break the TOXIC FAMILY CULTURE about
FINANCES. Your children is not your retirement fund, and your parents is not your emergency fund.
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4 months ago

Wise words.mp3

4 months ago
When the Titanic sank, it carried …

When the Titanic sank, it carried millionaire John Jacob Astor IV. The money in his bank account was enough to build 30 Titanics. However, faced with mortal danger, he chose what he deemed morally right and gave up his spot in a lifeboat to save two frightened children.
Millionaire Isidor Straus, co-owner of the largest American chain of department stores, "Macy's," who was also on the Titanic, said:
"I will never enter a lifeboat before other men."
His wife, Ida Straus, also refused to board the lifeboat, giving her spot to her newly appointed maid, Ellen Bird. She decided to spend her last moments of life with her husband.
These wealthy individuals preferred to part with their wealth, and even their lives, rather than compromise their moral principles. Their choice in favor of moral values highlighted the brilliance of human civilization and human nature.
credit: Paulyn Pickle

4 months, 1 week ago

Just reaching out to let you know that someone cares about you and thinks you’re special. Have a wonderful day.

5 months ago


  1. Always keep your word - if you make a promise, keep it.

  2. Respect women - treat them with dignity and respect.

  3. Take care of your appearance - dress appropriately and maintain good hygiene.

  4. Be honest - don't lie or deceive others.

  5. Show respect for elders - listen to their advice and guidance.

  6. Be loyal - stand by your friends and family.

  7. Be responsible - take ownership of your actions and their consequences.

  8. Be self-sufficient - learn to take care of yourself.

  9. Learn to forgive - holding grudges only hurts you in the long run.

  10. Be humble - don't brag or boast about your accomplishments.

  11. Be patient - good things come to those who wait.

  12. Don't be a bully - treat others with kindness and compassion.

  13. Be a good listener - pay attention to what others are saying.

  14. Be a good communicator - express yourself clearly and effectively.

  15. Be confident - believe in yourself and your abilities.

  16. Act with integrity - do the right thing, even when no one is watching.

  17. Be disciplined - have self-control and focus on your goals.

  18. Show gratitude - appreciate the people and things in your life.

  19. Be open-minded - consider different perspectives and ideas.

  20. Be a lifelong learner - never stop growing and improving yourself...


5 months ago
Book Summary
5 months, 2 weeks ago

"The Last Lecture" by Randy Pausch, with Jeffrey Zaslow, is a poignant and inspirational book based on Randy Pausch's final lecture before his passing. Here are 25 key takeaways from the book :

1.  Live in the Moment : ? Embrace the present and cherish each moment of life.

2.  Chase Your Dreams : Pursue your dreams and aspirations with passion and determination.

3.  Value Relationships : ?‍?‍?‍? Prioritize relationships and cherish the people in your life.

4.  Be Grateful : ? Cultivate a mindset of gratitude for the blessings in your life.

5.  Seek Fulfillment, Not Success : ? Focus on finding fulfillment rather than chasing external markers of success.

6.  Embrace Challenges : ? See challenges as opportunities for growth and learning.

7.  Maintain a Sense of Humor : ? Approach life with humor and lightheartedness, even in difficult times.

8.  Take Responsibility : ? Take ownership of your actions and choices in life.

9.  Keep Learning : ? Stay curious and continue learning throughout your life.

10.  Inspire Others : ? Be an inspiration to others through your actions and words.

11.  Persevere in Adversity : ? Stay resilient and persevere through adversity and setbacks.

12.  Live with Integrity : ? Align your actions with your values and principles.

13.  Find Joy in Small Things : ? Appreciate the beauty of everyday moments and small pleasures.

14.  Be Authentic : ? Be true to yourself and embrace your uniqueness.

15.  Leave a Legacy : ? Create a positive impact and leave behind a meaningful legacy.

16.  Forgive Others : ? Practice forgiveness and let go of resentments to free yourself.

17.  Celebrate Achievements : ? Acknowledge and celebrate your accomplishments, big and small.

18.  Take Risks : ? Step out of your comfort zone and take calculated risks to grow.

19.  Focus on Solutions : ? Shift your focus towards finding solutions rather than dwelling on problems.

20.  Stay Optimistic : Maintain a positive outlook on life and believe in possibilities.

21.  Live with Purpose : ? Define your purpose and live with intentionality.

22.  Value Time : Cherish time and make the most of each day.

23.  Cultivate Resilience : ? Develop emotional resilience to navigate life's challenges.

24.  Express Love : ❤️ Show love and kindness to others in meaningful ways.

25.  Carpe Diem (Seize the Day) : ? Embrace life fully and make the most of every opportunity.

These takeaways encapsulate the profound wisdom and life lessons shared by Randy Pausch in "The Last Lecture," encouraging readers to live authentically, embrace challenges, and cherish the gift of life.

5 months, 3 weeks ago

"The Success Principles" by Jack Canfield is a comprehensive guide to achieving success and fulfillment in various areas of life. Here are 25 key takeaways from the book :

1.  Take 100% Responsibility : ? Own your life and outcomes by taking full responsibility for your actions, choices, and results.

2.  Clarify Your Vision : ? Define clear goals and create a compelling vision for your ideal future.

3.  Believe in Yourself : ? Cultivate unshakable self-confidence and belief in your abilities.

4.  Develop a Success Mindset : ? Adopt a mindset of success and abundance; think and act like a successful person.

5.  Set Clear Goals : ? Set specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) goals.

6.  Create Action Plans : ? Break down your goals into actionable steps and create concrete plans to achieve them.

7.  Continuous Learning : ? Commit to lifelong learning and personal development.

8.  Seek Feedback and Adjust : ? Be open to feedback, learn from failures, and adjust your approach accordingly.

9.  Practice Persistence : ?‍♂️ Develop resilience and persistence to overcome obstacles and setbacks.

10.  Take Consistent Action : ? Take consistent and focused action towards your goals every day.

11.  Manage Time Effectively : Master time management and prioritize tasks based on importance and urgency.

12.  Develop Positive Habits : ? Cultivate empowering habits that support your success and well-being.

13.  Surround Yourself with Positive Influences : ? Surround yourself with supportive and positive people who uplift and inspire you.

14.  Practice Gratitude : ? Cultivate a gratitude practice to attract more blessings and abundance into your life.

15.  Visualize Success : ?️ Use visualization techniques to mentally rehearse achieving your goals.

16.  Embrace Failure as Feedback : ?? View failure as a learning opportunity and stepping stone towards success.

17.  Build Resilience : ? Develop emotional resilience to bounce back from challenges stronger than before.

18.  Take Calculated Risks : ? Step out of your comfort zone and take calculated risks to grow and achieve more.

19.  Develop Effective Communication Skills : ?️ Learn to communicate assertively and persuasively to build strong relationships.

20.  Network and Build Connections : ? Expand your network and build meaningful connections with others.

21.  Manage Finances Wisely : ? Practice financial discipline and manage your money wisely.

22.  Stay Committed to Personal Growth : ? Commit to continuous personal growth and self-improvement.

23.  Celebrate Achievements : ? Acknowledge and celebrate your successes along the way.

24.  Give Back and Contribute : ? Make a positive impact on others and contribute to causes you believe in.

25.  Live with Purpose and Passion : ? Align your actions with your values and live a purpose-driven life filled with passion and fulfillment.

These principles from Jack Canfield's book provide a roadmap for achieving success, fulfillment, and personal excellence in all areas of life. Applying these principles can lead to transformative results and a more empowered, purposeful existence.

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